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Everything posted by Susel

  1. 939 is good like it is since it can run away after being tranqed
  2. Susel

    Skela With 682

    Bro you tryna flex smh cause it ain't workin'
  3. I was searching for a good email name, so i so i used the word Gopher in polish + my name and it suprisingly came out good for my steam name, so I started using it everywhere Suseł I also like gophers and will propably get one when im ready
  4. We will miss you infected, and remember to gunga ginga when flying around as staff
  5. Susel

    False Warn Appeal

    Why would you make a google dock... You acted like a complete smartass and were sarcastic about everything, just because it's not in the motd doesnt mean you dont have to follow it Mr. Luckyy
  6. /me throws smoke into break room and starts eating lunch secretly
  7. Susel

    Hom Trap Hunter

    Thanks for putting this in archive already
  8. +support This is the best, most breathtaking suggestion these forums have ever seen. I cried while reading this pure perfection.
  9. Getting a negev class for bronze would be way too OP, would be better to replace to 200 200 and replace PKM with M249
  10. +/- support People get called minges all the time and you took being called one really too far, seriously, just go to security command, don't make a entire player report on something that isn't even player diss
  11. +support if there is a way to actually replace the defaults
  12. Just checked and rangers still dont have access to comms and rsdio channels
  13. -support The ban will go until anyone sees this just wait it out
  14. Susel


    Didnt you leave the server dissing it?
  15. Adding new props is up to SMT right?
  16. +support Tight spaces dont change anything since LCZ and HCZ are huge and 939 can run away super fast
  17. Truly a bruh moment... Sad to see you go man
  18. I just wanted to ask for perms cause one person told that I should get it before I upload a bug report
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