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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. Nah it’s gonna need to be a fist fight xD let’s say this Friday????? xD
  2. Yes I hit 100 rep again ;D now I can be in the big boiii club ??????
  3. +/- support we alredy had 1 of these systems I am pretty sure but they broke after 2 days
  4. Hello ma name Jeff and I am a Admin on prp and a low command member in pd. You can usually find me in low command room or in Emans ts room where I mic spam xD
  5. Yes why should we make it easier then ???
  6. Money should be hard to make Not to easy
  7. Nah alistair you want a horse xD So you can ride around in Nederland
  8. -support it needs to be hard to make money yes it should be easy but still hard.
  9. + support it is not needed but it would be nice to have a cleaner logo
  10. 100% agree whit vinny but not whit the good looking part xD
  11. Depends on what type of plane we are talking about
  12. That’s a sexy toe show is the hoal foot
  13. ^^^^^ 100% agree whit invaliff
  14. We need active command members or am I wrong whit that?
  15. +/- support -never seen you on LT -okey app - good leader - Never seen you on trainings/meetings but when I see you on you are there for half the meeting then leaves get your activity up and I will +support
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