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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. + Support I do think we need more ways to make money, the drugs should give you decent money worth your time however. There is no point in trying to sell drugs at 2k for 5 minutes when you can have 1 pro bitminer get you like 10k in 5 minutes. We do however need to be careful with this as we do not want a drugrp server
  2. yea that looks amazing, but not all cops should have it. Only pd mid ranks, swat and the others rlly wont need it.
  3. + Support Long time member, great app, and active. Good luck!
  4. - Support Sorry but you did not fill the app out correctly. Good luck!
  5. + Support Nice app and seen on a lot. Good luck!
  6. Huge + Support This definetly gives criminals a fighting chance against the police forces, nobody can kill swat and aru. Plus fast station robberies would really be handled by pd, UNLESS of course there was a hostage. It also gives PD more relevance.
  7. I don’t really think we need two politicians as they would conflict during rp when both are on. And Secret Service protects mayor’s too not really FBI
  8. What you want to see? - I would like to see more realistic equipment for EMS personnel. Why should we add it? - To enhance the RP of paramedics and give them an additional tool. What are the advantages of having this? - It would make the game look more realistic and provide better RP during EMS situations. Who is it mainly for? - EMS but really the whole server. Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=180842642
  9. - Support Invalid amount of time and wrong rank
  10. I would suggest the bear cat
  11. + Support Very active on ts and friendly Good luck!
  12. Th3 with the fbi class I believe you can only have one vehicle and it has to be one that nobody uses. Anyway I would say the fbi class, also there is a cool prison bus in the workshop that could be used for he correctional officer
  13. - Support Sorry dude but you did not put your ulx rank down and you have a good bit of warns. You also have a very inactive forum account for one that’s a year old. Your app however is good. Good luck!
  14. Mike_da_noob

    JMS staff app

    - Support I am sorry dude but you don’t have much posts in your forum account,your app is meh, and you do have quite a lot of warns. Good luck! BTW everyone should be writing down reasons, the handbook says any votes without a reason do not count
  15. Your app is very good and you have a lot of staff experience, not to mention you have no warns. I do ask when was the first time you joined the community again after you left? I only ask so I know if you just came back or not, please pm me I will make my decision then.
  16. Mike_da_noob

    Thank You!

    Yes it was a lot of fun, I just wish all of pd could participate in the firing squad xD
  17. -Support Your forum account is very knew, your app is ok, I have never seen you in game, and that is what I based my decision off of. Good luck!
  18. Big + Support Very active and has a lot of time at his current rank.
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