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[GL] Locus

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Everything posted by [GL] Locus

  1. @Dingle! Wrong topic https://gaminglight.com/forums/forum/844-discord/ put it in that one or get it moved. +Support how ever if true.
  2. +Support was a great NCO when I was an Officer within IF. Was fairly active Was competent enough to figure it out if for what ever reason no one higher was available.
  3. [In-Game Name] Luke/Locus [Call-sign] EE3 [Rank] WO [Which lore squad member are you applying for] M36 (Medical Specialist) [Why do you believe you deserve this position] I believe I should get this position as I have been within medical special forces before on other servers within gaminglight such as I was a genetic specialist within OMI-9 MTF on SCPRP, Medical/Sniper in DF. I also have been on many servers where I did extensive medical roleplay and guarding units. I also have been trained for medical within many serves and generations of medical on this server which is why I believe I am the best fit for this unit. I also believe that I should get this position due to my ability to dedicate a good amount of time on the server getting at least 4-5 hours a day. I have been medical on many servers like I said before and within many units which is the main reason I think I should be this highly skilled unit's medical specialist as I have been within other units that use medical in this role. I have experience with field surgery along with other surgeries and medical operations that could happen at any time. I believe that having this set of skills will allow me to save the VIP and keep the no-fail mission going. I also believe that with my experience IRL as an EMT a few years ago before covid hit will assist me in being an asset to the DT TI-23 unit as a whole and make it so that the unit can perform better and more fluidly. I believe that also I have shown within my training for TI-23 that allowed me to even be able to read this application that I don't complain about the VIP not doing exactly as told and try to work around the VIP instead of hindering what he wants to do. I also believe that during it I showed that I can stay serious when I need to and can break off from being serious when it is not needed and have fun and have a joke with people within the unit and DT as a whole. I also believe that I have shown the ability to learn from any mistake I might have made which makes me a good fit for the team as if we do have a mess up I can fix it and make sure it doesn't happen again. I also believe that me being determined to get better at anything I do whether in real life or in a game will allow me to effectively help this unit out in a better way. I think that I deserve a slot within the unit as well due to me knowing medical RP from many years of doing it from very advanced to very basic medical RP along with combat medical tactics for in-game along with stuff I have been trained on for combat medical by people within my family who have served within the Navy as a corpsman which I believe will help make me a better fit as I have been told how to do some basic first aid from a young age. I also believe that have been told at least medical combat tactics theory will help me within the unit as I can give them ideas for combat medical movements and medical evac tactics that tend to lead to less death. I also have experience with many Special Forces units along with medical I was within medical as a CPT back in 2019-2020 and I have been with IF, DT, IC, Nova (Old Nova and New Nova). I believe that the experiences I have given here also show that I am good at combat and can hold my own within a fight and have been trained in many different things from flying to hacking to medical to engineering to breach. The reasons that I have stated in the 5 paragraphs are the reasons I believe I should get this spot within TI-23. [Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23] Why I wish to be a part of the unit TI-23 is because I believe I can be an asset to it. I also believe that it will be something new and different that will help me become better as a roleplayer and better as a person along with giving me vital experience for when I go on in DT and go higher within the unit called Death Troopers. I also want to be a part of the unit to help make DT better and better and help better the unit as well as I believe that I can assist it in a great way and give them vital medical support as the medic along with the Squad Leader recently got promoted to DT Command and cannot be within that role anymore. I wish to join the unit as well to learn more about DT Lore and gain new talents and learn from the other team members and maybe teach them some tips and tricks as well so we can grow together and become an excellent unit within this server and make it even better and considered a more deadly threat as if I can get the medical spot the unit will have a full set of members besides F16. I believe also if I can get this position TI-23 can better protect its VIPs which is another reason I wish to join this elite unit. I also wish to be a part of this unit to be able to better assist in a way that only a personal medic to the Death Troopers and its VIPs can which is by providing advanced and basic medical support along with equally as effective combat support. [What does Unit TI-23 do] The unit TI-23 is a specialized unit that deals in both protecting highly sensitive VIPs and direct action missions. The unit has 5 members within it which happen to be F16 who is the leader and the figurehead of TI-23, L21 the demolition specialist who deals with getting anything out of the way along with repairing equipment that is mechanical and blasting down doors and rocks along with hacking as he serves as the overall engineer to the unit he also is the person who handles defusion of bombs when connected to VIPs/HVTs. M36 is the medical specialist of the unit who handles medical on VIPs and other DTs on the field and while in combative situations similar to L21 he fixes equipment just within the human variety. C37 the breach and clear member of the unit aka the Close quarter's Combat specialist of the unit his in charge of breaching down doors and dealing with CQC threats better than most other DTs could and is equipped with such gear. V07 is the marksman of the unit and as such he provides overwatch for the rest of the team and helps the team find routes to get to or provides covering firing when needed to help assist the unit in moving across land formations. They all serve different functions within the unit but combine their efforts to become an unstoppable force however they all are each other equals besides F16 who is the squad's leader and is their superior officer. The unit is considered highly redacted how ever so not everything they do or missions they have done is known to the public even most DTs same with the training that each member of the team has gone threw except by the members who have done it to get to the point of writing an application to get within this unit. [How active can you be] I can be on nearly every day for 4-5 hours or more depending on if I have work and other obstacles that could get in the way but however, I will always be on within discord and able to respond with an hour or so if I am needed for a question or anything of that nature. [Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] I understand this fact and wish to continue if I do get chosen
  4. +Support Good at being an NCO Mature
  5. -Support Problem causer from experience Short answers for question 4# below word count In the last week he has gotten 2 warns while on SF. One is for ARDM x2 and KTAP the 2nd one is for KTAP, NCWS (Not complying with Staff), Player disrespect. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198121774665 That is the link to his ban/warn history.
  6. +Support New IF sub unit that will bring more life to IF. Will allow for some more interesting roleplay. Is a memento to the ship that IF uses.
  7. +Support Good guy Pretty trustworthy On everyday for atleast an hour.
  8. -Support Causes problems not really the most cool headed person. Don't show the best example to his troops.
  9. +Support Knows what to do. Great guy to speak with. Solid App Leads very well Wonderful ideas Cool headed commander
  10. -Support Personally I like this change as it makes it easier for the HRT get to the job quickly and everyone knows that HRT is an FBI Unit.
  11. What is your In Game Name? Locus What is your In Current Rank? Special Agent What is your Agent Name? Locus Skaggs How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? 3 weeks. Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words] Why I want to become an officer is pretty simple to help IF in a bigger way. I understand that NCOs tend to be the backbone but I believe that officers also serve that role in helping teach the new NCOs on how to host training and tryouts along with helping make them better people and better assets to the inferno squad unit. I also want to become an officer to become a better asset myself I believe that with my activity of being on nearly every day for 6-7 hours a day I'll be a huge asset to the office corp of inferno squad and to the server. I also want to become an officer to help train the new generation of NCO's and show to other NCOs that getting up the ranks is possible and that anyone can do it no matter the background to the server and experiences they have had. I also believe that if I get the commission to Junior Squad Leader I believe I can get IF to be even more active and encourage the enlisted folk to get on IF more so we can do more fun sims and events with each other and possibly try to get missions set up for us to do as a unit. I also believe that if I get officer I can help bring a new era to Inferno squad a brighter one where we all share a bright future I can see IF being one of the bigger and stronger units like before in the old days of IF. How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank? [100+ Words] I can assist inferno command by being active and friendly and making people want to become IF to get the ranks and to become NCO's and officers to show people that IF is fun and can be fun to the public. I can also bring my some what friendly feel and motivate people to join IF or at least look at IF as a valid option to join and attempt to join it. I also can assist IF in watching the enlisted even more than I already do and helping promote them so they don't get bored and leave IF or give recommendations to my superiors to promote people who I myself am not allowed to promote myself. I can also help bring the best out of IF and help bring the best out of the IF Command team by being active and helping IF in any way I can as an officer and doing sims that the enlisted and NCO's in IF find fun and that will make them wish to stay on IF at all times for if they get hosted. I also will bring my experiences within Imperial RP and Police RP as a command member and enlisted folk along with my NCO experiences to help the officers of IF make better choices and bring another view on topics when I am asked about them to help figure out what to do with someone such as if they are on the edge of promotions/demotions or punishment and they ask for officers opinions. How many strikes do you have? 0 Do you have any prior experience in being an officer/leading? If so explain. Yes, I was an Inferno Squad Squad Leader, Engineering Captain, Shock STF Major, Naval LT, IQ Colonel I also have experience from PRP as an FBI DAD which is considered a starting level command rank, PD Major which is one of the last ranks of low command along with other tactical teams ranks before. What Qualifications could you bring too the Inferno Squad Officer Team? I am active, Respectful, Mature, Friendly, hard working, and I help motivate people when they need it to be better and think of new ideas and plans. I can also bring my qualifications that I have gotten from experience such as knowing how to handle people (Problem solving). Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period? (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes.
  12. What is your In Game Name? Locus What is your In Current Rank? Deputy Agent What is your Agent Name? Locus Skaggs How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? 3 days this current time. Why Do You Want To Become An NCO? [100+ Words] I want to become an inferno Squad NCO due to my experience within the inferno squad and I have noticed that not many NCO's happen to be active late at night such as times 11 PM to 4-5 AM EST. I also want to become an NCO in Inferno Squad because I have been at this rank and higher before when I was in IF for the first time back in 2020 and when I was in IF back in 2021. I also want to become it to help teach more people on the tactics I've learned over the years and help them learn from my experiences in the past of what works and what doesn't. I also want to lead squads of IF in meetings and help IF become one of the best units within the server and make the people within it better than they already happen to be. I also believe that I can meet tryout counts by six-fold like I have before and I believe I can meet this as I use to do them by sixfold before I left nearly a year ago now or so. I also want to become an IF NCO so I can help out other NCO's and officers with suggestions on what I've seen and helping them out with anything they need assistance in that I can help with. How could you assist Inferno Squad with this rank? [50+ Words] How I can assist Inferno squad with the NCO rank is pretty simple I can do tryouts nearly every day and help us get IF back on its feet more so we can show the server we truly can be called black operations and not just a unit to take up space that doesn't show good activity. I believe that getting NCO assists IF in every way as NCOs tend to be the backbone for the recruitment and tryout processes along with helping out-train other new agents and giving them experiences. I also believe if I get NCO I can assist the officers and other NCO's during missions and later at night when there are fewer NCO's and officers but Enlisted members of the unit. How many strikes do you have? None Do you have any experience being an NCO/leading? If so explain. Yes, I was within 65th Engineering as a CPT, and I have been within IF in two different times as an NCO and Officer. I also have been a command member within many units on other GL servers such as OMI-9 MTF as a SSGT and I was within the FBI as DAD which is an officer rank or low command rank within that server. I also was within HRT and SRT before these units are tactical units elite in nature and doing missions to get hostages or interrogate I was a HRT SFC which is a mid-level NCO and a SRT SSGT which is also a mid-level NCO. I was also a Naval LT before. I have experience within Leading also from IQ/Purge when I was an Overseer/Colonel. What Qualifications could you bring to the Inferno Squad NCO Team? My experience within Lead tactical teams, Experience from being in many units such as SF, DT, IQ, Purge, Engineering, Naval, IF. I can also bring my experiences in breaching tactics that I have from both my time IRL and my time in-game testing new stuff and learning stuff from different commanders who I've met over the years. I also can bring my experience of being patient and understanding not everyone learns the same way. I can also bring my maturity and motivational skills to the NCO team. Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 1 Week Trial Period? (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes, I understand.
  13. I am going to imperial and plan to main that which means sadly I won't have time for FBI. @kale Your a kale @Lime King Floppa task force?? @phil You gave me a new home after SCU died. @Spoon Your a good guy and I hope you go places in FBI. @zigmund you were a nice guy @ChilledGod I got command see. @kevin Your a kevin. Anyone else: if I didn't mention you its not because I didn't like you or have much to say but I decided to cut it short.
  14. -Support So the only things you'll need to work on for me to +support is your maturity in game and your ability to work as a team along with try to be a bit more active in the forums.
  15. +Support The jobs name is legit hitman so it having the hitman swep would be nice.
  16. -Support Argumentify Not super active. Not mature.
  17. -/+ Support The reason I am doing -/+ is I helped dev for a server that used this type of thing and it can get out of hand due to the amount of players we wouldn't have enough houses unless we move to a map that is big enough. If the map was big enough or only certain houses could be rented I would agree. But if they can but anything it won't work out due to numbers of players to houses.
  18. -Support Do to my understanding of this situation if log said you instigated 3 different fights that lead to 3 different deaths within the time period of the report it is RDM You even said "Yes I should have called staff on the players killing/annoying me." which means you knew that if you kepted killing them for annoying you it would lead to a warn. "I started killing these them both before they could kill me or my car again." This sounds like them breaking NLR but you also revenge RDMing them as they didn't do anything to you which they could consider RDM. the only thing I see wrong in this sit is that player 1 didn't get warned for trying to kill or killing you. How ever this is all just a story with no hard proof being shown that it wasn't RDMed. Echo's side according to her is that you guys changed your reaction after a warn and jail was already given out which is to late to change their mind. Conclusion: I believe both parties should of been warned but I wasn't there to see it live.
  19. -Support While I believe you could be a good major you sorta went off the grid for a while and still aren't completely back on the grid.
  20. -Support Its been like this for years and has worked for years. There is many ways to avoid EMP grenades by spacing or so on.
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