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Everything posted by Cryolast

  2. I saw it unfold and I don't think it was unfair for you to be warned. You baton abuse people all the time.
  3. Name: Cryolast Rank: A1 SPC Will you try to be active through the school year: I'm about to, like in a week my activity is gonna go way up. Do you believe that you deserve your position in A1: honestly probably not right now.  What is your current Activity on the Roster, and if not active will you try to improve it: I'm about to get a whole lot more active after this week. My current activity is weekends
  4. Name (What it is on the Roster): Security SFTO XRCF MAJ Cryolast SteamID: STEAM_0:1:122488431 What server is your activity majority based on (EU or US)? US How is your activity in Gensec (Good, poor, ect) On weekdays due to band it's not the best (3-4 hours a day) but during the weekend it's a lot better (around 8-12 hours) I'm going to greatly increase it after band is done though! Why should you retain your current Rank? (150+ Words): A big part of being a Security Major is commanding, mentoring, and helping lower Command ranks, (especially Junior Command) and I feel I am doing a very good job at that. The last three people promoted to WO have trained by me and I help them daily with issues such as knowing when and how to promote people, what do do during riots and mingy players etc. Another thing I do is hosting many meetings. Due to school I can no longer do daily meetings but I am still doing 4-5 meetings a week and will continue to do this. I have been told this by many people and believe it too that my meetings help security improve by keeping security updated about issues and etc. Finally my final reason is that I'm dedicated and I make good connections with security Personnel. My activity in game could definitely improve but a LOT of this is because of marching band but still, any chance I have I get on this game and when I'm away I like to watch discord and make sure that if anyone has a problem/question and I can respond to them quickly and efficiently. Which brings me to my second part of this, I feel like I have a good connection with the people in Gensec, lots of NCOs know me and I let them prove themselves by helping with meetings and trainings, giving them important tasks when defending d block, and other things. I know chain of command exists and that enlisted should be going to lower ranks first when they have a problem but I will still help them no longer what. In all I think I should retain my current rank and will continue to improve this branch as much as I can! Thank you, Cryolast.
  5. Hello Gaminglight members! If you have an idea for an event/have an event you would like to see for SCP RP this is your place, Fill out the link below and you may see your event in the future. https://forms.gle/4qstRhAB1zmkeVEG7
  6. @Darby-San <3 DO NOT PUT LOA ON FOR THE FORUMS. FILL OUT THIS: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ctkxBXi509d838bYNpWbbeGoIr_2Y4dRpiy6YRPXyK8/viewform?edit_requested=true
  7. When I first joined I thought you were the super serious roleplayer in HCMD. Thanks for the times and thanks for changing my mind
  8. Like 5 months ago I joined security and was always on hallway duty no one saw me because of this and even though I was on all day every day, it took around 2 weeks to be promoted to LCPL (coolgamey thx man even though you gone) then I was promoted to CPL a day later during a weekly meeting. Another day later I was promoted to SGT By rang and after that I shot up. Went from SGT to WO in a week skipping all NCO ranks. After this I was promoted to 2LT since I was a good boy. I went on vacation about a week or 2 later and came back to hear that I had been promoted to CPT. (around beginning of June) then the MAJ race between me, corner, doctor, and Iceman happened and I win after war gamer fake demoted me. Sadly after 2 months of being major I was demoted back to CPT but I stayed and hopefully one day I'll be promoted back.
  9. I got really into SCP lore after running into one of frisky's SCPSL videos. I played secret laboratory for awhile and then stopped to play Garry's mod where I saw a SCP RP tag and I said hey! I should play that. Now I can never leave.
  10. 1. Steam Name?: Cryolast 2. Steam ID?: STEAM_1:1:122488431 3. Roster Name?: Cryolast 4. Current Rank?: SFTO CPT 5. When were you promoted?: Was promoted to CPT near the beginning of June, then was promoted to MAJ about 2 months ago, then demoted down to CPT on the 18th of August. 6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: 5 months 7. Do you promise to uphold all rules enstated by Gaming Light and by the many Security guidelines?: Yes, I do 8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, ect.?: Yes, I do 9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower/higher rankings?: Yes, I do 10. VOUCHES High Command/Site Admin DoUSR Rangiatea for Site admin approval and War gamer for high command approval. Command Vouches Security CO CPT Russian HoJS Cookie Security MAJ Twosix Security 2LT Slade Enlisted/NCO Vouches Security SFC Max MTF Nu7 SSGT Jared Fogle MTF Nu7 MSGT Fear Security SFC Charlie Security SGT Flame Security SFC Peggu 11. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): I feel like I owe a lot to the command purge, it might've sucked being demoted but it kind of opened my eyes on what Senior Command and higher low command is all about which is Commanding and mentoring lower command when I was first demoted I thought that it was unfair but now with all the stuff I'm doing (with limited time because of band) I know now that it was not enough. I feel I am ready to become Senior Command again because I feel like like right now I am making a big impact to security in a good way and can make even more of an impact as a major. One thing that I've been doing that is connected to mentoring lower command and junior command is how I implement NCOs in my almost daily meetings and trainings. I always like to have my NCOs act as command during a meeting, which is giving them the job of helping me promote enlisted, dealing with issues, and talking about the pros and cons of our days in general. Another thing was the security Olympics, it went exactly how I was hoping that it would, which is good! NCOs got a turn to guide a squad of enlisted through faces, formations, and other things. For example I said: "Team leaders, get your squad in a double column" and even though it wasn't perfect they did a really good job at getting enlisted into the right positions and etc. As a Major I feel that it is very important to guide lower command and show them the ways of commanding security. I feel like since I was demoted I've stepped up my game and will continue to step it up even more promoted to major or no. I feel like I have matured, gotten better at commanding, have gotten less lazy and am doing more than just doing some commanding in d block. So in Closing I feel I am ready for the major position because I get on on when I can, help improve the Gensec branch, and have the responsibility and m,maturity to lead Security and mentor Junior Command. and I hope you will promote me to major. Thanks, Cryolast 12. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: The first time I see the security Officer leaving D block, I would ask him if he got permission to leave d block, if he says yes, I'll ask who gave him permission if he gets permission he's fine as long as he doesn't escort or patrol. If he doesn't have permission I'll stop and re-remind him of the leaving d block rule. If he does it again Then I would cuff him (if he doesn't let me cuff him Ill shoot him and run to bunks) bring him to bunks, tell him that he already knows the rules and that since he continues to leave d block he will be demoted and needs to be retrained to get a reminder of the rules. If after he gets retrained, he does it again then I would request a blacklist for continually leaving d block as an SO. 13. What would you do if an SGT was giving people permission to leave D Block?: At first I would stop him and remind him of what rank you have to be to give permission to leave d block as he might've just been confused. If he continues to do it I would tell him that he has already been told that he cannot give permission to leave d block and he is now being demoted down to CPL. If once he's CPL he continues to give permission I will request a blacklist. 14. What do you do if an E11 private comes into d block and attempts to take command of all of the security?: If an E11 PVT entered d block in the first place I would tell him that he needs to leave NOW due to him needing site admin permission to enter d block. If he does not listen and especially starts command security I will detain him (shoot him if he resists longer than 30 seconds) and report the E11 PVT to E11 CMD. If he did get permission from a site admin I would tell him that he needs to leave if he starts commanding security. The same punishment as the first will be used if he doesn't leave. 15. Who is A1?(RP): (In RP) what's that? (Cryolast is then knocked out and taken to a dark room where he is given amnesties and forgets everything he has heard of A1)
  11. It would also be nice to have some more Non-american people for freelance hours (getting people to supervise your event would be hard though)
  12. +/- Support - can't do riot events + good event idea - don't see you on enough to know who you are I've already done plenty of d class fighting ring events don't go stealing my ideas ? + Good application
  13. + Support + Is active + Great event idea + Good knowledge of lore + Overall great application
  14. +/-Support - has 5 warns + Nice event idea +Great event application + Is honest
  15. Hi SMT So I was getting reports of 682 vanishing when tranqued and I thought he may be hacking or something (cause I didn't know it was a glitch) and when 682 was tranquilized, He disappeared! I don't know if this is the same for other classes but this needs to be fixed. It's really hard to re contain 682 right now because of this glitch. Proof=
  16. Name: Cryolast Rank: MAJ Time Of LOA 7/29-N/A Reason: My high school is very serious about marching band and I am in marching Band. I will still be able to get on but not a lot, maybe like 2 hours a day.
  17. Just got into a fight with a d class, this man is saying that pickles are gross and that cucumbers are better. SMH I love that sour and juicy pickle flavor. ??(Pickle emoji) ????
  18. Cryolast


    I think I'm a little late to the congrats party
  19. In game name: Cryolast In game rank: SFTO MAJ What makes you a good trainer: my trainings take a while but the people I always train get 80+ on test because I make sure I got over everything. Suggestions: None (may edit if I think of something)
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