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Everything posted by Will

  1. Based off of the two above posts, I am going to give a +Support. Good luck ReaperLite!
  2. Ditto to what Masterson had said, good luck James!
  3. -Support You are only suppose to put down spikes in felony and high risk stops, it is FailRP otherwise. Don't think so? Ask yourself the last time you saw a cop put down spikes strips at a typical traffic stop IRL. In my opinion, Maddog and soulness should be warned for FailRP and Metagaming.
  4. +Support I could start asking him questions about Overwatch if he had 2 more warns, but whatever..
  5. -Support You died which means you are under the effects of NLR; while you may not have returned to the same area where you died, you obviously forgot about not remembering anything from your past life. Yes we car jacked you and I unknowingly passed you, but because you decided to start shooting at both @EnderKnight57 and myself, that showed me that you remembered who we were and wanted to get revenge/ your car back. Think of it this way: You would not go an shoot up a car that looks like yours just because it got stolen, that would be ARDM/ RDM. You had no way to prove that that was your vehicle and you could not remember who we were due to NLR. Just a little reminder to those copying Rick's response, this is what the MOTD says on NLR: (If you think I am lying , please see bullet point three of General Rules in the MOTD and the definition of NLR on the urban dictionary (since I couldn't find anything related to rules on the DarkRP website): https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=New life rule (Can't edit my message for some reason, but I wanted to add it could also be Revenge ARDM seeing that you never adverted murder and you had died less than 2 minutes prior to us passing you.)
  6. The issue is that Cammy should have been able to hear in-game audio if he is on a government job, especially when he is arresting someone. Please also note that he drove past a fairly large court like area in the parking lot of DOC and claimed he did not see 2 or more adverts saying a judge was online.
  7. Major +Support Can we get a global blacklist in place please? Why was he unbanned in the first place..
  8. +Support Cammy and Soulness had ignored the requests of an individual to go to court and had even drove right past the "court house" in the DOC parking lot. Since I had been spectating it (seeing that I was over by DOC/state base at the time), I determined that it was both FailRP and RDA and issued a warning accordingly. It is a valid warning, however I decided +support this appeal so long as he looks at chat/ reads adverts and is able to hear in-game audio going forward. Upon reviewing the warning with him and the person that was arrested, I decided that this should be reduced to a verbal warning.
  9. I'm pretty sure Zeeptin has said otherwise about that; plus blacklists to my knowledge is a permanent removal from the community..
  10. Major -Support Blacklists are not appealable. (https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198151349432) Also congrats, you are the first person I've seen to be blacklisted by 2 separate SMT/JMT people (guess they forgot to globally ban you..)
  11. This is why we check for prior warnings!
  12. +Support (see reasons above) Monkeybags, you are always a pleasure to talk with and I feel like you are ready to move up in the ranks of command. Good luck!
  13. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: cyn The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:156737552 What did the player do: 55 warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198273740833 What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanent ban Any extra information: I think he may be over the limit by 1 or 2 warnings, but that's just me
  14. Welp, I think this is long overdue... I don't feel like I am active enough to be the rank that I am (yet alone hold the title of LPA1) and I haven't really felt much interest in playing on EMS recently. Perhaps I will return at a later date, but until then, please keep doing the amazing work you guys do and keep up with the good RP! - Will, Lead Paramedic LPA1, Rockford EMS
  15. +Support Sion was a role model to me and other staff back when I first joined the team back in September, I feel he once again would be a great addition to the staff team. Good luck Sion!
  16. The only reason why I started to pull away was because both of them were in the warehouse still which if we are going off of that is the same as saying that someone aiming a gun in your direction from across the street would put you under fearrp. At that distance, I felt that I still had a chance at running, but unfortunately hit into the gate/ fence. I'll take a warn from SMT if they deem it necessary, but my view on it being RDM can't be changed. Just for clarification, this is what happened from my perspective: I was dealing with a report from Yeep about a corrupt officer which of whom got warned (you can see it in the bans system). Upon finishing that, I flew back down to the parking lot from the roof of PD and hopped in my car. I see the dark colored GTR turn right from spawn and notice that they went through a red light by club catalyst and I then pull out from PD to pursue. I managed to see them pull into the warehouse in industrial and as soon as I pulled in, they hopped out and then took out negevs; in response I got my panic (which is why you may have noticed a slight pause in the video between when I pulled in and started to pull out.) They then started to shoot at me which caused my car to blow up which is on of the reasons I drew a weapon to defend myself. Since there was no advert (which one is needed to kidnap, mug, or to warn someone to back up) and no sign saying "kos past this point" or anything identifying the family, I felt a warning was needed. (I also feel that this is related to this kind of situation:)
  17. -Support So you are telling me you are allowed to shoot me up when nobody in our vicinity adverted anything binding me to stay nor was there a kos sign? You broke priority rules in my mind since I was stoping you for running a red light and had no reason to shoot me. In response to your edit, I'd like you to read this section of the staff handbook:
  18. Name: Will Rank: JFR (I think) How Active Do You Think You Are (Be Honest): Inactive Why Do You Want To Stay In FR?: I actually forgot I was in it.. What Could Change In FR?: N/A
  19. PD and Administration (when I can find time to be on either)
  20. +Support, I was just about to make this.
  21. -Support Could have been realistic if he was a cop and his vehicle had antennas in which could be smashed or bent; but his car was already moving and even that would be a stretch to try and role play. Plus, this type of stuff happens often. I would be fine if he was not in the car, his vehicle was blocked or inhibited from moving in some way, or he wasn't paying attention, but clearly that is not what happened here.
  22. Ditto to what Eternity said; keep up the good work and best of luck to you Rich!
  23. +/- Support Sorry John, but I feel you should get a bit more time under your belt and become a bit more active before I can +Support this. While I will not bring up the events that had transpired in the past week or two, I do hope to hear that this kind of behavior/ reaction does not occur whilst on a PD job. Good luck!
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