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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Give him second chance at least. Just don't do it again ?
  2. Thanks for the quote again No Mic Nerd! -LT Matthew 1A25
  3. Suggest not to get another warn because the max is 20... Good Luck tho!
  4. Sorry dude but it's a -Support from me.
  5. I seen him my self being AFK for long times. Needs a GOOD TALKING to and maybe a removal/strike how attitude is when SMT is talking with him.
  6. +/-Support +App. is Great! +Well Known -Not Active
  7. +Support +Active +Mature +Helps/Trains Officers +Does Job Well +Deserves CPT Overall I think you should get CPT, you are one of the best LT's out there (Does job really good!) so Good Luck and hope you get CPT ~LT Matthew 1A25
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