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Everything posted by TG_Kilo

  1. Major + Support -Playing sleuth is too easy. There is an abundance of wardrobes in HCZ, EZ, etc. I even see some sleuths wearing their disguise while in CI base. Sleuths can easily just change their disguise at a wardrobe if their fake persona has gotten noticed, and you can’t really do anything against sleuths unless they kill someone or breach SOP. This adds more RP because after a CI raid, wouldn’t one expect some spies to slip in? It’s not one-sided as it can easily be avoided or just try to bypass them somehow. It makes sleuths want to be more creative, and to make this suggestion fair, only ONE PERSON can roll against the sleuth. And even if the sleuth DOES lose the roll, it’s up to them to use a creative excuse. Just because they lose the roll doesn’t mean they instantly die. It would usually result in some questioning, and depending on their excuse over the failed roll, they could just get away Scott free. And example after losing a roll could be “Oh sorry, my higher ups are still working on getting my ID set up due to resource funding issues, so they tried to draw my face on some paper since there is no printer ink.” Although this excuse is kind of overkill, it’s still a good example of how to get out of a situation like that even if they lose the roll. It’s not supposed to be easy. In RP this is a heavily guarded facility, and D-Class aren’t even supposed to have an advantage if this were serious RP. They have the gift of guns and melee weapons as well as the armory.
  2. I'm all for helping CI out, but I am STRONGLY against this specific weapon. This weapon is very good and does really good damage as well as RPM. The only job with this weapon are the Omi9 Experimentals. This only reason this job has it is due to us being "squishy" and vulnerable. Experimentals get 275 HP 125 AP, and it's really easy to kill them, and the Vikhr makes up heavily for that. Meanwhile, E4 get an SG553 which is still good, a Mossberg 590, and the AWP, and 225 health and 225 armor. And if anyone even mention the stats Omicron-9 has, keep in mind it's easy to destroy 500 HP without AP, and Omicron-9 are built to have good HP, but mediocre AP. Ours stats are also out of our control as we were designed to be like this. Overall, -Support
  3. I'm sorry, Maxi, but -Support You are a good soldier as well as an NCO, but when it comes to this application, I do not think you are ready to hold a command position in this branch. These reasons are not good motivation to become command, the reason Happy and I became command is because we had reasons that made us feel obligated to take up responsibility. Trying to progress in the branch or watching others make it to command other than yourself is not a good reason of motivation to become command because even if you did change your previous answer to this, it still sounds kind of power/rank hungry. A command member should always try to maintain formality and take responsibility for their actions, but in this post it kind of looks like you are joking around in an application that should be taken seriously, and then denying it afterwards. Once again, I'm sorry if you're reading this Maxi, but this is how I see your application.
  4. Your In-game: kilo Your SteamID: hre iz my IP Adres The player's name in-game: Iron Ingots The player's SteamID: Hear is my soshal secureetee number The player's steam name (If you know it): Ignots What did the player do: He abyuse staf power Evidence (required): What do you believe should happen to the player: stern takling to Any extra information: He said I smelly
  5. +Support This man is very unbiased and amazing in combat. His activity is also pretty good and I believe he will make for a decent low command.
  6. +Support -Bionicle is a very kind person who may also take their job seriously when necessary. He is also pretty good at combat and he'd be a pretty cool addition.
  7. In Game Name: Kilo Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:168887765 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: I’d prefer to guard Hoovy. If not, I’ll accept any O5 member. How many Strikes do you have: None. Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I wish to join the O5 staff team due to how elite it feels and how it's portrayed. I still miss Alpha-1 ever since it was removed as it has been my home for 1 month. Seeing as how there is still a spot, I remain determined to maybe have a chance in succeeding. Why should we accept you: I believe that I should be accepted due to the fact that I have experience within the field of working as an A1, and I am assuming that Red-Right Hand shouldn't be too far off from what I had to deal with. I have attempted to change myself as a person to be more eligible for this position, seeing as how I needed to improve on things stated in my last app. I will react and act quickly to any hostile actions performed against my VIP, and my combat is decent. If I am accepted I will be highly dedicated to the job as well as my VIP, and even risk my life to ensure their safety as it is a common rule known amongst A1.
  8. -Support (No offense or any hard feelings, but I am speaking for myself and many others who feel the same about this.) I personally do not see you fit for Omicron-9 high-command. You are heavily mingey which is something Omicron-9 has no tolerance for, and due to many re-occurring actions. You are also deemed as un-trustworthy amongst many individuals, and your presence is not very comfortable to be around due to your ‘toxic’ demeanor.
  9. It was an Event Team who was on, and they told me to make this report.
  10. Putting this suggestion on hold after some thinking
  11. That’s why I included it for both sides if only you had read my whole post, no offense. I am aware that MTF do this as well and I find it rather disgusting. I hope this end this cycle with this suggestion.
  12. The situation today was you guys took SCP 131-A l, and we bought him for 14k but we were shot at right after the process as soon as we dropped the money. We were also as nice as we can be.
  13. It was a random researcher talking in OOC
  14. What are you suggesting? - No double crossing (let me explain.) So let's say you're an MTF, and you're buying back an SCP. You meet all their requirements by not bringing more than 2 people, you give them the money, but then they murder you. Same thing with MTF. MTF would sometimes negotiate with CI as a cover, and then secretly raid or try to kill the CI. This is just frustrating and annoying, as all we want is the buy back the SCP peacefully. How would this change better the server? - Less double crossing and frustration over something as simple as negotiating. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain - Some CI may not like this in general. Who would this change mostly benefit? - CI and MTF. I asked Dang, and he thought the idea was alright since it's implying to both CI as well as MTF as both have their own way of betraying one another. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  15. Your in game name: Kilo Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:168887765 The player's in game name: Shotgun Brian Griffin The player's steam ID (required): Shotgun- STEAM_0:0:180053171 Brian Griffin- STEAM_0:0:508810911 What did the player do: Shotgun- He would minge with a D-Class by sitting on his props, etc, and whenever I'd ask them to delete it (cuz there was no staff,) he would yell at me and complain saying things along the lines of "Why do you gotta ruin the fun, Kilo," as well as arguing in OOC, while even admitting to breaking said rule as shown in the screenshots. Brian Griffin- Minging with props as D-Class. Evidence (required): https://streamable.com/d6kzqs What do you believe should happen to the player: Shotgun- A warn for minging as well as instigating arguments within OOC chat. Brian Griffin- A warn for spawning props as D-Class Any extra information: There was no staff on to deal with it. I showed the evidence to Cancer/Rhodes, but he told me to make a report on this. Edit: Neither has been punished yet for this, and Shotgun even continued the argument in this forum post
  16. How about when the lights go out, there is a backup generator in the CC that keeps the lights on, but very limited on fuel, so a Tech needs to restock it on fuel or something. I like the SCP idea tho. +Support
  17. But also, you don’t have to listen to a commanding officer if it involves breaking the MOTD, which we both did not do intentionally...
  18. Although I do not want the SF punished, do keep in mind that he is a 1LT and therefore has more experience than myself. He could have easily corrected my call instead of following it. Although this may seem biased, I don’t believe anyone should get punished, but a very strict verbal seeing as how there was still miscommunication within this event. Also this rule is kind of flawed, because there could be SCPs breached at Defcon 4, and pretty often no Nu7 on within the morning time. Omicron do not deal with SCPs either as we have a strict list of priorities. Also, the images are in wrong order as Zeus has stated.
  19. Yea, I didn’t know this rule was in the MOTD as the E11 SOP says that MTF command can request E11 on-site. This was honestly a big mistake. I was even told by many command that I could, so I assumed it was out of date.
  20. -/+ Support -I've Seen D-Class Use The Cell To Shoot At Gensec, Whether It Be On Top, Or Inside.
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