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Everything posted by Phil

  1. +support Over 40warns and doesn't have any regard for the rules
  2. Me Myself Oh and I Joe mama as well
  3. thank you for your service to the FBI ziege, good to of always played with you on FBI!
  4. What is your in-game name?: FBI HRT Alpha Team Phil AT1(or you'll know me as Phil GSC or FBI EAD Phil RA11) What is your steam name?: Lord_0f_Woe What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:114270629 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I'm a previous Senior mod and then Moderator on PoliceRP and then also a moderator on SCPRP after transferring over from PoliceRP all in all I have over half a years worth of staffing experience What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) August of 2018 What date did you make your forums account? August 19 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? I have 0 warns(attached from the bans page under my CAT reserves callsign) Have you donated? Yes I have donated a dollar or two What rank are you applying for? Trial mod Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: I have extensive knowledge of the guidelines due to previous staffing experiences on GL Timezone: AEST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Why do I deserve this position? Besides being nagged at by my mates who are staff *cough cough joe mama cough cough* staffing on PoliceRP has always been something I've enjoyed, as stated in a earlier question regarding if I have staff experience I've been a Senior Mod and a Mod previously both times have been experiences in which I enjoyed but unfortunately due to some real life situations where one included surviving a Flood that happened in my town and I had to leave staff/community While I sorted myself out, I've since returned and made it a goal to further myself in my favorite department which I was able to get low command in and the other goal is to get back into the staffing team and get to a position better than when I left. I'm glad that when I returned I was able to see quite a few friends in positions that they deserved due to their hard work and dedication and would love to once again have the opportunity to be able to join the staff team. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I would bring them to a rooftop so as not to disrupt RP further, ask the person to calm down if they continued to diss I would !gag them then pull up logs to see if the report for massrdm was correct and how many were either Rdm'd or ARDM'd, I would then explain to them why what they were doing is wrong and that I would suggest to them that after they Recieve their punishment to go over the motd I would then warn for massrdm, NITR, NCWS and staff diss. Then I would get a higher up to give him a 10,000 second minge/jail in accordance to the staff handbook.
  5. +support Even if he doesn't get banned this will be dealt with internally as with any FBI agent caught minging
  6. Minges like you are always welcome fam
  7. charlie you cant LEAVE ME WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE OR A PERSONAL FAREWELL IN THE POST I THOUGHT WE WERE BROTHERS FORMED IN MINGERY for real tho damn i didnt think this was gonna happen i'll miss you bruvva hmu whenever on dissy or when you come into the FBI training room to ask about a promo even when your reserve SAIC love you lots
  8. when half the server joins in for the metal concert xD credit to @Jayden for taking the pic
  9. -support will is the RDM +support tho mistakes happen
  10. Unfortunately I took an extended LOA from gmod and with that my family died out but the GSC are back open to anyone to join! Rules Of Grove Street Crips G.S.C 1. Do not be undercover with family name doing so will get you blacklisted 2. Do NOT minge(try to follow the rules, deliberate breaking of rules will result in a strike/removal from gang depending on severity) 3. Disrespect to higher ups will result in punishment/strike depending on severity 4. Never be friendly to a blood or the 5-0 but be at least respectful to a fellow Crip 5. Always keep in mind to stick to gang roleplay(Don't use racial terms it's unacceptable in any circumstance) 6. To join you will be jumped into the gang as part of the initiation process if you Receive 3 strikes you will be removed Official roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15XDPVx16izToUQi9I8brdSyxohqiDA2WneFN348keE4/edit?usp=drivesdk Discord: https://discord.gg/gYVz8A *While we are a predominantly Crip gang family your not expected to be on the crip job
  11. Tbh the cartel family have been nothing but absolute minges One cartel family member who got banned today for hitting the 40 warn mark(5 active warns) ARDM'd me and broke nlr4 times in a row after copbaiting me then lied during the sit about the whole thing and kept asking to be banned then ARDM'd Mikey and rdm'd me during the sit. That family should be dealt with harshly imo
  12. +support People like this should get more than a day tbh I'd say a month
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