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Everything posted by Hoovy

  1. Blacklist Time Period has Expired.
  2. Please make sure to copy the FULL format
  3. @TwizKirigaya Do you know who blacklisted you from that job?
  4. Denied Lack of Evidence on reported players side for why the warn was false.
  5. Accepted Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  6. Partially Accepted You can appeal this warning, but I will be administering a warning for you being in water as an SCP as that is indeed not allowed.
  7. Accepted Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  8. Bright can be depicted in any body/entity as he possesses a certain amulet SCP which transfers his conscious to the thing the amulet is on.
  9. Denied Just wait out the rest of the ban
  10. I know that Technical has been working on this idea for ages, and I am proud to give it a +support. (My only concern is with the addition of Omicron-9 and how they are SUPPOSED to have little armor, this might buff them indirectly?)
  11. DENIED It's apparent from the responses of the community that it is not the first time you have pulled a move like this before, and that kind of stuff is not tolerated here at Gaminglight. However, you can re-appeal in 1 month if you so wish.
  12. (Plus you've only been back a day, get some more time under your belt before reapplying imo)
  13. -Support on removing the Medkit Removing the medkit seems kind of harsh. However id be down for banning 999 from dblock and seeing how that goes. Makes sure field medics get their RP in D block at the very least.
  14. This just seems like a waste of time. Granted its a cool idea, but a waste of time.
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