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Everything posted by Susel

  1. Rip non donators and RCT - LCPL ranks
  2. I'll try my best you big minge, now use your big brain and go far. Maybe return sometime, we'll miss you
  3. Susel

    Buff the Negev

    Changing to - support unless you change it to the micro, then I can change my mind
  4. +support Obvious 106 SWEP abuse, should get banned and blacklisted from 106 and 343 with no way to appeal
  5. I have never, EVER seen you in game, might be time zones tho
  6. Make a suggestion in the suggestion forums maybe???
  7. Look what i found he did it to another person too
  8. How the hell so i get a signature
  9. Bro, if you quit the game and came back months later, you lose all your ranks and go back to security OFC. Its so simple.
  10. To be honest my guy, I've never seen you minge in game except a few times when you STARTED playing. The only recent minging you've done was command diss in A1. You have to stop playing victim and stand on the side that you aren't the minge that people see you as. I think we all know that you are regretting your past actions and really want to redeem yourself. The best thing you can do is leave it all behind and become a kind of new yourself under the same name. We all know you can do it and that deep inside you can be even better, so just try your best to leave it behind and improve yourself. - Susel
  11. Demoted removed blacklisted striked kicked banned
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