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[GL] Billy

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[GL] Billy last won the day on May 16 2019

[GL] Billy had the most liked content!


About [GL] Billy

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  1. -Support you keep replying to your own app, not only this but I have seen you minge a LOT in the past, and you argue with staff and talk down to them a lot, you are not fit for staff in my opinion.
  2. Kind of sounds like your trying to loophole the rules which is not allowed according to the MOTD. Bottom line is if you are on a criminal job you can not drive ANY type of government car even if you "were asked to" or "given permission" So I do not believe this warn should be appealed as it is valid.
  3. I think your a menace to society who needs to be stopped and put in a cage.
  4. clearly shows you horn spamming -Support
  5. okay okay...joe mama pulled me into a room and said Bryce just called me on steam and told me that he is on an alt, that his alt account name in game is morning woods, he didn't want to deal with it because joe mama and Bryce used to be close friends, so before doing something in game I spectated him just to see if it was really an alt and then while im spectating him I see this which confirms my suspicion. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1801580449 the screenshot clearly shows him PMing joe mama asking if he snitched
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