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Everything posted by Berserkrpups

  1. You can extend if needed. Already Marked on roster
  2. - Switching it to non-donator will be unfair for the people who did donate
  3. You were already kicked off of CI for major inactivity // R&D Command/Gamma Command Decision
  4. That is our private and as of the un-updated version it only has 100 hp and 25 armor
  5. We have to deal with three branches usually all at once and E-11 has some of the most health on the server.
  6. Glad to have you back.
  7. To add on how would people know when they can and cannot riot if they just joined in.
  8. Had to tweak some things around, Orange and I did a lot of testing with weapons to see which one would fit certain ranks.
  9. I know how to fly, it is that some people complain about this map's skybox
  10. Chaos Insurgency Branch Update (Job Update or Job Addition) Name of Job: CI Alpha Operative Job Model (Model Paths):models/player/pmc_4/pmc__02.mdl Job Description: Alpha Personnel are often known to be the grunts of CI and have to prove themselves in order to become a bigger figure that others could look up to. But most are usually forced to head into the hellfire of battle. (RCT-PVT) Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_csgo_ak47, tfa_csgo_fiveseven, bkeycardscanner_cracker, weapon_cuff_elastic, dradio Job Salary: 85$ Job HP: 125 Job Armor: 125 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: CI Beta Operative Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/pmc_4/pmc__14.mdl Job Description: Beta Personnel have shown their best effort to command and have a stable future in Chaos Insurgency. Has a little bit of authority over the Alpha personnel and communicate with lower Delta Command to succeed against the foundation. (LCPL+) Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10):tfa_csgo_famas, tfa_usp, ,bkeycardscanner_cracker, weapon_cuff_elastic, dradio Job Salary: 100$ Job HP: 135 Job Armor: 150 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: CI Sergeant Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/pmc_4/pmc__12.mdl Job Description: Senior Beta Members that are apart of the NCO program and have permission to lead and help out Delta Command with anything tasked. Can be tasked with going into the foundation alone and can extract anything necessary for the use of our cause. Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_csgo_m4a4, tfa_csgo_cz75, tfa_csgo_xm1014, tfa_csgo_frag, bkeycardscanner_cracker, weapon_cuff_elastic, dradio Job Salary: 120$ Job HP: 150 Job Armor: 150 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: CI Sergeant Major Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/pmc_4/pmc__06.mdl Job Description: Top of the NCO program and have shown great militarized strengths. They are highly overseen by higher command for their great work and efforts put into the NCO program. They can organize raids and help Delta Command with anything tasked. These operatives have possibilities of becoming greater than their former selves. Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_csgo_sg556, tfa_csgo_xm1014, tfa_m29satan, tfa_csgo_frag, bkeycardscanner_cracker, weapon_cuff_elastic, dradio Job Salary: 125$ Job HP: 175 Job Armor: 175 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: CI Delta Command Job Model (Model Paths): models/friskiukas/kestrel.mdl Job Description: Respected and Senior Members of Chaos Insurgency. More commonly known as Delta Command they serve Gamma Command till the death as do all of CI but these members have seen the worst of the worst and will always be called to action if need be. (Accessible to LT+) Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_csgo_sawedoff, tfa_csgo_scout, tfa_honeybadger, tfa_csgo_deagle, tfa_csgo_frag, tfa_csgo_smoke, weapon_m9, weapon_cuff_elastic, bkeycardscanner_procracker, fas2_ifak, dradio Job Salary: 135$ Job HP: 200 Job Armor: 200 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): N/A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: CI Gamma Command Job Model (Model Paths): models/friskiukas/archer.mdl Job Description: Members apart of Gamma Command. the most respected members of CI and have the power to command any and all Chaos Insurgency, members apart of this job have access to the most REDACTED knowledge about the CI and are high-value members. (Accessible by COL+) Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_csgo_sawedoff,tfa_csgo_awp, tfa_kac_pdw ,tfa_csgo_revolver, tfa_csgo_frag, tfa_csgo_smoke, weapon_m9, weapon_cuff_elastic, bkeycardscanner_procracker, fas2_ifak, dradio Job Salary: 200$ Job HP: 300 Job Armor: 200 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: CI Research And Development Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/suits/male_01_open_tie.mdl, models/player/suits/male_02_open_tie.mdl, models/player/suits/male_03_open_tie.mdl, models/player/suits/male_04_open_tie.mdl, models/player/suits/male_05_open_tie.mdl, models/player/suits/male_06_open_tie.mdl Job Description: R&D more commonly known as Research and Development is trained/tasked with dealing with the foundation's most dangerous anomalous entities, as well as their most trusted officials. Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10):tfa_ragingbull, weapon_cuff_elastic, dradio Job Salary: 110$ Job HP: 100 Job Armor: 75 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): N/A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: CI R&D Command Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/suits/male_01_closed_coat_tie.mdl, models/player/suits/male_02_closed_coat_tie.mdl, models/player/suits/male_03_closed_coat_tie.mdl, models/player/suits/male_04_closed_coat_tie.mdl models/player/suits/male_05_closed_coat_tie.mdl, models/player/suits/male_06_closed_coat_tie.mdl Job Description: Research and Development Command is only given to the best of the best and to the very lucky and talented one apart of this branch. They have shown what it takes and have all been approved by the Director of R&D to take on such a responsible position(s). Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_remington1858, weapon_cuff_elastic, fas2_ifak, weapon_m9, dradio Job Salary: 150$ Job HP: 125 Job Armor: 125 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): Increase slot count for the job from 4 -> 10 (If possible) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Job: CI Grenadier Job Model (Model Paths): "models/player/pmc_4/pmc__07.mdl" Job Description: The CI is led by former, defected O5 Council members and other traitors to the foundation. They are extremely resourceful and have high amounts of unknown funding. Furthermore, it is unknown what their objectives are, but they are interested in SCPs. Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): "dradio", "bkeycardscanner_cracker", "weapon_cuff_elastic", "m9k_m61_frag", "tfa_csgo_frag", "tfa_csgo_flash", "tfa_csgo_smoke", "tfa_csgo_ump45", "tfa_m92beratta" Job Salary: 100$ Job HP: 130 Job Armor: 120 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: CI Shade Task force E4 Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/n7legion/killingfloor2/horzine_sec_suit_male.mdl Job Description: The most elite spec ops team ever to be created. They specialize in insertions and black-ops around the globe, it is rumored they only answer to Gamma Command. People do not know if they truly exist, but one thing is for certain, anyone who claims to know anything about one of the members shortly disappears. Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_csgo_xm1014, tfa_csgo_aug, tfa_remington1858, tfa_csgo_awp, bkeycardscanner_procracker, weapon_cuff_elastic, tfa_csgo_frag, tfa_csgo_smoke, weapon_m9, dradio Job Salary: 130$ Job HP: 175 Job Armor: 175 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): Remove the model/bodygroup confliction found with this re-skin: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1231541239&searchtext=KF2+Horizon+Security -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: Dr. Maynard Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/scpsci_male_06.mdl Job Description: Level 4 personnel of the Foundation, Dr. Maynard is most known as one of the foundation's most prominent doctors... little do they know he is actually a double-agent working with the Chaos Insurgency. He frequently sends them information about the foundation. Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): weapon_cuff_elastic, dradio, level4 keycard, tfa_csgo_usp, gmod_camera Job Salary: 150 Job HP: 100 Job Armor: 100 Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Commander Tony GX01 X. Lieutenant Commander Conner GX02 X. Head Of Research Theman H01 X. Major Orange MA05 X. Deputy Head Of Research Skela H02
  11. And some people already have a huge problem with the skybox we have now.
  12. Hope you have a great time one of my friends just went there and he said it was great so I hope you have the same experience.
  13. -Support - During Defcon 2 researchers should be going to the panic room in case of Defcon 1 - We really don't need the additional entity on the server + Could be used to kill time when not researching/preparing a test
  14. Denied Although you didn't mean to offend anyone by using that term it is still against the rules to say it in the first place. Even if you were messing around we don't tolerate that in any part of CI. You may re-appeal in 1 month thank you for your time.
  15. As of right now Conner and I to my information don't have access to this document. I recommend copying&pasting it to this post and editing it and then I can go from there.
  16. Personally, I don't see that much warns for this rule although I feel like I might be a little out of place while saying that.
  17. +Support - Helps new players - Changed a little due to E11 being outside now - Helps Players understand parts of the map
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