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[GL] Locus

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Everything posted by [GL] Locus

  1. -Support You were getting in the way of an arrest that was being done after he assaulted an officer. That is considered OoJ. "Obstruction of justice is a federal offense that involves attempting to impede or delay justice" You were attempting to delay and impede an arrest on a guy who assaulted a Federal Agent working under the ATF SRT Banner. You there for were now considered a suspect with the other person and were there for arrested before you could cause anymore delay or impeding to the arrest. I warned you that you were going to get arrested for OoJ if you don't stop getting the way and you kepted doing it. You were given an ample warning that you chose to ignore and you got charged with OoJ. As you see at 0:04 you were 1 inch from a taser shot that was fired which put you in my line of fire that is the first time. At 0:08 you got between me and him again to switch your camera view for some reason. After you were now charging me with him which now puts you as ethier assisting him by obstructing my ability to complete my duties without fear for my safety and others. You kepted staying right next to him even after the warning to move away from him or you will be arrested for OoJ. Edit: I would also like to add I believe this may be him trying to target me as I -Supported his warn appeal.
  2. -Support Two wrong's don't make a right. Should of reported him for breaking the rules instead of breaking them your self. If you have proof he broke the rules I would suggest you make a forums post against him. But your a long time player you should know better.
  3. -Support SWAT has always been the better cars than SRT and more into team tactics compared to SRT which has been Speed and Armor. DF is Cars and 4 primiarys. We all have our own perks.
  4. -/+ Support More -Support The reason for the - part is because photon can be easily abused with certain light bar patterns and tends to be something we don't really look at most of the time. We would need to change alot of cars. While Photon does have within the last few months gotten more cars and trucks that use it I do believe that it would lead to a mess. I will say one perk is this system imo is more RP styled and interesting. At the end of the day I would like photon but I don't see why the server would switch back to photon. I will say this that in some recuirtment pictures for departments they do use this engine.
  5. -Support Gov mains will just become poorer and poorer. Most times crims have a hostage they are robbing gen stores or bank so they make extra money because a hostage if done right can basically buy them the time to rob the bank or gen store plus get money for the hostage.
  6. +Support Its a bit sad since I know some can handle it but I've seen over time people will get a position that is higher in one department and just ignor their other ones. With the same excuse that I used at one point which is I just don't have time right now but I will eventually. Eventually only comes after resigning from one of the positions you hold so you actually have time. Also just making you aware HRT is a sub not a main.
  7. What you want to see? - A new MAP ethier the one I suggested or just something other than rockford. Why should we add it? - Because it'll add a change of pace. What are the advantages of having this? - It might bring back some players as it'll be a new map which is why some people have gotten burned out over the months. Rockford is a good map but it has gotten old due to how long we've been on it. I also think that with the map being changed it could allow for more RP instead of the current way where its just the same loop of gen stores and bank or just nothing because everyone is on the AFK team. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1526892946
  8. -Support The whole reason we can kill them is because its meant to be a punishment to them and annoyance they have to deal with.
  9. +Support Plat does cost a pretty penny so it would be nice to have some Plat only cars.
  10. +/- Support Only warn for FearRP I have watched the clip 6 times and can't see this barret.
  11. -Support I am sorry man but you have caused some issues before and your just not that active. Get your activity up and prove your more mature then you were before.
  12. What you want to see? - I wish to see dispatch added back as maybe even a sub unit of PD or its own thing. Why should we add it? - Because we have a new MDT system that was released a bit ago that I believe would allow dispatch to actually be decent at doing dispatch. What are the advantages of having this? - This would make the radio not a cluster of just every single person at once talken over people. This happens at to negotiators during hostage situations to many times to count and dispatch can help avoid that. We also have dispatch teams now so it'll be easy to organize people via that as well as us having the gps map which will make it easier for dispatch to organize units and we won't have the problem dispatch had before of us just generally not knowing if they did what we asked and responded to a scene or if to many people responded to a scene. It'll also allow us to have more RP. (I know this is a long shot but ey I think it has lots of advantages and very little to any draw backs. ) TLDR: More RP, Less radio clutter, We actually have a purpose for them. Who is it mainly for? - Gov Links to any content - N/A
  13. What you want to see? - I wish to see us changing the map we are currently on. Why should we add it? - Because Rockford is getting a bit old its a good map just we been on it for a bit. What are the advantages of having this? - We might get more players on PoliceRP and the server will generally have a little less of a burn out feelings which is hurting the player count a bit. Such as maybe we go back to Truenorth or Great Lake side/ Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A
  14. -support. I don't believe that this would change anything and see this as something that isn't needed as 50 MPH is still a speed that not every car can do. I also would like to say that if it does say something in the MOTD for a certain speed this should be a bug report so ey.
  15. +Support. While I do agree that officers should maybe get a cut of pay from a ticket just so we can make income like within the old ticket system. I think it should be going to the officer who is given the tickets out as they are the ones doing the work and it'll encourage people to do RP and give out tickets when people breaks laws instead of just arresting them.
  16. -support I like the tablet alot better in general and the ticket book was easy to abuse and generally has more limitations then the tablet
  17. -Support We did this before or something similar and it was used for a few days than just not used by anyone for weeks before getting removed. Honestly would say that the reason is people more wanta just rob stuff than just RP as a city employee for trash/construction.
  18. -Support Heavy jobs tend to have more armor and a gun with high fire rate and high capacity so it makes sense for them to be slower. In-fact I might suggest even making some of the heavy classes slower.
  19. -Support. 1. We aren't a Dark RP. 2. This I can see causing many issues as it will allow people to RDM for no reason and will not really enhance RP in any way. 3. The Purge events are mostly SMT events for when something is changing half the time anyhow so I don't think this is a good idea in general.
  20. -Support People have spent their own time getting to ranks that get this tool. The tool can be countered by just not standing in one place. I don't know how your getting 5 nades hitting you at once as when I'm on during prime hours we normally have just 1 EHC who is using frags.
  21. +Support Gives RP wouldn't cause any issues I can think of.
  22. -Support Tbh not worth it. Civilians already have alot of cars. Honestly would like to see some suggestions maybe for more gov cars but ey.
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