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Everything posted by Toxic_Wolf10

  1. + support will bring more rp to the server
  2. This is why you were blacklisted.... Disrespectful
  3. + Support Player/Server/Staff diss Needs a ban
  4. First of all, this first part of the story was never told to me in the sit. Second, i had to other admins that came to the sit and agreed with me that it was considered FearRP. I did not at this point have to bring you to anyone else because i had 2 other admins higher than me say that they agreed with my decision. Then i asked Pooders what he wanted me to do and he asked for a warn so i warned him. BTW Ryan, the MOTD says that he cant do that due to FearRP
  5. Obviously he hasn’t learned from the warns. He has been warned for stealing a gov vehicle about 11 times.
  6. I remember when i first joined the department and Jack gave me a very warm welcome and showed me all of his secrets on how to be a better CERT operative. Thanks Jack. You will be missed. ~ Trooper LT ToxicWolf 1H12
  7. -support video clearly shows rdm
  8. + support god checks aren’t a thing
  9. I think it’s like $20 to take ownership. I’m not really sure though
  10. + support Clear breach of physgun rules
  11. Big + support I made a suggestion like this a long time ago and i guess it didn’t get accepted. But overall The Pro lockpicks cant break someone out of cuffs. If someone like me is going to pay for vip+ you best believe i would be able to break someone out of cuffs.
  12. First of all. I was told that JoE just ran up to Yobo, seeing the gun, and just slapped some cuffs on him. Being a SM you should know how to ask him to put his gun down. In the first story you told me you just said you cuffed him without saying anything.
  13. + support Evidence is as clear as day
  14. +support Has some very old warns
  15. Your In-game: ToxicWolf Your SteamID: 76561198309461408 The admin's name in-game: SWAT SSGT Calamity XL12 and Event01 Freeze The admin's steam name (If you know it): don’t What warning did you receive: Minging/Interrupting with PD meeting/NCWS Fear RP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: Not false just old Any extra information:
  16. I will back weasel up with the physgun thing because the guy was constantly minging and when we would try to call an admin he would run away and switch jobs. The admins took way too long an i believe there was only one when we called. So i think it was the right thing to do in my opinion.
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