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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Not all of MTF is in the same TS channel
  2. Sadchamp I’m digging the new look though! +support
  3. Also I said I assumed this was their opinion on the issue
  4. Personally I’d like to see a buff to the 15LE instead.
  5. Purge Trooper's SOP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YEh9FWM_DBqa9U3n1auzqYCtXVfN3HdiAzJh6IhtV-4/edit?usp=sharing Officer application format: 1. Name and Rank: 2. SteamID(find it here: https://steamid.io/): 3. Why do you think you are fit for the position of 2LT?: 4. What makes a good Officer?: 5. What are some things you would do that other Officers aren't doing right now?: 6. You walk into Inquisitor bunks and you see 3 Purge, 2 enlisted and 1 NCO, interrupting Inquisitors and minging. What do you do?: 7. Anything else you would like to tell us about you?: (You must be MSG+ to apply.)
  6. Do you have any addon suggestions for how this could be implemented?
  7. If they’re fully blocking a door then you should call staff.
  8. Please make a bug report on the issue then. If you make a bug report it is most likely going to be handled faster as the other 3 members of SMT who aren't igneous can handle it.
  9. I'm almost certain at one point they did spawn in the CMD office. It'd probably be best to shoot Arium a DM to confirm this.
  10. What do you want to see? - A white and black variant of the sawtooth crystal added to the store, of course with an added fee for the rarity of these colors. Why should we add it? - It would add more variation to the store and attract more customers! What are the advantages of having this? - More donations to the server Who is it mainly for? - IQ Links to any content - N/A
  11. +Support +Outstanding activity as a staff member and on TS +Good application +Definitely has the attitude to make it in the support game Good luck!
  12. Accepted! Please speak to nobody, because you have already been trained for this position! Could someone please move this to accepted since SHC promoted him already
  13. Can't say I didn't see it coming. See you man, while you were here, you were absolutely amazing.
  14. +Support Would stop mingy enlisted from letting out trainees
  15. +Support Lmao he thought he was off the case after putting you down Prime example of why you NEED to have a recording software
  16. SMT is aware of the situation and it will most likely be fixed tomorrow.
  17. +1 makes sense in lore
  18. +Support +Mature guy +experienced member of GL +Previous experience on SCP-RP and PRP Good luck!
  19. In-Game Name: Purge Commander BadAim / BadAim Steam Name: [GL]BadAimSam SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81238702 Are you a Senior Moderator+?: Yes, I am an Admin on IMP-RP. How many post do you have on the website (150+ REQUIRED)?: 622. How often are you online on the forums?: Daily. What timezone are you in?: CST. Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team (100 Words Minimum)?: I want to join the forum diplomat team to further increase the team's numbers, and because I believe with my frequent activity on the forums, I would be a great addition to the team. I get on the forums almost every day, and I regularly check every section of the forums so I am able to get a better idea of what it's like on those communities, so forgetting to moderate a specific section of the forums wouldn't be an issue with me. I also want to join the team so that I can have a better understanding of what each staff member and division member is going through, and I believe getting to know the members of the forum diplomat team would allow me to do this. Would you consider yourself to have good judgment? If so, how? I would consider myself to have good judgment due to my outstanding record as a staff member on both SCP-RP and IMP-RP. I had received staff of the month once on SCP-RP, and throughout my entire staffing career across Gaminglight, I am yet to receive a single staff report, legitimate or illegitimate (To my knowledge). How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers?: I would delete their messages, ban them for one day from the forums, and send them a private message explaining why they were banned that also directs them to whichever server they were banned from's Ban appeal section.
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