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Everything posted by Dane

  1. Name LT Dane 1D66 SteamID STEAM_0:1:79212461 Current Rank Lieutenant How Long You Have Been In Your Rank? 3 and a Half Weeks Rank Wanted Captain How Many Warns Do You have? 3 Warns Do You Have a Working mic? Yes, I do Permission N/A Why Should You Be Promoted? I feel like I should be promoted because I feel like I am ready for the Captain rank. I would like to move up to the next rank so that there will be an available spot for another great Lieutenants out there who deserves the spot. Not only for that, I have been working hard in PD and I have helped a lot of officers who needs help, and I even take them to patrol around with me if they want. I have always made sure that PD is running smoothly when I am on duty, and I will keep doing that as a PD Command. I have seen many officers not doing their job correctly, and I always speak to them and give them advice on what to do to fix that. I am a nice, calm and collect PD Command and I always make sure when I am handling a situation, I am always professional and calm at it. I always make the right decision, and I always give someone a chance. I do not give out promotions easily, I want to see the officers actually putting effort and hard work into PD before they deserve themselves a promotion. I have never abused any of my powers when I am on Lieutenant, and I am always careful at making decisions. I applied for PD Command for the responsiblity and not to abuse the powers that are given to me, I want PD to be professional at all times and I want them to stay away from breaking the rules. I mostly attend PD meetings and I usually help and clear things out that isn't clear in the meeting. I am active everyday, you don't see me a lot as my timezone is GMT+7, but I am always active when there is few admins online and there are a lot of officers not doing their job correctly. I always fix that problem by speaking to them and giving them an advice to fix that problem, and also explaining what punishment will be given to them if they are still doing it. I am active on the forums, teamspeak and in-game, and I am always available for those officers who needs help. I am a great role model as I have never broken any rules, believe it or not, all of my warns are false/accidental warns. I am always professional at all times, and I handle situations professional as well. I put effort and dedication to PD and I still want to help out PD more. I will not backstab or betray any PD members, including high and low command. I still respect my superiors or higher ups, and I will try continuing to be a great leader and role model for PD. You Agree That Complaining or Breaking Any Rules Put Down by High Command Will Result In Your Complete Removal From PD Command? Yes, I agree. Notes: The poll disappeared because of the new forum update. I have re-added it back and whited all the texts in this app. Thank you for your time on reading my Captain application.
  2. Dane

    False warn

    I was there when it happened and this is exactly what happened.
  3. +Support Active in-game and Teamspeak. Fairly active on the forums. Great effort into application. Trains cadets and helps officers. Mature. Fit for command and deserves a chance. Good luck.
  4. Garry's Mod: 5,285 Hours Team Fortress 2: 3,307 Hours Left 4 Dead 2: 672 Hours
  5. Agreed, best of luck though!
  6. +Support As long as there's not way too much of it and there is a cooldown for it aswell, I think it's okay.
  7. +Support Very active on the forums, and he has a lot of posts. I believe he is fit for Forum Diplomat as he is a staff on PoliceRP and he is doing well on his job too.
  8. What is your in-game name? Dane What is your Steam name? Rare What is your Steam ID? STEAM_0:1:79212461 Do you have any other experience with staffing? (If yes, explain) Yes, I was a Moderator on a DarkRP server 5 years ago, somewhere in early 2013. I was also an Admin on another DarkRP server for 5 years since 2013, resigned/retired this year. I resigned because I have been their staff there for a while and I want to check out other communities. If you want the server name, you can ask me. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I found Gaminglight PoliceRP at early 2017. My computer wasn't really that good to handle the server. I joined back again at September to try it out because I have a new computer, then I liked the server and started playing more. To answer this question, I started playing here at 6th of September, 2017. What date did you make your forums account? I made my forums account at the 8th of October, 2017. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? I have 3 warns. 2 of my warns are false/accidental warns. I'd like to appeal but the warn is issued back at 2017 and is more than 3 months old. Also the staff who issued it has either resigned or is inactive. Have you donated? I would love to, but no. I have not donated. If you are wondering how I have VIP+, it's because a generous and kind person gave me it. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it! Yes, I have read it. Timezone GMT+7 Permission (Admin+ need this) N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I believe I deserve this rank because I feel like I will be a great addition to the PoliceRP staff team. I am experienced with Garry's Mod staffing, and I want to try out my staffing skills in this server. I want to help out people in this server as most of the time, we are usually understaffed. I will try to fix the ratio at any time as I usually don't have anything to do on the server when I'm bored. I'd like to replace that time with staffing so I could help the server and the players and try to keep the rulebreakers out. I am mostly on when everyone is offline, and when the server doesn't have that much of staff online. This could be helpful as there is a lot of rulebreakers when there is no staff on. I will always respect other members of the community and other staff members and my higher up. I will always listen to them and do what they say. I try my best when I am on duty and I will try not to abuse any of the powers that are given to me. I am a calm and collect person, and I am nice if you get to know me. I will try my best to stay calm at an admin sit and to keep all the players involved in it calm aswell. I will try to be active on the server and I will try to be active on staff aswell. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would try to calm the player down. If that doesn't work, I will just let the player curse until the player is tired from it. If they are still going, I would gag/mute the person. I would then explain what happened and then explain what punishment will be given towards the player. After all that is done, I would issue the player a warning and a minge, and ask a higher ranking staff to extend the minge time. Notes: The poll disappeared because of the new forum update. I have re-added it back and whited all the texts in this app. Thank you for your time on reading my Trial Moderator application.
  9. I see you a lot more on SWAT nowadays. Improve your activity as a Sergeant Major and I might +Support your application!
  10. Eh, thanks for the tutorial.
  11. Your application has a decent amount of effort in it and you have a pretty low amount of warn. But I just don't see you on that much in-game. Be more active and if you put a lot more effort into your app, you might get accepted the next time you apply for staff! Good luck!
  12. -Support Low amount of warns. Your application needs a bit more effort into it. I don't really see you on as much in-game/teamspeak. Improve forums activity by posting more or reply more to posts. Good luck. Be more active in our community and put more effort into your app and you might get accepted if you apply for staff next time!
  13. +/-Support Application could use a bit more effort into it. Forum account is not-so active. I don't see you in-game that much. Time played in community, joined a while back. I think he has experience in staffing. Good luck. Be known on our community and interact with more people and you might get accepted next time you apply!
  14. -Support I don't see you on as much. Forum account is inactive, reply to posts or make more posts. Your application could use a bit more effort into it. Other than that, good luck. Be known in our community and you might get accepted next time!
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