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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. +support shut up Isn’t staff diss John needs to get just a talk to about what is staff diss and what is not +support warn is false
  2. i am not sure but it can also crash/lag the server if to many ppl camera spamms
  3. Make a Staff report on them Because they are clearly then not doing there job as a staff member
  4. Sorry munch but +/-support In my opinion if you want colonel you need to have b en major longer then 3 weeks i need to see more for you you need to be it for like 2 months you can’t just rush true every rank but you are still a great dude and deserve it
  5. You still have the warns if it show up on the server you have the warns and don’t reply to your own staff app do pms instead
  6. -support -never seen on - number 8 is wrong you say that you have more then 1 warn - number 6 is wrong you can see on your forums account when you made it
  7. Do you make flying carpets like from the movie alladin ???
  8. -support - you can’t minge for 10k sec as a trial mod -never seen on Or heard about you
  9. +/- support never seen you on many because I am on vacation if I see you on when I get home. In 1 day I will change it to a +support +nice person +mature
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