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Everything posted by Tomato

  1. Lore Name: tomato Steam ID: PotatoPie (dont know my steam id) Rank: Research Manager Activity Level: 10/10
  2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Eyc-dnDXpqvL4zYLWJmt4I29Es3yuydQvekSZAemC1I/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Yea, no one really had any issues with Utility. So keep up the good work i guess
  4. Fair enough. I appreciate you reading the document and giving a response. Its much appreciated. Whenever you want to talk im open
  5. like i said. not all views are expressed by me
  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MkJ-B6uz0aEY_9BagmL1gSjPCQq4GJH15W_gWDTJ_8A/edit?usp=sharing Please note. Some of the opinions expressed in this document are not my own. Not all of this represents my personal beliefs as a researcher
  7. Lore: 20/20 No issues here Creativity: 15 /20 Not the most creative test in the world Presentation: 20 /20 I like the document. Its well designed and has lots of info. Writing: 40/40 No issues here. TOTAL: 95/100 Grade: A Overall: Quality
  8. Lore: 20/20 No issues here Creativity: 20 /20 We dont see enough 079 tests on the server Presentation: 15 /20 Rather basic document. Nothing really special here Writing: 30/40 No issues here. other than length. its a bit short TOTAL: 85/100 Grade: B Overall: Standard
  9. Lore: 15/20 I doubt all the scp's would work together like this but ok. Creativity: 0 /20 Plagiarized. You cheater Presentation: 15 /20 Rather basic document. Nothing really special here Writing: 40/40 No issues here. TOTAL: 70/100 Grade: C Overall: meh
  10. Lore: 20/20 Follows the lore quite well. No issues there. Creativity: 20 /20 I personally have not seen this done before, so good job there Presentation: 15 /20 Rather basic document, lacking in details. Writing: 40/40 No issues here. TOTAL: 95/100 Grade: A overall: Quality
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rld0je5AagF4xmhAh1bQ3Vx1lU53Kw9UtdOgkMqdls8/edit?usp=sharing
  12. Lore: 20/20 Follows the lore quite well. No issues there. Creativity: 15 /20 This test has been done plenty of times before Presentation: 20 /20 This is what i want to see in documents. Images and content that makes me think someone really put alot of effort into it. Well done. Writing: 20/40 No issues here. Well redacted TOTAL: 95/100 Grade: A overall: Quality
  13. Lore: 20/20 Follows the lore quite well. No issues there. Creativity: 20 /20 Very creative. Not much else to say here Presentation: 15 /20 Standard document. There could be some images or diagrams or something else. This document is begging for a photo of some kind. Other than that its just plain text on a white background. Writing: 35/40 No grammar issues or spelling. Im taking points off for how short it is. There is lots of room to expand here but the length the document is now i cant give it full points. TOTAL: 90/100 Grade: A overall: OwO
  14. Lore: 20/20 Follows the lore quite well. No issues there. Creativity: 10 /20 Not the most creative test in the world. This has been done before Presentation: 15 /20 Standard document. Nothing really stands out Writing: 35/40 Some grammar issues TOTAL: 80/100 Grade: B overall: Standard
  15. Lore: 20/20 Follows the lore quite well. No issues there. Creativity: 15 /20 Not the most creative test in the world. However this could be expanded on. Test out D-class with different mental illnesses and report the results Presentation: 10 /20 Very basic document. Not alot of detail. There is room for improvement here Writing: 40/40 No issues here TOTAL: 85/100 Grade: B overall: Standard
  16. Lore: 20/20 Follows the lore quite well. No issues there. Creativity: 10 /20 Not the most creative test in the world. All these items have been dispensed before and tested. Presentation: 10 /20 Is this a test or an incident? Incident logs are not tests. Writing: 35/40 Some grammar issues TOTAL: 75/100 Grade: C overall: Standard
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