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[GL] Inaccurate

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Everything posted by [GL] Inaccurate

  1. +Support Clear evidence of staff abuse.
  2. Required for ALL Medic+ to fill out. Name: Rank: Activity (1-10): Why should you keep your rank (SM+): Any Notes:
  3. -Support We tried something similar by giving Trainers/Trainees a bunch of HP if I remember right Didn't work out.
  4. -Support People like to "/me [Data Expunged]" on a GMOD server for some fucking reason.
  5. -Support Can't spell, only shows up to half of the meetings, takes 1/8th of sits compared to other staff members. Actually +Support tho, man is a giga-rat chad and deserves it
  6. Apologies I was not aware that the No Warnings advert counted as a Re-Advert Please remove the warning.
  7. Mans forgot about the chad DOU Cookie But yeah this sums it up.
  8. I was provided a clip for the sit but I no longer have it as this was over a week ago. As for logs, the only thing I used that for was to confirm when the RDM occurred and to see if he re-adverted hands up 3-5 minutes before the D-Class was killed.
  9. My side: A sit was called on you for RDM. After reviewing evidence giving to me by the reporter and logs, I tried to bring you into the sit to get your side of the story, but based on logs your game crashed a bit before I tried to add you to the sit. I proceeded to return the reporter and wait about 10 minutes for you to reconnect. After not seeing you on the server or in connection logs, I decided to use the evidence at hand to give a warn. The actual situation was that you killed a dclass without their hands up, but they claimed that you hadn't redaverted the hands up protocol in 3 minutes. From the evidence I had I determined that was indeed true. Let me know if there is something I missed or did wrong.
  10. Name- Inaccurate Rank: HOMS, D5 WO, and Moderator Loa Dates: 1/23 -> 1/30 Reason: Burnt out, need a break, still available on discord and TS if needed.
  11. -Support Maynard is a spy, not an assassin. the new rules are working fine. If you want to kill people play CI Military. I hate tabbing out for 5 minutes and coming back to be killed by maynard.
  12. +Support From my experience, Buck has been a competent command member and fully deserves this position. Regarding the situation with CI, Medical HCMD never received actual evidence about it, but even if it's true, he can take this opportunity to learn and improve; if people remember me as AHOMS/Medical Manager I was constantly starting beef with CI, so limiting him when he acted irrationally in a single situation that seemed like a gigantic mess seems unfair to me. If he had a history of doing this I would say otherwise, but as far as I know he doesn't. PM me on discord if you have any questions.
  13. +/- Rather than moving spawns I would rather see we get a new room added in medbay for this in the next update
  14. gay play EFT sometime with me
  15. 1. No, Vladimir is not a combatant. 2. Idea Coltable came up with for the defibs was to make it so they revived at 50 health, but only had 2-3 charges, and you have to buy more from LCZ Armory, meaning Field Medics would have to return to LCZ to get more charges and can't mass combat revive. 3. This is something I will have to discuss with Medical HCMD, CI HCMD and SA, but I personally wouldn't be against it.
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