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[GL] Locus

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Everything posted by [GL] Locus

  1. -Support Once you call EMS you can call staff with /report or hitting the F# button to do it. They would need to redo the script most likely that we use for respawning when EMS is.
  2. +Support for the EMS part. The other stuff with people just standing outside of a base isn't techly against any rules that I'm aware of.
  3. -Support As far as I can tell you were being detained which is what a traffic stop is at the end of the day. You failed to ID when asked many different times along with jumping out of the vehicle mid traffic stop. Which most officers would of tazed you and slaped cuffs on you for doing that alone. You could of brought the argument up in game to a higher officer or asked for a supervisor while still complying with his request for you to hand over your license and other good stuff. At the end of the day you were going to be arrested once that Captain confirmed you did in fact ram his cruiser. I also am seeing that you want to get a reaction from him to make your friend Dj_caz's report look better. For all of that I am going to -support this as in game it was handled generally in a horrible way by your side and some what his side but he at the end of the day does have a point in which you did pass him on the right side while you were off roading. At the end of the day this report seems a bit petty and generally isn't a staffing matter and is more of an In RP report to his higher ups. Also just saying what you did could be considered cop-bait as you were attempting to get a reaction from him by flying past him while you were going off the road.
  4. What you want to see? - This map maybe added into the map rotation or maybe a variation of it Why should we add it? - Because its an interesting map and would have government patrolling a different type of environment and allow for criminals to have more general RP. What are the advantages of having this? - Will allow the government to learn to handle more urban situations than right now. Will allow for more RP to be added by generally having People RP as airport staff or generally any other RP that could be done. Will allow a change in the environment and the map isn't just a big circle. TLDR: Not a repetitive map, different environment, More stuff to RP as if people wanted to RP as something. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2574998259&searchtext=Rp
  5. -Support Without context from the whole arrest it isn't exactly sure what happened to lead to this convo. What he said might of been out of pocket but by far not racist from what I can see.
  6. -Support. That is a European police car and not even a real car its just a dupe.
  7. -Support So you reported him and made a big song and dance and you don't' want anything to happen to him? I am fairly sure no one out side of the Asian/Australia/New-Zealand side of the world even knows about Maori. " for years Maori people accents have been mocked we were forced to sit at the back of the bus made fun of we were treated as jokes as second class citizens in our own country by white people and still to this day people like mj think its ok to mock us and bullying us. to this day their are studies shown that Maori people still experience racisms every day and this is just another form of it thinking we are jokes for how we talk. also sorry English isn't my first language" You are trying to weaponize this racism to use it for your own benefit if anything that is the most disrespectful thing you could be doing if you really cared and wanted to changed it you would teach people about your culture not just have someone who "mocks your accent" which is pretty common in America considering that many people here have different accents depending on what part of the country they lived so people naturally change their accent easily. You were also goating him to get a reaction from him to start with after he already released you guys. "i just want him to learn that maori people aren't a joke anymore to white people that he cant mock us after years of oppressions " You say you want people to learn I don't know if trying to A goat them and then trying to hide behind what's happened to other people in real life is the way to go. Also why assume that he is white? This at least from any type of ethical view and fairly sure from any type of MOTD matter isn't exactly against the rules to my knowledge to use an accent as it wasn't like he was harassing you as he wasn't coming towards you after the arrest you were coming towards him bragging that your reporting him.
  8. -support petty report also aren't you perma banned? https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/96929-jit-from-atlanta-unban-request-denied/#comment-657294
  9. -Support. I do agree that the bias is kinda a bit odd but this is legit a classic hatch job nothing more nothing less.
  10. What you want to see? - A snowy rockford. Why should we add it? - It is getting close to December in fact tmrw is December and I believe the server should have some time in the snowy weather plus it's different to this rockford so it'll be something new. We did this map once before back in 2019-2020 Winter atleast from what I can remember. What are the advantages of having this? - More RP, Snow, Map we haven't used in a while. Gets people in the winter/Christmas spirit. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1110003347&searchtext=rockford+snow https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1110013703 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=328735857
  11. Yo pick your favorite departments Normal Gov departments: State PD EMS FBI Sub-departments (Non-Asst Tactic ones): USMS PPD SPMU DOC RRU Assisstant Tactical Department: HRT CERT Tactical Departments DF SRT SWAT Mine be FBI/PPD/HRT/SRT
  12. -support considering how rarely they get used this isn't need and as for rp idk how handicapping gov will not tip the current balance for criminals.
  13. -Support If you were under gun point still which is what the mod is saying you shouldn't of pulled out a negev. Also its fairly well known that staff don't really show people the clips unless its them reporting someone on the forum. Majority of staff when I was staff atleast left the letting the other guy see the clip up to the guy who has the clip.
  14. +Support It would allow people to have slightly different attachments which means more uniqueness and allow people to be able to put stuff to their likens.
  15. Name - Locus S. Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:90992581 Discord Name -Rogue#5297 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) - N/A (Was an NU-7 SSGT along time ago) List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - 8 warns mostly from PRP but one on SCPRP most from 2020 and before thoe besides one. Why do you want to join Delta-5? I wish to join Delta 5 because I feel like it is a cool MTF and I have heard nothing but good things. I have experience as well which I wish to build onto. I also have met some cool people over time that happen to be in D5 that have at one point or currently play on other GL Servers. I also believe that D5 will be a fun unit to make my way up the ranks in and experience new activities and interests that will help me get better at Roleplaying and at PVP. Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) The reason I should be let into Delta 5 is pretty simple I am active, have experience, and I am willing to learn new things and new rules and Ideals. My experience ranges from the Original Alpha-1 when it was under Blackbeard to OMI-9 as a SSGT along with being in Doomslayers. I was also within NU-7 as a SSGT when OMI-9 got merged into that specific unit. I believe that I can show activity and dedication as well as I have shown within other units that I have been in within GL servers and when I was in OMI-9 and A-1 along with my short stay in NU-7. The final part of this paragraph is about my willingness to learn new things and new rules and ideals. I am willing to conform to your guy's way of doing things along with help suggest better ways if I am allowed to. (Note: I can prove the Omi-9 doomslayers if you need proof.) Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes If accepted be sure to contact an FTO or command in-game or on discord for training!
  16. -support doesn't make sense as very few have gas plus it has lots of counters. Gas doesn't lag any more than smoke so ey.
  17. +support Friendly Mature Mostly active. Helpful
  18. -support I like you and your a nice guy but your recent actions in FBI and hrt make me need to -support. In the last week you showed immaturity, lack of respect to higher ups. I believe PD Command should be the most polished people who have shown they don't quit or get blacklisted from a department.
  19. +support Always there for other pd members. Active Mature Professional Helpful Positive
  20. -support What I have seen in the past weeks alarming behavior come from you or related to you. I don't think your active enough from what I seen. Feel like the other options would be better. Unprofessional.
  21. +Support but instead of "once the money is dropped in hostage negotiations no matter what demand number it is the hostage must be handed over to the government unit" it is "Once money has been dropped and the hostage takers party takes the money the negotiations are over and the hostage must be handed over"
  22. Hello, I am FBI DCOS/HRT 1LT/FTO DD Locus I am herby resigning from my postings. I have had to make this choice due to IRL stuff that is happening within my job such as me getting promoted and needing more time to spend with work which leaves me with less free time in general. For the reason of I don't have the time to do my job correctly and well enough I am resigning from my posts. I have had some fun time in HRT, FBI and FTO and I have seen and talked with some great people. @Lime King You were one of the first people that I talked to in FBI when I transferred from SCU and have been friendly ever since we really meet. You have helped me with learning how to be command within FBI. @justin Justin you have helped me figure out some stuff and have been a good friend. You do suck at RON but ey. @king King your an ok person and you are sometimes clueless but you know how it be. @Matilda You have been helpful with dealing with many situations that have happened within FBI even with your short time in role. @duncan Your a good guy hope you take HRT places. @Sanches You have been good at taken charge when needed and I believe you will one day become Director. If I didn't mention you its not because I don't like you its just because I don't have much to say. I will say I hope to eventually come back into my ranks when I get more free time but we all need to move forward sometime.
  23. What you want to see? - A system to check is wanted along with maybe some more features to make the RP Indepth. Why should we add it? - I think you should add it because it has alot of features and can be used to make RP more indepth within government and also within criminals. RP as far as if a criminal has alot of records of breaking the law or getting tickets. GPS tracking for government which will make RP more realistic and will allow for interesting situations What are the advantages of having this? - More Roleplay which is the way the server is currently turning towards at this time. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. (More RP for all) Links to any content -https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/advanced-police-mod
  24. -Support I am sorry but if you made it to 30 or more warns you had 30 chances to stop doing dumb stuff.
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