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[GL] Alpha

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Everything posted by [GL] Alpha

  1. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/786380532206403819/6B5A3390FA03B9AE87CA4B3BD12A55879AC641CC/ you can clearly see
  2. Delta squad and fbi also special weebs and turtles
  3. SMT has told you multiple times The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason. We have our reasons why we are not going back to truenorth.
  4. I was acting on instinct I was getting yelled at and my first response was to record and for the voice thing I was saving trouble with my mic and obs when I unplugged my microphone didn’t pick it back up and I started talking I don’t know what Romero is going through but I can send you the other videos of in game before I got him demoted and you could see he dose not care about his rank That’s what I was working on before all this I was looking through my files to find it and obs only recorded my gmod tab
  5. Your in game name: Alpha Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:158575448 The player's in game name: Romero The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:155816593 What did the player do: Mass player diss Evidence (required): What do you believe should happen to the player: a warn or something more extreme Any extra information: So I just got done reporting him to pd command for cussing people out over radio and me and got him demoted in pd. He continues to join my team speak and player disses me you can’t hear me but what I say was you need to calm down leave the channel if your not in fbi and I said this isn’t professional
  6. -Support First didn’t use correct format Second not all crims have access to it only CC who bought it They are powerful but so inaccurate of you are serious about this then please use the correct format here
  7. Not changing my opinion but you just got warned
  8. Get more on PD if you are serious about getting a low command position
  9. When I have a issue with someone I don’t have a problem saying it to their face it’s just how my personality is
  10. +Support I joke around cussing like that but going behind someone’s back like that is not ok As a staff member this is not acceptable behavior He has a right to his opinion but when it’s about someone else like that not ok If he had a problem he should have went to you and talked about it like a respectable person but instead he went behind jimmys back and player dissed him i have also witnessed him fail rp A staff member should be someone to look up to as a role model
  11. Whoops sorry Casper got out of his cage won’t happen again
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