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Cameron T

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About Cameron T

  • Birthday 08/25/2004

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  1. Hey there guys! It's me, Cameron T, from all the departments!! I know that some people are confused as to why my activity has gone from 50% to absolutely 0%... its that I have gotten with my life as a Sophmore Student with C's in almost every class but somehow an A+ in my JROTC . I wanted to inform everyone that I'm NOT DEAD as people have said I died (as a joke). I want to inform to all departments of FBI, EMS, FR, State, SS, and CERT that I will be resigning from here on sadly... I will be returning to join back into the departments as soon as possible next summer if my girlfriend doesn't have plans to take me out of state... again. So in my best regards, I'm sorry if you have been wondering or wanted to know that if I ever will continue. for EMS I want to ask Alex if he would gladly try to bring me back into EMS in 2020 Summer (6/8/2020) as a Lead-Paramedic (below LT). And in FR as an AEFR in Reserves due to inactivity without notice. if you can do that Alex I will greatly appreciate that . For FBI, Jimmy James, as you might not remember me I am one of your SAIC from awhile back. you have promoted me to this rank for my good commandment and teamwork in the training. As here on I want to be reserved for SAIC or be re-put back into position in 2020 Summer (6/8/2020) as a SAIC to keep that commanding lead over the other SA's and PO's. if that is allowed I will thank you with all of my heart . For State/CERT, Yobo (or whoever is in command) I know I was only a CPL in both CERT and state so if I could in my return be put as a PVT without having to apply. if that is allowed I will kiss your shoes . (I'm joking, I will thank you though). For SS, I won't ask for a rank to be put back as... but thank you for your service alongside me . That is all i have to say for the departments . thank you all for your friendship and service that you have brought me to help the working force!! if you need to message me for questions and concerns for Reserves or to be a friend my info is below. Discord: CT#3473 Snapchat: Zombieboss237 Gmail: [email protected] Instagram: 1978_Pontiac_Firebird
  2. Name: Cameron T Rank: DEFR How Active: Semi - Active Why should I remain: I believe I should remain because I am DEFR od FR and im making sure that Zage is all righty :3 Some changes: Cars
  3. Name: LPA/DEFR Cameron T LPA7/EFR2 Rank: Lead Paramedic Activity: Semi-Active/LOA Why should you stay?: Because im your FRHC and im trying to branch forward in EMS LC to hold responsibilities and pressure to hold us in.
  4. yes surprisingly for being a 143.50$ truck lol. so good that me and my dad did a figure 8 in a parking lot 10 times and that b**** can run!
  5. I'm probably late on this but I'm going to be on a 2 month LOA notice because of school and friends. This will also be carried over to EMS for no confusion. This is being written on my phone. Name: Cameron T Rank: LPA/DEFR Reason: School, Friends, and family Time: 2 months from now
  6. imma need you to speak to me about how you say your a First responder but not on the roster. msg me on discord
  7. FR roll call needs to be due if you are considering staying Ends on 8/29/19 12:00 PM Name: Rank: What recommendations do you have for FR:
  8. What is your in-game name: Cameron T What rank are you in CERT(CERT not State): PFC Are you active? Yes/No why: LOA Why should you stay in CERT: the reason why I should be in is because one you guys need more players and 2. I will be much more active in to police RP as if military RP keeps dying like this and that is not server disrespect What Specialties do you currently hold? (Breacher | Medic | Rifleman): medic Should we add a training date separate to state? Yes/No why: Yes, so it's not mixed
  9. +Support Knowing how the server runs this will help alot due to how people play with the rules of basing
  10. This is the EMS FR accepted list of 7/14! I will be including the Accepted members below this text -Accepted - Ender - Kormes - Denied - Riley Patterson (Not in ems when sent app, nor the rank needed to join. once you reach Adv Paramedic you may re-apply) Thank you for applying for the EMS First Response!! Sorry if you got denied, but if you got accepted go talk to out FTO's (Behappy, Jeff, Ryan, Struftdot) if there not online ask nicely for our low command (Stackable or Zage) THANK YOU ALL!!!
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