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Everything posted by Will

  1. -Support In all honesty, I was going to give you a verbal, but based off of your attitude towards me and the people there in the sit, I decided that a formal warning was necessary in this situation. I sent out a PM to all UMC members that were online the first time a sit was called asking them not to do that (which I forget if you were online or not at the time). Also, you did admit to doing it while in the sit and also here in your appeal so it technically is not a false warn.
  2. You're in game now so... Accepted? (Also, it was a 2 hour ban which is not very long. Perhaps you could go watch youtube or browse reddit in the mean time)
  3. -Support I don't really see the benefit of this (or the negative outweighs the positive.
  4. -Support It would be a good idea from a distance to allow this (especially for sits and stuff), but at the same time I have a feeling this might get abused in some way..
  5. +Support 1 second or less would seem good (still gives the person some time to react if they accidentally push F1 instead of the 2 seconds that feel like forever to pass).
  6. -Support While it would be nice to have this, you also need to realize that it would most likely take up more space than the one that is already in the server. I'm all for more realism and to make it stuff look nicer, however the less MB of content we have installed on the server is really for the best..
  7. I'd love to have you back on the LC team Jack, best of luck!
  8. Will

    1,000 Posts!

    I'm not even counting anymore..
  9. -Support I agree with everything that Derick said, however your activity needs to be significantly improved in my opinion. I really have not seen you on this past month so I really can't give you a +Support until I see you are more active on the job. Good luck!
  10. Will

    smh- Denied

    -Support Already denied...
  11. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: GmodGuy The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:159356900 What did the player do: Mass RDM | Mass ARDM | Mass FailRP | Mass Corruption | Mass NITRP (and others I'm sure I'm forgeting) Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the player: Warning and at least a 1 month ban (up to SMT) Any extra information: I get he is a YouTube and was trying to help boost our numbers, but at the same time they should at least try to follow our rules to an extent.
  12. -Support So my only issue and the whole reason why I came to give a -Support is that I've only started to see you on the server within the past week. Sure you have the required time to apply, but I strongly recommended that you get a minimum of 2 weeks play time after coming back. I understand you were former staff and possibly former command from a while back, however I need to see more of what you're made of before I can give a definite response to your application. For now, I'll leave it at a -Support until then.
  13. Well, yes and no. We like to see people with not a ton of warns (typically less than 5 I'd say), but so long as the community thinks of you as a positive person to be around, you shouldn't have many issues getting into staff.
  14. On any other occasion, I'd say something stupid like "incest is wincest" or something, but this is... Just no..
  15. So I'd like to focus more on staff more than anything at the moment and I really didn't get the same vibes I did before my last resignation, hence why I am going to be leaving the event team. It's been fun, but all good things must come to an end. Calamity and Game Theorist - Thanks for having me on the team and best of luck going forward!
  16. +Support If they are already on the server, then I think that this would be a great idea! While most people are going to stick to the classic stuff and a few others, I feel this will help spice things up.
  17. Easy way to do this is set up cameras and check them when you see a raid advert.. Either way, it looks like a cool addon but really isn't necessary.
  18. +Support I would have been able to take care of this in game if I hadn't gotten off when I did... I did do some research into the guy from his SteamID and it looks like the account was only made 6 days ago and only has one friend which unsurprisingly is the same guy who I banned in the screenshot above. For now, I suggest a 1-2 week ban and watch if they come back after the ban. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198950512614 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199060121982
  19. Will

    UMC Report

    Can't have a "RP base" with KOS signs.. Plus there is no such thing as an RP base in the MOTD...
  20. Will

    A Call To Arms

    On behalf of the Umbrella Corporation, we wish you good luck with digging yourselves out of this one..
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