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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. XD thx for having me the biggest OCD ever now
  2. This would be amazing to be implemented
  3. -support -in-active on the forums, in game, teamspeak - application is not that good - question 15 is wrong -No Poll replied to own app as shown above^^^^
  4. That is a nice boat man yiu live next to the waters there?
  5. @Joe Mama I hope you get it soon
  6. This is my 300th post and I think everytime I get 100 past I act like its a milestone and so when I get past a big amount I feel proud of myself and feel like I should share my work with other people But I am extremely happy that I hit 300 posts
  7. Stumpy

    Jet's TMOD App

    -/+ support +great guy and very mature +been in the community for a while -need to be more active jet should get a chance to be a staff member Good Luck!!!
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