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Everything posted by Phil

  1. -support I'm not sure if this is serious but if it is: No poll Applying for Admin not Tmod high warns (34 warns) Absolutely no effort in the app no effort/didn't hit required word limit of 150 still staff in another community question 15 needs a lot of work inactive on the forums/TS and in game yet active enough to get 34 warns Overall you aren't ready for tmod let alone admin, you've posted 2 applications and if this is a joke you should be staff restricted 
  2. Kings to rule PoliceRp
  3. Phil

    Fourm warn appeal

    -support Reasons stated above
  4. It does state in there Use the @ feature to tag staff in posts. - Warn/Ban
  5. Unless they are already wanted for shooting government officials they must rp out traffic stops You MUST role play out, traffic stops. (Ex- You may not just start shooting as soon as a cop pulls you over, actually RP it out with the cop!) straight from the motd
  6. 100% agreed it basically feels like a Light slap on the face that last 3seconds
  7. Phil

    Emmu's TMod App

    -Support Until smt say say otherwise Event planner still sounds like staffing on another server if it werent for that id +support this
  8. Phil

    PoliceRP Status

    Congrats on graduating! And thank you for the hard work and dedication goes without saying we all appreciate it
  9. As already stated in his staff report against me which is completely the same as this, -support I was talking for the entirety of the sit, in all my sits both previously and afterwards everyone could hear me just fine, you only started to claim that you couldn't hear me once i was saying that i was issuing a warn no once during the entirety of the sit did you mention it at all you can even see me stop and explain it again. You stated in the staff report also that you did move around even tho you had guns pointed at you with people telling you not to move, talked in local chat even tho you were gagged and if what @Bambob01 stated is true it was a known issue on your end that you couldnt hear voice that you were already told to fix it but not once did you mention this during the sit other than you claiming not to hear anything even though you responded and looked at me as im talking which led me to believe you werent being serious specially as bobbob was replying to what i was saying abd everyone else could hear me just fine
  10. The sit went on for over 5mins, you only started complaining about not hearing anything once i stated you were receiving a warn FailRP|FearRP and even then i stopped the first time to explain again why you were receiving the warn which you can see me do. In the video you can even see my push to talk going, responding each time either one of you replied and i was talking no word of a lie about it
  11. plogs show him telling you to stop talking and moving about which you replied with "blah blah blah" then said cheese and you even stated you were walking around even though they had guns pointed at you
  12. -support I was talking the entire sit, bob bob could hear me perfectly fine everyone else I dealt with before and after could as well. your only evidence you have is the SS of afterwards I do have video evidence but unfortunately it wasn't recording my voice(excuse background music)
  13. you can even hear him count faster and not even finish
  14. thank you munchies, very cool!
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