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Everything posted by MiniLeopard

  1. I would love to see this back because like people have said staff are not always there but it made the server lag so -Support
  2. I thought we was allowed to shoot trainees that run away? but it doesn't help that you was on Dr. Bright
  3. Like other people have said +Support but needs a map edit, key card scanners can not be added to "wooden" doors.
  4. -Support I don't really see this being a problem in the first place to make a rule against it, unless I am wrong? but also what other people have said. ^^^
  5. +Support Seems like a good idea
  6. -Support Trainees with 2500 hp would be crazy If trainees run away, the trainer can kill them if needed Class d like attacking the trainers/trainees "Not always but does happen" so they need the gun for self defence. If a trainer is killing people without reason like self defence or killing people because they got attacked by mistake please report them to their command "with proof" I don't know about other branches but for security the best people to go to is: Meridian "DHFTO" or Mind Stone "HFTO"
  7. You are cringe for leaving ):<
  8. Karl is when Defcon 1 isn't enough, Karl is a hero who we all need when the time comes.
  9. -Support Poll has been added but it is public, it needs to be private
  10. They could add it to the outer door, just before you enter and see the two wooden doors.
  11. He should of called an admin or just left them alone. And it is up to the staff member if it was a verbal or formal warning. -Support
  12. +Support It wouldn't hurt but it would be easier to add it / teach it when training people.
  13. +Support People are always confused on how to join jobs
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