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Everything posted by Will

  1. Nah, Avengers is the best imo; most ambitious cross-over ever
  2. -Support Above reasons, please read the format and post all questions next time.
  3. Major -Support Blacklists ate not appealable
  4. Have you not played on SCPRP? http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-682
  5. I'm alright if you are on a roof top (such as hospital and nobody from the street is able to see you or the victim.) Secluded is a place where people don't visit frequently and is out of sight. I'd prefer for this to be defined by SMT since it's been happening quiet often now where people would get called into a sit or warned for completing hits in a unsecluded area as it seems to be a grey area imo.
  6. -Support + Active + Good application + Low warns - Responded to own application Sorry Bird, but you can't respond to your own application according to Zeeptin as mentioned in the staff application format.
  7. I'd feel a bit better if they said it themselves.. Also, please tell EMS to start adverting that they're active again since I can't remember the last time I saw one of them do so.
  8. You're right! I thought that the roads got repaved as well! (And I thought I was the only one who noticed!)
  9. I'd love to see a video of that!
  10. Training won't help when my armor is disintegrated along with my hopes of living.
  11. -Support I think Myan would have said something if it were false..
  12. I understand that, but that does not justify that the gun is too overpowering at the moment
  13. What you want to see? - Decrease in the DPS of the negev (or rate of fire if possible) Why should we add it? - Its impossible to defeat someone when they shred through your 100 HP and 220 Armor in less than 5 seconds (and this is with using cover) What are the advantages of having this? - Fights are more realistic and it gives gov a chance to win fights on their own. Who is it mainly for? - Gov Links to any content - n/a
  14. -Support Sorry Game Theorist, but I think you need to work on your activity a bit more before becoming a lieutenant. If there is something that is holding you back, I recommend you mention it in your next application.
  15. +Support Reason above, this could have been handled better. He does clearly have evidence, however you must take into account that he might have been uploading it to YouTube at the time. I really don't see how this is lying to staff
  16. Major -Support It would be extremely hard to enforce from a staff stand point and as others have noted, accidents happen and you may hit a bind you didn't mean to hit every now and again.
  17. -Support The only way I will +Support this is if players outside of a vehicle are able to be damaged from a vehicle when it hits into you rather than just being pushed or going through it. Copying what Rocco said, driving is hard as is and this would only make it more infuriating.
  18. -Support If you read over our staff handbook, it says that anyone who has attained the rank of Admin or higher is permitted to warn off-duty and for obvious rule infractions. Seeing that he is a Senior Admin, he is permitted to warn off-duty and take sits off-duty (use his powers). If you believe the warn is false, then this should have gone in the report center, however Masterson has already provided evidence showing that it is valid.
  19. Reason Tayson, while you're active in-game and in ts, I feel like you need some more time as captain before you get promoted to Major.
  20. +Support I believe command will also be speaking to him about this if others haven't already done so.
  21. I still stop people for not having headlights on..
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