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Everything posted by Tomato

  2. Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. The presentation, the detail, the effort, the concept, all are awesome. Very well done. Loved it! Grade: 100/100
  3. Our good friend Dylan elder has informed us that he has a serious medical condition. I want to help offset the cost of the treatment so i set up a gofundme for him. Please Donate or share it if you can. Thank You. https://gofund.me/a0098e3d
  4. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1baY-KZXRN56AwFXXJ7OmwvtupGg_wNAjNBpryC4Lm9c/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Awesome and professional design, lots of detail, and no spelling/grammar errors that I can see. Overall: A+
  6. Assigned for grading! Assigned for grading!
  7. https://breakbrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cute-bunny-052319.jpg
  8. Me and Phil have a debate going. Which is the superior animal? Otters or Rabbits?
  9. For one of if not your first test this is very well done. The detail is great and the pictures only add to it. The only downside is that this test has been done a million times before. So you lose a few points on creativity. Overall, well done. I look forward to your next test log! Grade: B+
  10. Very well done. I believe this is your first test log and it is quite a good one to start with. No spelling or grammar errors that i can see. The concept is great and the detail is nice. Overall well done. Grade: A
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZnUdxk1pYCM8K6DM4C4evZ3XvhWD-vCoU20h1ueitn8/edit?usp=sharing
  12. A good test, but very basic. This test has been done to death. We all known 999 loves candy so this isnt much of a test. However it is very cute. Dont be afraid to branch out and be more creative in the future! Grade: B
  13. Monika, over the past 6 months I have watched you grow and learn. Your progress over this time span has been tremendous. I'm so proud of you. The simple fact that you have gone from one of the mingiest research I have ever seen to an outstanding member of the community and event team is nothing short of fantastic. Yes, you can minge sometimes, but who doesn't. You have my support for command.
  14. Very well done. The connections you made between the SCP's and 7101 add a layer of depth to this interview. The amount of detail is also wonderful. Overall a fantastic test. No errors as far as i can see. Grade: A+
  15. I love me a good interview log and this one fills the void in my soul. Quality questions and detailed answers. Anything to deepen the lore of 049 is a plus in my book. Well done. Grade: B Reason: this test has been done to death
  16. For a first test log this is well done. The concept is great and the execution of the test log is great as well. Good job. Minor spelling mistakes though, but that can be excused for a first test log. Overall well done. Grade: B
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