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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. - Support - In-Active - 1 Post - Needs more time in the community Good Luck Though!
  2. + Support - Active - Friendly - Knows the rules! Good Luck
  3. + Support - Friendly - Knows the rules! - App needs improvement Good Luck
  4. + Support - Active - Friendly - Knows the rules! Good Luck
  5. - Support - Kinda Active - Not so Friendly - 20 Warns! Good Luck Though!
  6. + Support - Active - Friendly - Knows the rules! Good Luck
  7. +Support - Active on PD - Respectful - Shows Great leadership - Listens to his higher-ups - Helps guide lower ranks Wish you Good Luck!
  8. -Support We has this on the server awhile ago and it was removed.
  9. +Support Have it for LT+
  10. +Support Adds RP People hate the way the hit boxes are on the current ones.
  11.  Vinny


    -Support It’s unnecessary Can cause lag / instability issues Meth is enough.
  12.  Vinny

    Add Fist ?

    +Support BUT Gonna be M I N G E Y if it’s all classes. Make it VIP jobs only so it reduces the random john that joins he server with 6 minute play time abusing it hitting everyone he sees. P.S. this is my 666th post fml.
  13. well when you say old do you mean Rockford or the custom one???
  14. it’s all bout German Shepard’s.
  15. -Support - Never seen in-game - No poll
  16. We’re you unbanned or do you still need help? If you need help go to Requesting Ban Support and one of our Support members will assist you there.
  17. It’s the 18th and nothing’s happened so far.....
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