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Everything posted by Nucleus

  1. +Support - Active - Good Application - Nice guy - Knows rules
  2. It's been an honour to work with you in security and I look forward to seeing you around on Staff. You put in so much effort and time into security to make it what it is today. You are truly thanked.
  3. Its the thought though.
  4. +support Kind, hardworking, has helped me so much. Really deserves it.
  5. Im a bit late but the thought that counts. F
  6. Noted. Thank you for your service with us. -EMS Deputy Nucleus D2
  7. +Support - Active - Friendly, Kind - Good Application - Mature
  8. +Support - Adds alot of RP - Makes some situations easier to handle for specific injuries - Would be a great thing to have. EMS Deputy Nucleus
  9. Okay, thanks for letting us know and make sure to have fun ?
  10. Name: Nucleus Rank: Captain Why do you think you deserve to stay in the Department?: I think I deserve to stay in the EMS department as I am there to speak to anyone lower down who needs help and I am relatively active. As well as this, I have quite alot of responsibility in the department as I am Site and Attendance Lead. Any changes you want in the EMS?: Better stuff for lower ranks inc. Medics to increase their experience on EMS.
  11. Noted your LOA down Smoke. Thanks for letting us know.
  12. Well..it truly is round 2. Hope this time allows things to calm down and become better. Will miss you whilst you're off but hope to speak to you again soon you cheery guy! Take your time, I'm always here if you need to let off steam/ear-rape me with stress xD - Your Fav EMS Captain Nucleus
  13. +Support - Mature - Active - Kind/Helpful - Good person - Knows his stuff Good Luck Alex.
  14. +Support - Nice person and very friendly - Mature - Active (I see you a lot when I'm on (Im GMT)) - Good App (As others said make sure you know the minge durations you can do and how you need a higher up to minge for longer) Good Luck BeHappy.
  15. Thanks @Emmu06. I've changed it to a orange colour. Should be easier on the eyes and to read. Thanks for the spelling too, UK has different spellings xD
  16. It is with great pleasure that after being accepted to be Lead on website development I am now able to unveil it to you all here. The website will be updated when needed to give the latest information anyone would need to know. https://auroramediagroupuk.wixsite.com/rockford-ems If you find any bugs or anything to add then please do suggest by filling out the form on the website as it is still in Development. (Forms Tab and then fill out the EMS Website Feedback) Thankyou ~ Senior Lieutenant Nucleus Edits 20/02/19 - Blue changed to a darker orange to be more appealing and easier to read. 20/02/19 - New site is in creation to increase professionalism, reliability, accuracy. 24/02/19 - New Site uploaded to this forum topic.
  17. Okey Dokey, hope it all settles down and I'm here if you need to unload some SCP-RP stuff. Hope the stress is relieved soon.
  18. +Support - Active - Respectful - Mature
  19. +Support - Mature - Responsible - Very helpful and friendly - Dedicated and Hard Working Good Luck
  20. Thankyou for your great service in the EMS Department Coco. You will be a missed member of Command and hope to see you around on SCP-RP and elsewhere. Good luck for the future. -Nucleus
  21. Your In-game: Nucleus Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:147290095 The admin's name in-game: Jet The admin's steam name (If you know it): [KILO] Jet [GL] What warning did you receive: Buying Weapons From Armory Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104170089/screenshot/936089573319743334 Why do you think this warn was false: All the 966's were FailRPing except me and I got caught in a warning crossfire. Any extra information: It was purely an accident and I understood it completely and I feel this shouldn't be held accountable to his staff rank.
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