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Everything posted by Cryolast

  1. +Support Alpha personally I don't see you that much. Now I know I play at night but even on weekends I would really like to see your activity improve. With that out of the way, I do think you would be a good major but the only thing I'm scared about is your commitment. If you do become Major, you will have a big responsibility in this branch.
  2. +Support I Can't say this myself but others have said that you are very inactive in game but on the discord and during meetings you make sure gensec is doing it's best. You have my support though like rang said... You shouldn't know what A1 is
  3. First of all. Great Hogan's heroes reference. Second of all, like I said with Killaz you are a spot on command member but I think you still have a little bit more to learn about command. Major is a big dral, and whoever takes the Cake will have big responsibilities on their hands. You are definitely heading in the right direction though, good lock on your app.
  4. I'm kind of 50/50 on you Killaz I think that you are a wonderful Command member but in all honesty, I think you could be in low command a little longer as you have been a 1LT for 2 weeks. I feel you still have lots to learn about command but you are definitely heading in the right direction! Good luck ~ Cryolast
  5. +Support Alpha, youre activity is pretty good, you stay focused on the task at hand, and set a good example for Security. You have my support.
  6. and like that, He was gone... JK gonna miss you minecraft server kid.
  7. +Support +Good reputation +good application +active -Lore knowledge could be a bit higher but that's ok. -Event idea is, in the nicest way possible, not very creative. Think outside the box 079 events like this happen all the time. (Also going in research bunks and killing everyone is a big no no.) Overall I am really Looking forward to seeing what you can do! Good luck!
  8. +Support -good app -Nice event idea - good reputation on server
  9. +support + Good application! + ... interesting event idea + Has good reputation on server
  10. Good luck in your journey outside security!
  11. Hello everyone, I have been thinking a lot about what security means to me and have finally decided to do it. I think this needs to happen for me and others to be Happy... SECURITY OLYMPICS SUGGESTIONS!!! Format in reply: Name: Rank: What you want to see in security Olympics: Why it would be a cool feature/good for security: SERIOUS SUGGESTIONS ONLY. YOU WILL BE PUNISHED IF YOU PUT SOMETHING INAPPROPRIATE IN.
  12. Name: Security DHFTO LT COL Cryolast Security Rank: LT COL FTO Rank: DHFTO Why should you keep your rank? (SFTO+ must respond): I train lots of people for JFTO without and I do so without temptation when they ask me. Any notes or questions?: No.
  13. ok, better not find you minging on d class ???
  14. I'm fine with mechanic but the problem people are abusing it. Cause at this point I might as well grab the AWP during d class riots keep the door closed and just fire shot after shot through the closed door.
  15. Yes but when you can just keep shutting doors on people's faces and then shooting them through the closed door it's extremely unfair. And if you get the glitch where you can see closed doors you can obliterate people without them knowing where you are. For example around a week ago, 682 breached his initial CC but the key card door stopped him, n MTF came with an AWP and 682 couldn't go back due to lockdown so the MTF literally killed 682 by just shooting him through a closed door.
  16. I don't know how this hasn't had a bug report made for it. When you shoot the AWP (and possibly other certain weapons, IDK) at a closed door, the bullet will go right through. This allows people with the AWP to shoot through closed doors and kill other players. I hope this is a bug because if it isn't, that is extremely unfair. If it is impossible to fix, we could always make it a rule to not do this, kind of like surrendering with a weapon out. Proof: Garry's Mod 2019-09-23 22-42-14_Trim.mp4
  17. Cryolast

    join security!

    No, I won't rejoin security
  18. I'm not going to lie, even though you are really strict sometimes, I really did enjoy the time I've spent in security with you. I wish you good luck on your journey outside SCP RP.
  19. Good luck you minge (not really it's a joke don't redacted him)
  20. You do great things for your branch on SCP RP and you deserve this dude
  21. Huge +Support +active +amazing captain in gensec +good reputation +good application
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