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Everything posted by Tomato

  1. Am a sad Tomato. Will miss you buddy
  2. @kingdoms_3you will never stop me
  3. Thanks @Igneous Wanna join the GOC? I mean..... Thanks
  4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SSLD-dxUUHGTDrJHNdUvX0pJd4hT3Rii/view?usp=sharing Enjoy. I loved making this. Stories are fun
  5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rAEJPPz_3bkiPbJ2wctobA3iuM8_T51ZVkaFR_xCVB0/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Lore Name:Tomato Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26407310 Rank: Thaumil Class Manager Activity Level: 10
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rsDWks9b0swJl3v4ywcTjWMRMx4ioDcp/view?usp=sharing
  8. +support Monika has really gone above and beyond to change his ways. Im very proud of him. I say we give him a shot
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oWPc5PrzdfOrV3rCzRV85AghgcaIEWnYHuZdblf80FM/edit?usp=sharing
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-41j20PGQ880euCB9XEtrPyTQPhupiPmsklEW07hwKs/edit?usp=sharing
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ESISBb_ciuFwvbxnRVVKbRVt_j1p_93B3CoedNuRy4/edit?usp=sharing
  12. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f-JYrG6obM2jv6ledw5PmJ16kf0BrDbswUiSTswp_9Y/edit?usp=sharing
  13. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lczrvfBP28PFbI6m7l1WD-0bmO2zrD-0KEHmuco5Wlo/edit?usp=sharing
  14. im just saying, people would close the bunks doors then
  15. If research bunks are left open, an scp who's main goal is to kill people (939,682,106) should be allowed to enter and murder all those in bunks until the door is closed.
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fhsQGdTI3PPtoYsd_MP5qRtfJPyzT50ckjZfu9Pxc5M/edit?usp=sharing
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NKub8jnpPnq32O838ChQCFqbiTNP3cX7I9gusoM6FYc/edit?usp=sharing
  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fibZ1yhDpv6Gl3EFpFD-ClpZ6ibEMo-wQ6w22kDyPU8/edit?usp=sharing
  19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BiH5cRWwoIDAvJZJ31eLO8-gnFFywZA4pWF6t5fce3s/edit?usp=sharing
  20. Cogs = inactive. Love u coggie woggies
  21. I suppose some of you are wondering why i even left in the first place if i was just going to come back 3 weeks later. Well , here is why. Research can only get better, and I cant help it by sitting on the side lines. I left because I was angry. I was angry at certain High Command and their treatment of me and research as a whole. Not all high command mind you, just a few select ones. There are some high command that give a damn about research and for that i will be forever grateful. Then there are others who selectively held me and others back from reaching our full potential. As to the reason for this, I have no clue. The high command is full of good, honest, hard working people. But there are also those who would rather tear others down in favor of keeping their positions. Thankfully, Those numbers have dwindled in recent months. The outpouring of love from the research division when i left broke my heart. It made me feel like i was walking away from a family i didn't know i had. The messages of support i received will stay with me forever. I was prepared to walk away for a long time and stay away from research, thinking it would be in good hands with the new AHOR who at the time was GLaDOS. Then GLaDOS left. That was a curve ball. Suddenly Research had no Doctors. Thankfully now we have three of them. (For those of you wondering, no im not coming back as Foundation Dr, I'll be Keter class Manager). And look, i get it. In my early months i was a minge. I was arrogant. I wasn't a model member of the community. But i changed for the better. I made myself into a worthy member of command. Some people however, refused to see the changes and kept seeing me as that mingy researcher. These are the same people who are currently dunking on Vlad even though he has done a complete 180 in his research career. To those of you who have welcomed the changes I've made to myself, thank you. To those of you that haven't, get over yourselves and stop living in the past. I love Research and this Server and the only way to get rid of me is to perma-ban me, And that's not happening. This is not a hate piece. This is not me calling anyone out. This is not an attack piece. Im back, and im not going anywhere. Besides, How am i ever gonna get O5 if i quit? Love, -Tomato
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