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[GL] Locus

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Everything posted by [GL] Locus

  1. Secret service changing due to the president name being changed?
  2. As an active HRT/FBI I claim we must deny this.
  3. +Support he is one of the best LT's we have atm. Did good work when I worked with him in SCU. Hard working. Helps during meetings.
  4. +Support You have been active within the community for a while and seem to be a decent guy. You have helped command out at times when its later at night and we don't have the ability to deal with 10 enlisted or more due to other reasons.
  5. +Support One of my favorite fellow majors he was really helpful when I first got major and answered some of my questions certain things. He was also really helpful when I first joined LC.
  6. -/+ Support I do agree the map should do be changed but how about to something new that we havn't done like maybe https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2486584849 its a decent map plus we havn't done something like it or maybe just bring back something similar to true north. + I do agree this map feels like a race track the old SMT accepted something for the new map if we got one to make the map less race trackey.
  7. Questions Your In-game: Locus The player's name in-game: Gutterman The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:529182740 What did the player do: 20+ warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199018631208 What do you believe should happen to the player: Be banned for the 20+ warn time. Any extra information: Dosn't seem to of been banned for 10 warns ethier.
  8. - Support That can easily be abused and as well the frag wouldn't be a good idea to give CC's as its rare for even some Gov classes to have it. Also grenades can be added to gov classes just not frags only flash and smoke but it was clearly decided at some point in time against this so I don't believe it should be changed
  9. -Support Same concept as giving CC jobs it which got denied.
  10. What you want to see? - I wanta see another verison of the map for the holidays maybe like with snow and stuff. Sorta like that christmas rockford map that we used jan 2020 - December 2019. Why should we add it? - Because it'll make the map look different and will make the winter months more interesting. What are the advantages of having this? - It will add to the RP and will make pursuits or foot chases more look interesting during the snowy times. Who is it mainly for? - All. Links to any content - N/A
  11. -Support I believe this warn is valid as you have been within this community for a while you should understand the rule. You constantly ran away from being arrested which is rather corrupt. The president breaking the law is corruption as any officer who broke the law or acted like this would be either warned or talked to and disciplined. I have been in sits similar to this where the president pulled a stunt like this and got warned or demoted off the job depending on what it was. While you can say he wasn't aware of this rule the motd clearly stats upon closing the menu you accept all rules. Which makes him not being aware of the rule with being a seniorish player unlikely or just negligence. I would also say that the way most of us understand the ticket system if it you can ticket or arrest them then they can be arrested or ticket if you can't ticket or arrest them then your normally not meant to ticket or arrest them and instead call a staff member or a command member to handle it.
  12. -Support Based on what I've heard from State when you held command over there and what I've herd from people about dissing departments even if they are gone doesn't look good. Failure to use the radio properly as an SM. I haven't seen you take that much of a lead within PD and help the lower ranking supervisors and enlisted members with getting stuff organized such as road blocks for banks and other situations. From what I have herd from both cammy and miniepic you don't seem to be trusted by two members of high command within this server which makes me believe your most likely untrustworthy.
  13. -Support Kinda of ruin the point of having a level job which help keep people afk on the server which raises the rating of the server and likely hood of a player joining the server.
  14. +Support Active Mature Helps when you need help no matter your rank.
  15. Rank You are Applying For: Major In-Game Name: Locus SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90992581 Current Rank: CPT How long have you been in your current rank?: 7+ weeks What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 7 Permission: Will Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): Let's get to the reasons I believe I should get the promotion to major as I can help the department out by being on at night as well as in day time almost every day of the week. I also think I should get the promotion as I have been at my rank for a fairly long time and have shown that I am ready for the major position and that I can handle going up the ranks within Great Lakeside Police Department. I also have proven that I should get this promotion due to me hosting many meetings within the last weeks once we got permission to announce the meeting. I also believe I should get this promotion as I have shown my problem-solving skills. I also believe I should get Major as I have shown that I have helped many out from new officers to the most senior of supervisors and enlisted. I have worked with many other police officers within this community to help fix any problems they have seen if I can fix them and if I can't I'll push them up. I also believe I should get the promotion due to the fact that I have even helped out other PD Low Command members out at learning the ropes of PD command. I have helped solve problems between PD and other departments such as reports from other agencies member who has had a problem within the police department. I also believe I should get this promotion due to my experience within this community such as my time as PD LC, being a Senior Supervisor within SCU, and helping them out as if I was a command member. I also believe I should get this position as I have helped motivate some people within the PD at lower ranks who have gotten higher within PD. I also believe that I should get this promotion as I can handle more reports and promotions without needing to contact another higher-up or two. I also believe that if I get this rank I can benefit not only myself but the department and the server as a whole. I believe that if I can benefit the server and the department as a whole I need to fight for it within the community so that I get this promotion that I believe I deserver. I have made great friendships within this community that those who know me I give it my all in almost anything I do in real life and in game. I have shown this in other departments as proof where I beat records three weeks in a row. I hope I get good criticisms that I can work on and I am happy y'all took your time to read this application and I hope you look upon this application fairly and justifiably. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  16. +Support Active Mature even with some of the more mingy OFC's. Has shown that he is trust worthy. Has shown that he can be a leader when his pushed to being a leader.
  17. -Support why would you wait a month to call a warn a false warn? Clearly this means you didn't care enough to check your warns within a month of the warn. I also would say that chad from any experience I have had he hasn't warned unless it was needed.
  18. -Support Activity on PD could be better. Disrespectful when his on gov. Act like he knows everything when his on gov. Unprofessional while doing his job as a gov member. No poll. https://gyazo.com/5f0e4b40cd91bf4ba0ebfce7d1cf210e
  19. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=821435087 This is a good one if @soup95 wants to link it as the content its only 0.002 MB's
  20. +support Waiting on a warrant for another name in the middle of a shoot out isn't fun and some presidents can take upwards of 5 minutes+ to accept a warrant.
  21. -support When we had it before it wasn't used and just took up space and was a little laggy from what I remember.
  22. What you want to see? - I like the new map but I wish that pursuits weren't the same its just like being on a F1 track in most pursuits its a single loop for the most part. I wish that we had branch's off the road and stuff. A map that I saw do it well was true north on the first layer you could lose someone if you weren't paying attention if they had a good enough car for turning. It made pursuits a lot more fun in my opinion and gave it something else other than just go the opposite way the loop and you will be able to stop the pursuit. Rockford the old map was a great map as well in this regard as pursuits went all over the place depending on who was driving which made pursuits not be come the same old thing. Most pursuits I've been in happen to be just like this. Indust - Subs - DOC - BP - Mansion - Ghetto - Inner city - Indust. Repeat. Why should we add it? - It'll make pursuits more fun and make it so that gov needs to try in pursuits and not just who ever has a fast car will always be in the front. What are the advantages of having this? - It would make it better for criminals and police as this could add some Varity to pursuits and wouldn't be the same old loop. It would also make the map a bit more realistic instead of just one giant loop for a city with many different agencies such as State, USMS, FBI, 5 different full tactical teams I feel like the map should have Varity currently the only difference to where state is and PD is state has more open fields and that's about it. This will also allow for more RP as you can have RP on a side road and it won't bother the main roads to much. I also believe that this will stop it from being a giant F1 track. It can also make pursuits not end in 1 minute to 30 seconds. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone who drives. Links to any content - N/A
  23. +Support Could add RP instead of the current guns a blazing stuff.
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