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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jayden

  1. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  2. The player has already been banned for his actions, but his ban will be extended to 2-3 months.
  3. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  4. Denied. Due to a lack of evidence, or for no rules or guidelines being broken by the staff and or player, no action will be taken against them.
  5. Accepted Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  6. Jayden

    1000 posts

    welcome to the club
  7. Today marks my last day with SRT after 6 months and 3 weeks with the department. During my time here, SRT has been nothing but a home to me and it is by far the best department for me personally in my experience. This department was a blast to manage and the members were very sincere and kind. I don't have one ounce of regret when it comes to believing in and putting my best effort into SRT. With that being said I want to make some mentions. MiKeY - You've been my best friend on this server for a long time and I'm greatful for the opportunity you gave me in being High Command. It was great running the department with you, and even when you ran it alone you've always done a fine job. I'm sure you'll continue to do so. Kitty - You are hands down the most pro driver in SRT. Or, the server? Thanks for the mems. Deathstriker - Hopefully one day we get to hunt your brother again. Keep grinding man. Masterson - We go back to CERT and you're one hell of a partner. This is where that comes to an end sadly but I hope you make it far man. SupremeLord & Pikus - You guys are pure grinders. I'm excited to see how far you go in SRT. Duncan - There's a slim chance that I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you old friend. You're a natural talent. Keep working hard man. You know I can't mention everyone but I sincerely want to thank you all. You guys are the reason I pushed as hard as I can. I'll still be watching closely. Sincerely, SRT Co-Commander Jayden 1K-2
  8. Thank you for all you've done Stackable. Your dedication won't be forgotten.
  9. S.R.T. Accepted / Denied Applications If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command! S.R.T Accepted Applicants: Havoc: Welcome back to SRT! Glad to have you back. John Newsom: Welcome to SRT! You'll fit right in! If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (07/20/2020) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time frame, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. If your name is NOT on this list, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T and your application has been denied. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people! Please wait until 07/13/2020 to apply for S.R.T again!  If you have any further questions as to why you are denied, you may come speak to the Co-Commander regarding the issue. - SRT CoCMDR Jayden 1K-2
  10. Returning from LOA early due to dealing with things in real life, and some built concern.
  11. Myan, Your years of dedication to PoliceRP are the exact reason why you were a role-model to so many in the staff team. You’re efforts to make the server the best it could be has never gone unnoticed and I’m incredibly thankful for all you’ve done. You’re a great guy and I’ll miss you pal. Let’s play some UNO here and there!
  12. In-Game Name: Jayden Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:126729513 Rank: Support II Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 6/25/20 - 7/9/20 Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Private
  13. Jayden

    Jayden's LOA

    In-Game Name: Jayden Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:126729513 Rank: Support II Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 6/25/20 - 6/30/20 (5 Days) Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Private
  14. Jayden

    Jayden's LOA

    In-game Name: SRT Co-Commander Jayden 1K-2 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:126729513 Rank: Co-Commander Length of LOA (Provide Dates): 6/25/20 - 6/30/20 (5 Days) Reason (If private then put N/A): N/A
  15. You're the reason I joined PD when I first came to Gaminglight. You should have been a Lieutenant ages ago. A great guy on top of it all, good luck Duncan!
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