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[GL] Joe Mama

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by [GL] Joe Mama

  1. VCMod doesn't have a feature like this so unless you can find an addon for it that doesn't cause too much lag, I can't really see this happening. -Support
  2. +Support You are pretty active, have low warns, and are a long time member of the community. But, I'd like to see you in TS more and get more well known with the community. Your forums activity could be better also. (The punishment for MassRDM is 10k second ban btw) Good Luck! ~ Joe Mama
  3. +Support I've spoken with Reaper quite a few times and I believe he has moved on past his mingy phase and has matured greatly. He is active, friendly, and a long time member who I feel deserves a shot as staff.
  4. @Sion So they said Panic / Comms smashed in the advert right?
  5. I like to play during the afternoon, I think its a fun time
  6. Trust me, I thought the same thing when I first joined but TS is way better for our needs than discord. Discord is better for smaller groups of people.
  7. No worries Kade, sometimes things come up and you have to deal with them. Glad to hear you're gonna be coming back and I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
  8. +Support Meets the requirements to appeal
  9. Congratulations fellas! Welcome to S.R.T.!
  10. +Support Has reached the warn limit for a perma-ban
  11. [GL] Joe Mama

    Motd fix

    I see that its fixed in the MOTD that pops up in-game but not the document on the forums.
  12. +Support Was accepted previously
  13. Thank you for your hard work in the Event Team! I look forward to your return in the summer!
  14. +Support Will is an active, respectful, mature, and friendly staff member who I believe would be a great fit for event team
  15. -Support Sorry man but this application needs some serious work. You put the incorrect SteamID, didn't meet the word requirement, made a public poll, and didn't specify the punishment on #16. I'd also work on activity in TS and on the forums. ?
  16. Glad to see the President doing great work for keep True North in its best shape.
  17. Sorry Phenix, but this app needs work and you're still staff restricted.
  18. He hasn't been warned in 2 weeks so he is allowed to appeal this one warning! +Support
  19. +Support Staff member admitted it was false
  20. @SauceGod Wrong section, go to Report Center and make sure to use correct format! ??
  21. I'll +Support all of the warnings that are a year old since you haven't been warned in over 3 months.
  22. +/- Support • Seems remorseful but you must've done something pretty bad to get perma banned
  23. [GL] Joe Mama

    Ban Appeal

    @Diox I'd recommend you appeal all of your year old warnings in the Report Center.
  24. Yeah, theres not really an easy way to just fix how the cars control.
  25. Thank you for your service with SRT and being a great commander.
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