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Everything posted by KyleTheOne

  1. My dear friend what you are suggesting sounds like MTF EPSILLION 6 Viallage idiots.
  2. +Support. Also why does SCP 527 have a D Class model? It gets confusing to tell them apart at a distance
  3. Keeping it a Solid -support. Staff disrespect is not going to be tolirated
  4. -Support I would like to hear why they were killing you but. Rdming isnt a real breach off staff powers. Lets say he was !slay @ you then thats abuse but otherwise its more of a player report. Fear shouldn't have picked you up and gagged you but theres a side i would like to hear from @Fear and @TheeReaper Also use the format. See you on the fourms buddy
  5. Hey igy, life before rp. You gotta do what you gotta do. I'm sure th3 got you covered
  6. Name: Kyle Parker Rank: Engineer Branch (Medical, Technician, Janitorial): Technical Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD): 4/09/19 - 8/09/19 Reason (If private that's fine): I'm currently at me nans so I mightbe able to get on a few days but most likely i wont be able to get on at all
  7. This is my story. I joined because i got garrys mod for christmas. I then joined Gensec and rose up to SM. I joined staff and left gensec joining E11. I got CPL in E11 and joined A1 and got CPL before leaving. I have now settled on Research and the Technical Branch as low command for Engineers. I am currently a Technical Manager Now
  8. First thing i see you do on the server is say the n word and called me that. Fun times. Man I'm gonna miss you ;-;
  9. Your in game name: Senior Technician Parker Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:209986016 The player's in game name: MTF Nu7 JUG CO FIsh The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:221225556 What did the player do: Went on SCP 343 and started spamming the buttons in the staff area. He then pressed the 106 breach button (which plays the sound) after i told him no. Evidence (required): What do you believe should happen to the player: Blacklist from 343 Any extra information: None
  10. KyleTheOne

    Skela Revival

    /me rejoins A1 to torture
  11. Name: Kyle Parker Rank: Associate Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: NU 7 MSGT Protoege, NU 7 PVT RS Fish Amount of D class involved: 1 SCP: SCP 457 Errors and/or safety hazards: SCP 457's fire Question: Using a solution i created that prevents normal fire will it stop the effects of SCP 457? Background Research: SCP 457 is a Man who is on fire. He sets things on fire with a single touch. Hypothesis: The solution will prevent SCP 457 from setting the D class on fire. Observation: D Class had the solution pour over his body. D Class enters the Containment. SCP 457 approaches D Class D Class is set on fire and burnt. The NU 7 PVT is also set on fire through the walls. The NU 7 PVT stops feeling the pain though he is still on fire. D Class dies from the burning. Visual Stimuli (Photos/ videos): N/A Analysis: The D Class's body wasn't able to withstand the heat though the NU 7 PVT stopped burning after a while even though he was still on fire. The fire lasted a good ten minutes until being put out. Conclusion: In conclusion, SCP 457's fire doesn't act like a normal fire should. It sets beings on fire through walls and sometimes continues burning even though it doesn't affect the person. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No it did not
  12. Name: Kyle Parker Branch: Technician Rank: Senior Technician Rate your Activity from 1 to 10 (1 being very low 10 being incredible) : 8 Are you on the Roster: Yes but my rank is incorrect
  13. +Support Mad respect for this man. He was a great division leader for research and seems fit for the role
  14. I would like to know his rank
  15. -Support I honestly dont know who told you this but it should be pretty obvious from an rp point and ooc point that you always give the d class a warning before terminating them. A higher up on gensec can say if im wrong but im almost certain that is the case. I believe that the staff in question shouldve warned you for rdm but otherwise nothing else should really come of this. Check your facts buddy
  16. I'm done with the minges on SCPRP who think they can minge and push staff around when other people minge.

  17. +Support clear as day evidence. Disappointing Delta
  18. My man. I remember back in the day you were always pressing for my activity in NU 7 (Sorry i didnt get on it i regret it now ;D) But man have you grown. I always knew you had it in you and will be with you all the way.
  19. Guys I hope you realise he was asking for the prop pack not the map right? +Support there are a lot of good things for rp in there but it may be too big.
  20. I bought GMOD and I was in love with scp so i joined this server waited half an hour to donwload the pack and boom here we are
  21. This is ultra late but I came up with something good. The air force should be just like the simulations
  22. Lore Name: Kyle Parker Rank: Researcher I Clearance Level: - 2 List of personnel involved in testing: - Dr Jack Bright, Utilization Supervisor Kuma. Level D personnel involved: D 4531, D 4582 SCP: - Using the dna sample of 682 and 939, no interference from either specimen. Question: - How would the human body react when getting injected by a solution which consisted of SCP 682 and 939 cells, My saliva and a few blood cells from D 4582. Background Research: - 682 is meant to be undying. And 939 is mostly sound-based. Hypothesis: I believe both D Class will gain the ability to adapt almost instantly to certain stimuli and be sound based. Observation: - D 4531 and D 4582 are injected with the liquid. D 4582's core body temperature started rising heavily and started emitting low levels of radiation. D 4531 shows no signs of change until slow signs of decay begin to appear in the cranium. D 4531 dies from shock. D 4582's radiation levels increase at an alarming rate. D 4582 becomes a hazard to foundation personal and is covered in a lead suit. D 4582 receives SCP status and is taken to the Temp Euclid containment. The radiation becomes too much for SCP 4582's body to handle and it begins to melt and deform until all is left is a puddle of blood, feces, bone, and flesh. Analysis and Conclusion: - The serum took a toll differently on each subject. It is unknown why this occurs. Both subjects end up with outcomes each meeting their end. Neither subject carried on the trait of either SCP 682 or SCP 939
  23. Well all good things must come to an end I do say so. I will dearly miss you guys as you have been a vital part to my entire rp experience. I honestly rather dedicate time to Research since lately I've been spending more time in D Block than any MTF should. I just want to say my special thanks to. Daedran: I remember watching you grow from a SO all the way to a great commander of Alpha 1, no one deserves this more than you man and everything you ever contributed and will contribute will always 100% be back by me. Arium: You fat mingey boy. I remember when you first came on the server. Whoo we had to ban you silly goose. But you have greatly matured since then I really think you can do great things for the regiment. Reaper: Guy was with me since day one, sad to see ya go dude but hey, now i dont have to be secretive no more. Rekitfy: I love you dad. In all seriousness, you were a great mentor for me and a full honestly fun guy to help torture with. October: Man do I think you're cool. From CI Commander to Alpha 1 warrant Officer. Buddy you've been a great guide towards my days during A1 and I hope one day you can be as strong as ever. Blackbeard: Best DoC. And to all those in A1 I didnt say, Thank you, for being a great team to work with, You guys were close family to me and it was fun serving in this regiment. You might see me on as Research or my MTF E10 job, if ya do say hi. But for now this is Mobile Task Force Alpha One Corporal Kyle Parker, Signing off
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