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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. Wait until Zeeptin fixes it! no need to stress ! just wait it should not be to long! before it should be fixed
  2. I mean I usually get 10+ ? now when I have been nerding out on it Every game
  3. .... Ingame Name: Jeff Jr SteamID: STEAM_0:1:421604434 Rank: Trainee Activity: (Active/Semi active/Inactive) pretty active What do you want to see in state going forward? Why?: nothing  Any Suggestions?: N/A 
  4. I cant make the meeting sorry!
  5. +support what i have seen from will latley is only good stuff he is super mature and have been apart of the staff team tooooooo loooooong to be honest. Good luck will! hope u get it B
  6. Oooof knows how it feels 1 time they did something worst on me xD the pain after was warier then getting kicked in the nuts
  7. +support -active -mature -knows how to deal whit complaints
  8. What is your in-game name?: CPT Jeff Jr/Jeff Jr What is your steam name?: GL smiley https://steamcommunity.com/id/Smiley2222/ What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:1:421604434 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Nope I have only been a staff member on gaminglight policerp What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) about January 2018 What date did you make your forums account? march 12 2018 but because i did not make my old account with my steam account I lost my timer when I joined because i needed to make a new account using my steam account. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Senior-Admin How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 26 (all of them are old and i am not proud of it) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1654625896 Have you donated? Yes 400$ What rank are you applying for? Superadmin or SA Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Nope! Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes! Timezone: CET Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):(Manager Carpenter John, Eman, Scheffer,) (Head of staff Fame) (Head Admins Myan, Spection, Igneous, Richard) (Super Admins Th3, Stormzz, Gamikzone) Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) First of all, I just wanna say thanks for reading my Super Admin application it means a lot to me. I Know that SuperAdmin is a super big step and you need to be a trusted staff member to apply for a role like that. My first time playing on the server I was just a minge and did not care about the community or gaminglight at all.. I just joined to ruin other players experience on the server and be irritating towards staff members. That is why I have so many warns I just didn't care before and that is something I regret everyday.. however i was lucky enough to have people show me the right path.. I can't express how thankful I am to the staff members of gaminglight for helping me so much because if it wasn't for them i wouldn't be here today.. . although i had great staff members show me how to rp I still minged around however now i can see what i was doing was wrong. I thought the staff members on policeRP were targeting me and trying to get me warned for no reason. due to all of this i decided that i needed to change and made the decision to try to get in the staff team.. I had a long road ahead of me, I had a bad reputation in the community because i was known to be a minge and nothing else. So I contacted a staff member and asked him what I could work on so people in the community would like me and when someone said Jeff Jr they wouldn't think of a minge. The staff member told me to be active in ts and be on PD a lot,right after the staff member talked to me I jumped straight on PD and started to get my activity up and roleplay much better then I did before. After some days on PD i felt like I was ready to apply for staff so i did, My app wasn't the best but i got accepted and I got so happy. I started my journey out as a T-mod I got on every single day and was staffing around 4-7 hours every day. I just wanted to help the community in the best way i possibly could.. I was nervous about getting a staff report against me and having the thought that i could possibly get removed from the staff team. however it never affected how much i would get on staff. I eventually got promoted to Moderator and that only made me more dedicated to helping gaminglight as much as possible.. I was doing a pretty good job as a staff member and i started to understand the MOTD a lot more and began to communicate more with the other staff members.i started to prove to other staff members that i was here for the server now and to be a good role player/staff. Some weeks went by and i got S-Mod, It was then i realized that i needed to become a role model for the lower staff members. So i tried to help the T-Mods and Moderators out as much as I could and hopefully inspire them to help others out as well,. It was one of the best feelings that I have ever felt, So i promised to myself that I would always be respectful to everyone in the community. later on i got promoted to admin, this is when i really needed to prove my self the most as it is a huge jump from senior moderator and also the rank where you’re helping a lot of new people how to do stuff and also a rank that has a lot more power than the lower ranks.... I could not believe that i made it to the highest position in my opinion that someone like me can get. I didn't stop being on staff but some days went and i got a staff report me, I felt like i was going to get either a strike or potentially i would lose my admin rank and that i would be staff restricted. I went to the Head Of Staff and spoke to him he told me that everything would be fine and if i get a strike i won't lose my staff rank. It made me calm down a bit.. The staff report made me more nervous of doing something wrong whilst being staff.This did not affect my activity however i would constantly read the motd to make sure i was telling players everything correctly. I did my best to help them in anyway i could whether it was when i was on staff and when i was not on staff. It was then when i felt i was doing the right thing. Some months went, and i got promoted to Senior Admin I have been Senior Admin for about 60 or more days i have noticed how big of an impact i have had on some of the staff members on gaminglight, And i want to keep having an impact on the community in a positive way. Now why i think i am ready for Super Admin. My time as a Staff member has been super fun and i have learned so many new skills. I have met some great staff members and individuals that have been so welcoming and nice towards me. I have grown stronger as a person and it has made me interact a lot more with my Real life friends. I believe i am very active ingame and I try my best to get every job done as best as i can. I always do my best when it comes to helping the lower staff members in anyway that i can. I have gotten some great experience From all higher and lower staff members on Policerp. . I am a nice person that can't hate someone. Yes i know it sounds weird but in my opinion, if you hate someone it will slowly make you feel bad and it will also make you do mistakes. I have gotten about 2 staff reports on me but they weren't too serious (Don't get me wrong i am not saying that staff reports are not a big deal. I am just saying that it wasn't anything with me abusing my powers on someone and anything like that). I believe that i can take the role of Super admin as i'm very well known to everyone and have a great rep on gaminglight. I would also say that many of the other servers staff team members knows about me too( in a good way). I am active ingame and extremely active on the forums and teamspeak. I am always respectful to any staff member and players. But that doesn't mean that i don't have any humor and can have fun when i am in private ts channels. When it comes to sits i will always try to go beyond what i am supposed to do, i will always try to make both sides happy in a sit or help out a staff member that needs a higher up to help them out i would always try my best to help them. in the end i am just applying for super admin because i wanna help the community more than i can right now. I wanna be able to have a bigger impact and make everyone more happy with the roleplay on policerp and anything in between so players and staff members will know that gaminglight is the best community on garry’s mod. Thanks for reading my Super admin app i hope you know now why i think i am ready for the position of a Super admin. just a quick answer if you are wondering about my warns Why do i have s many warns. I know that i have many warns (26) but as the story of my staffing on gaminglight i have changed alot and i am not a minge anymore. Everyone can change and should get a chance to change for the better. ( Also i know my English is not the best so pls don't judge me too much for it! If you find any spelling errors pls tell me so i can think about it in the future.) Other then that love all of you guys ! -Senior Admin Jeff Junior 19. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? The first thing i would is to bring the person on to a roof where they can't interfere with rp after that i would jail them and try to talk to them in a nice way so they know that i am just trying to be friendly towards them. if they don't stop cursing at me i would gag them and mute them. After 1 min i would ungag them and try to contact the person again. i would explain then why i jailed him and what the consequences will be because he did mass rdm and diss me. i would then Minge him for 10,000 seconds and warn him for massrdm and playerdiss.
  9. +support -Mature -active -But pls re-read the staff handbook so you know how long you can minge!
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