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Everything posted by Dane

  1. +Support Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we had this back then. I don't know why they removed it though. I think we should only give this to certain ranks only so that it won't be abused.
  2. Dane

    Police Explorer

    +Support Good idea. I think we should give this to SM+ or LT+.
  3. -Support Active in-game and in TeamSpeak Kinda high warns Replied to own application Loses temper quick Disrespects a lot of players if he gets mad Application needs a lot more effort Q11 isn't answered, shows that he hasn't read the staff handbook Overall I do not think that you are ready for staff yet. I suggest you get more people to know you and be nice to them, I usually see you dissing players if they broke a rule.
  4. +Support Active in-game, in TeamSpeak and on the forums Mature and professional in any situations Friendly towards other players Helps officers when they are in need Actively supervises PD units when he is online Application is well made and has great amount of effort Enough time to apply for Captain Overall, you deserve a chance on becoming a Captain of the PD. Good luck!
  5. +Support Although, a removal from the staff team is a harsh one. A strike or a talk to him is just what he needs, it's up to Management's decision.
  6. You must follow the format if you want to report a staff member, or else the staff member will not get any punishments. The format can be found right here.
  7. -Support I don't see you on that much Application needs more effort Forums activity needs to improve I don't see you on TeamSpeak that much Overall you deserve a chance on being part of the PoliceRP staff team. But I just do not think you are ready yet. Get to be more known on the community and be more active on the server, also improve your forums activity by posting more posts on the forums. Other than that, best of luck with your application.
  8. +/- Support I haven't seen you on that much anymore Very active on the forums Well known on the community Low warns Knows the rules well Used to be a staff member on PoliceRP Application is well made Overall you deserve a chance on being part of the PoliceRP staff team again, but I think you should improve your activity in-game a bit more. Other than that, best of luck!
  9. -Support I don't see you on that much Application needs more effort Forums activity needs to improve, post more stuff High amount of warns TeamSpeak activity needs to improve Overall you deserve a chance, but I just do not think you are ready to become a staff yet. Re-apply later on when your activity on the forums, in-game and in TeamSpeak has improved, and put more effort into your app the next time you apply. Good luck.
  10. -Support I don't see you on that much Application needs more effort No poll, create one as soon as possible Forums activity definitely needs to improve TeamSpeak activity needs to improve Overall you deserve a chance, but I do not think you are ready yet. Get to be known in the community and re-apply later on, and put more effort in your application, then I might give you a +Support. Good luck.
  11. +Support Active in-game, in TeamSpeak and on the forums Mature, and is always professional Currently a staff member, doubt that he will abuse his powers Actively trains cadets and helps officers when they are in need Kinda low amount of warns, but he has definitely improved Has been a Sergeant Major for a while Knows what he is doing as a SM, and seems to know what he is doing when he becomes a LT Application is well made with a decent amount of effort Overall, Tom Brown deserves a chance on being part of PD Low Command. Good luck!
  12. +Support Active in-game and in TeamSpeak Mature and professional Application is well made with a decent amount of effort Zero warns, doubt that he will break rules Always helps officers when they are in need Sometimes seen training Cadets Knows the rules pretty well Has been a Lieutenant for a while Overall, Darkspiker deserves a chance on becoming a Captain of the PD. Good luck.
  13. I really hope this is a joke post? You're applying for a rank that you cannot apply, so something is not right. You have quite a lot of warns, and I saw one that is about server disrespect. Shows that you do not like the server, and you do not have a poll. And also you copied Munchies' Senior Mod App, like... why? Overall, Huge -Support.
  14. +Support Adds more aspect of roleplay to the server, and makes cars much more realistic. If you didn't know, VCMod comes with a fuel system itself so we don't need to buy another fuel addon for cars. Another pros of this is that it makes gas station or general store much more useful to fuel up the cars if we did implement this fuel system. The system also comes with a handy portable gas can that you can carry around, so you don't have to worry about your car running out of fuel in a middle of nowhere. Another upside of having this is that pursuits will be in my opinion, a lot more balanced now for criminals or governments. If a suspect is fleeing with a high speed vehicle, they can outrun them and refuel their car quickly with the portable gas can. If they aren't fast enough because there is an interceptor on their tail for a while, the car will run out of fuel and pursuits will not last like 500 decades.
  15. +Support We should do one of those weekly or monthly events, players would have something fun to do every once in a while. And apparently there is a PoliceRP Event Team tag in TeamSpeak, I think it's a scrapped tag that they haven't removed. Instead of removing the tag, why not reuse it for this kind of matter.
  16. Your In-Game Name Dane Your SteamID STEAM_0:1:79212461 The Admin's Name In-Game BalloonTheOneHereToFixYourCar The Admin's Steam Name Balloonhail4979 [GL] What Warning Did You Receive? FearRP | FailRP | LTAP | Appeal @ Gaminglight.com Evidence of The Warn Why Do You Think This Warn Was False? This warn is false because when I received this warn, I was never on the server at that time. When I got on the next day, I saw this warn. Since I know Balloon, I asked him and he said he didn't remember the warn or even remember issuing the warn. I'm guessing that he accidentally took my SteamID and warned me, instead of the person that LTAP, FearRP and etc. Any Extra Information? The warn says I got warned in MilitaryRP even though I never even hopped on MilitaryRP. @balloonhail4979 himself claimed that he never became staff on MilitaryRP. My guess is that the warn system was glitchy and instead the warn goes to the MilitaryRP instead of PoliceRP.
  17. Hello Zach! Welcome to Gaminglight, hope you enjoy your stay here!
  18. Oh another post about this as well. Someone already suggested this and Management Team said that they will look into it. And you need to follow the correct Suggestion format if you want your suggestion to be looked at by Management Team.
  19. Someone already suggested this, and SMT/EMT said that they will be looking into it. And you need to follow the correct format to make a suggestion. You can get the format here. And if you are wondering who suggested it and where is the post, it's right over here as well.
  20. -Support I don't see you in-game that much I don't see you in TeamSpeak that much either Forums activity needs to improve, post more things! Application needs more effort Did not meet the word count at Q14. You need 150 words, you only have 127! Overall you deserve a chance, but I just do not think you are ready yet. Improve your activity in-game, in TeamSpeak and especially on the forums, then I might consider giving you a +Support! Also you need to put more effort into your application and show us that you really want to help the community! Other than all that, good luck!
  21. +/- Support I see you in-game, but not that much I don't see you in TeamSpeak often Forums activity needs to improve, you have only 3 posts Application has a pretty great amount of effort Long time member of the community Has experience on Garry's Mod Staffing Zero warns, shows that he doesn't break rules at all Overall you deserve a chance on being staff. But I just need to see some activity in-game, and especially on the forums. Good luck though!
  22. +Support Active in-game Although I don't really see you much on TS Forums activity is pretty good Application is well made and has a great amount of effort Seems to know what he is doing as a Staff Friendly, mature and respectful towards other players Zero warns, shows that he is not a minge Knows the rules pretty well Overall deserves a chance on being part of the PoliceRP Staff team! Good luck!
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