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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. +support the only reason its damage was so low from what I remember is that it used to be rather popular with class D custom classes, but I don’t believe class D CCs can use this anymore, so there is no reason for a low damage output.
  2. BadAim

    comms - Accepted

  3. +support, dont see this being too much more of an issue
  4. Perhaps an addon that only allows certain jobs to enter placed in front of the gate? Ill look for one later. Also witcher gates are allowed again for event team only
  5. Maybe witcher gates could be setup to turn a staff room into a casino and have witcher gates be accessed only by certain job codes?
  6. +/-support, there would be too little of a turnup, however the few EU players we have rn are greatly inconvenienced by our current setup. Im all for a test meeting though!
  7. -Support WELL AKTSHUALLY YOU CAN SEE THA naw im just messing around. BIG OL' +SUPPORT FROM ME
  8. -Read above -Read above -Good point. Ill send him this post so he can see.
  9. this is what I have remembered being told multiple times and a rule I have followed for over 3 months. If I am incorrect I am sorry for the error and I will no longer do this.
  10. Sorry ill clarify, the punishment being the guilt that the new player feels for leaking information when they thought they were helping their branch.
  11. -Site administration CC not an MTF one -Ive been told multiple times the only CC that has NLR is Class D CCs -Blackstone most likely checked logs, realized i was on ethics committee, and did nothing about it as there is nothing he can do about it EDIT: probably just considered a research CC or a Roaming CC
  12. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! What you want to see? - Changes to how open comms work (must be [OPEN] for information to be used, otherwise the advert is automatically voided) Why should we add it? - CI and MTF mainly use this to abuse newer players who are unaware of how comms work for intelligence, which is wrong. We shouldn't be taking advantage of newer players, we should be helping them learn. What are the advantages of having this? - Allows new players who mess up to not receive punishment for something that isn't their fault, as they are still learning. Who is it mainly for? - everyone
  13. Good idea. We really should be working on more ways to keep class D entertained outside of a chess set, and experimenting. a while back gunther made a parkour course surrounding the tower, maybe that could be made to look less out of place, and have a teleport zone setup at the top that brings them back to the bottom and gives them xp?
  14. Director spire, if being punished with PT, will be restrained BEFORE he is informed of his punishment (see incident SPIRE-142)
  15. BadAim

    Nimo's Resignation

    Lots of people take the piss out of you, but i truly believe you were part of the glue that kept all of MTF together, and it sucks ass to see you go. Gonna miss you man -the retired head of Nu7s private first classes BadAim
  16. -support for reasons above, however i do think given time you COULD become staff. If you take time to improve and take all the information in this thread to heart, i can absolutely see you becoming staff, but not yet. Good luck next time man!
  17. In E11. Haven't heard of this happening. who told you/proof? Bruh
  18. +Support Good leader, good friend, good staff.
  19. BadAim

    Ban appeal

    I feel like a complete dick for doing this, im really sorry man. -support I saw you before you were perma banned also messing with SCP 457s cc while on 343. You had plenty of time to realize what you were doing, and while i still respect your work in Nu7, you knew the rules, and you broke a very serious one. -BadAimSam
  20. +support for the removal of soft PKs, they're stupid and do nothing -support for the removal of normal and hard PKs, they are rarely given out and if so for good reason.
  21. -Support Everything on the Custom Class has been accepted by Senior Management+ as non heavy weaponry, otherwise our updates wouldn't be accepted. I trust that SMT will deny this suggestion as everything on class D custom classes is within the limits they have set.
  22. You should make a suggestion for that, that sounds like a great idea!
  23. I disagree. While yes, it IS alpha 1’s job do deal with internal affairs, its pretty obvious that your talking to someone in A1. This could be setup like the E11 REDACTED unit, where nobody knows any of its members, ensuring less mingey behavior and info leaks, as you dont really know who is in it, and who isnt. Perhaps instead of reporting to the HOS or DOUSR as suggested by icarus, they could instead report to daedran?
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