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Everything posted by Dane

  1. -Support Improve your activity, and train more cadets. I know we need more PD Command members, but I don't think you are fit for PD command yet. Show the PD Command members that you are fit for the rank. If you have shown the PD Command that you are doing a hard and great work, I might change this to +Support. Lieutenant Dane
  2. Sorry but it's a no from me. Even though we don't have problems in the past, this is only my opinion from what I have seen from you, don't take this way too seriously. I think you need more time as 2 weeks isn't really that long. I totally agree with Munchies, I don't think you are fit for PD Command yet. You told me to recommend you for a promotion before on a PD Meeting, I only stayed quiet. And you even told me to +Support your LT application the day I got LT, and the worst thing about that is that Commissioner Nolan, Captain Munchies, Lieutenant Finch and Lieutenant Velvet heard what you said to me. The next time you're applying for LT, don't go up to someone and tell them to +Support your app, it just makes your app has more -Support. And please, start acting mature and be more respectful towards PD Command members as they are your higher up and you need to treat them with respect no matter what their age is. And also respect your lower ranks and show them the don'ts and do's, they look up to you as you are their role model. Overall, it's a -Support from me. I want to see you doing a great and hard PD work, show other PD command members that you are fit for the Command rank. That's all I have to say, good luck though. Lieutenant Dane
  3. Dane

    Police Cars

    -Support I wouldn't want to waste my time and/or staff's time trying to find my police vehicle.
  4. Improve your forums activity. Other than that, the application is well made and you are really active on the server. Good luck.
  5. Sorry but who are you? Improve activity and I will change it to +Support.
  6. -Support Wrong place to report a staff, and no evidence.
  7. -Support They are legal in real life.
  8. +Support Active Mature Trains cadet often Helps out other officers in need Fit for command My only question is that why is this posted on Archives? Good luck.
  9. +Support Active as a PD Captain Mature Always Helps Out Every Officers In Need Still Trains Cadets as Captain Great Leader Knows The Rules Fit For Major I think the PD needs more Majors as there is only a few Majors. Good luck Munchies.
  10. +Support Active In-Game and in Teamspeak Mature Low Warns Knows the Rules Really Well Very Active on the Forums Detailed Application Former Moderator on PRP, Has Experience Great Friend, Very Fun to RP With Fit For Staff and Deserves a Second Chance Good luck Munchies!
  11. I don't see you much on SM, but other than that you're a great SM.
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