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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. + Support I love the customizability of the weapons but it may cause lag / instability issues. If we can have these added with no performance loss I love the idea.
  2. too early wait a little longer to where I can see how you are as a command member.
  3. don’t take this personally but I don’t think your ready just yet you barely received LT just give it a few more weeks for us to get a feel of how you are as a command member.
  4. -Support - people will play ram ranch and Alabama N***** and many more ear rape songs it will be highly abused I think it should be turned into a casino
  5. On the new old Rockford map, we could change the theater into a Casino, It would look something like this (I went into hammer and this took me like 10 minutes)
  6. Name: SM Vinny SteamID: STEAM_0:0:157110771 Current rank: Sergeant Major How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are): Since 10/8/17, so roughly 170-180 Days. Rank Wanted: Lieutenant. How many warns do you have? 4 Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Why should you be promoted? : I feel that I deserve this rank, Because I have a lot that I can bring to PD Considering I am a former FBI Low Command member, And I have Lots of skills in keeping people in check without abuse of my powers or being too harsh. I am one that thinks outside the box and can have ideas that can benefit The Police Department as a whole. I was also Staff on the server as well and can be very attentive and clam to handle situations. I am as active as I can be on SM and I try to be on all the time, I have learned a lot from the Higher ups, and I believe that I am a very well trained, and can be a good Lieutenant for the PD that will enforce discipline when needed. I have also learned how to differentiate if someone is an Officer that is mingey or one that's a good role player and deserve their rank if they don't id take it to higher command depending the situation. I know how to handle disciplinary situations with mingey Officers That Break the Rules and Guidelines placed on PD which I have knowledge of. If I'm an LT I will be sure to check if officers are using the correct weapon on the job, and have the Gaminglight car skin on their Patrol Car As regularly As I can just to keep the Officers in check, updated, and improve on their, and others RP. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes.
  7. In-Game Name: Vinny Steam Name: ★ [GL] Vinny SteamID: STEAM_0:0:157110771 Are you a Moderator+? Yes, Moderator How many posts do you have on the website? 597 How often are you online on the forums? Every Day! What timezone are you in? PST, California. Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team? Ever since joining the community and becoming staff, I have tried to help out the community in any way possible. I was a Senior Mod many months back and had been apart of the Support team and Recruitment Team when it was a Division. Becoming a Forum Diplomat would be another role for me to pursue in my duty as a staff member to regulate and moderate what goes on in the forums and over all help the community in a positive way. Would you consider yourself to have good judgment? If so, how? Yes, I consider my self to have good judgment and an unbiased opinion in situations and overall. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the Shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would remove any messages that breach the rules of the shoutbox and all of the spam, and then attempt to calm the player down. From there I would proceed to guide the player to the correct section of the forums and provide the format for ban appeals so the player can take care of the situation the correct way.
  8. Bleach with Tide Pods as Ice 11/10 IGN :)
  9. they break no rules and RP right? Well what about this - https://youtu.be/DXywJcARRZk and the fact that someone /me spit on him doesn’t mean you pullout an AWP and blast the spitter in the face out side of doc where there are government officials.
  10. https://youtu.be/DXywJcARRZk Explain this "No-RP list"? I have found a video from around a week ago that I've been meaning to post about the Yukis and this is it here https://youtu.be/DXywJcARRZk I understand you have already replied to this but as you can see they seem to have a biased opinion on who to RP with and have a list of who not to RP with, its technically FailRP and they are targeting people on the server such as he said "hold up let me check the list... yea Bunny, Wolffes not on the Roleplay list" indicating that they have other on this list and it is unfair to others taht wanna actually RP. It just seems kind of fishy...
  11. actually back on the old map last August FBI was sued for $60 million
  12.  Vinny

    Radio in cars

    Can't be abused, I've seen it on other server and own the script. This plays from a live radio you cant add your own songs to it and it has a nice HUD in-game. This did not cause lag in my old server when I had it added. also T H I C C +Support from me.
  13. - Support Donor mods help the server get revenue Being a donor mod shows how staff will be and opens the option for them to see how it operates being staff before they apply for t-mod. Donor mods can also be removed at anytime with reports it has been done before! also the rank does get removed by ulx
  14. - Support There has been word that this addon has some very large instability issues on servers that can increase fps drops and at times cause lag. I recommend we go with this addon instead ( https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/4197/tier-printers-the-1-money-printer-system ) as It is an improvement from the other printers we have and it had a great interactive UI on the side.
  15. I've used quizlit successfully for my past 4 Spanish exams and aced all of them. (I know not that extreme im a no life lol)
  16. MAJOR -Support - You have had too many chances and you have repeatedly messed up - Recently you haven't been the best person in-game - You are one to have grudges against other and seem to have a biased opinion at times
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