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Everything posted by Matricies

  1. Hello Cree, This is the same situation with Starcraft and Starcraft 2. People didn't exactly want to switch over 100% at first which meant all it did was split the base at first. However, the newer item will eventually start to gain traction as people made gamemodes whatnot to function in its code and as that gets more stable and fleshed out people eventually started leaving starcraft till it was essentially a ghost of the former community. People still play the game but definitely no where near as much as before. Garrys Mod has a long long history of addons and server environments and at first there may not be much of a reason to move platforms. But as the next Garrys mod becomes more and more stable, more addons are put in and the stability of the code and engine improves beyond what the current Garrys mod can handle (Due to it being newer), eventually players will start playing more on the newer version and owners will eventually have to prepare to move platforms or risk losing a lot of their player base to the newer platforms. I don't think people will move right away but I doubt they wouldn't keep updating the next garrys mod as the entire community thrives on this addon environment that we've created. Unless they absolutely botch its release and future developmentsomehow, eventually people will flock to the new one if they keep the community development that they have for the current garrys mod.
  2. Hello BuckBe, So along time ago we actually implemented a crafting system for d class that let them make all sorts of things, crowbars, desert eagles (and at the beginning rpgs woops!). It was a nice addon that gave some people stuff to do but the issues came at the expense of GENSEC and eventually the entire LCZ. It was ultimately removed because the addon was found to be causing lag on the server and thus ended an era of crafting for D-class. Even if a suitable addon for this is found, I don’t know if many people would be willing to go back to those days without some sort of extreme quality control on the weapons that would render them weaker then normal. It’s a common trend that when D class or GENSEC get updated with new weapons the others numbers falter and unfortunately the new items get nerfed and barely/if ever used again. -/+ support on this if an addon is found but without one this will 100% get rejected. Even if it is found, I don’t think a lot of people will look forward to d class riots being a hour long again.
  3. Hello Neo, I've been thinking about that for awhile but the better choice would just be to no-collide them. I have the same issue with getting stuck on the damn things to and it easily could be solved by them just being no-collided. No reason to change the keypad system really. -support
  4. Hello Wolphin, As Oscar stated, this is a branch suggestion. Thus this is not something you'd personally put on the forums but something you'd need to consult with GENSEC HCMD about. Please talk to your GENSEC HCMD, as this would need their approval anyways.
  5. Hello Gunther, I never really understood this statement because it seems out of touch with the last 3 years of my time on GL. We have several channels in all 4 servers that are specifically dedicated to passing information in rp (operations channels and general staff channels for the departments/military branches). So they've never been purely OOC environments and its even been a mandatory requirement in a lot of branches across all 4 servers that you are in the teamspeak while you are on the server to communicate with people ingame as well. If what Max said was correct, I highly recommend that they meet with all of SMT on the issue because all 4 servers have dedicated channels that for all intents and purposes, for all 3 years of my time on GL have been rooms meant to pass RP information and act as OOC environments. This doesn't include things like off-duty lounges/meeting rooms which are only intended for OOC. So this is clearly some confusion up in SMT that needs to be resolved because it would literally break a lot of the things people do on ALL GL servers in TS and require a major restructuring of the TS rooms in the servers to clarify their purposes. To the original topic, seeing as only HCMD has access to all the rooms, I wouldn't mind a single MTF room under the original room that could just be used for joint operations seeing as each MTF unit has its own radio channels on the server. At the same time, we do have /mtf comms which should be being used if you only want to communicate with MTF units. But otherwise, this is a suggestion that I think would go under the uh teamspeak category in the general forums. +/- support. I could see the use but we already have plenty of means in server for mtf branches to joint communicate. If they really do need to, they can use MTF channel 4 for massive joint operations that are usually planned.
  6. Hello Bemon, Jesus with a gun, I never heard that from the bible. I guess capping D class is part of genesis. But for real, he shouldn't be doing this but I don't think a warning is more in order but Im not sure how effective that would be as this seems to be early in the morning. +Support on a warning at the very least, +/- on blacklist.
  7. Hello Twix, If Im correct isn't the NLR rule that you CANNOT leave your spawn until your timer is up? If thats the case, I don't see too much of a problem player side. Now this would unfortunately increase the amount of NLR timer requests and staff would basically be pulling people all the time due to seeing the numerous timers still up when people leave their spawns before they're up. I think the main issue is that it increases the amount of micromanagement staff would end up doing as they would always be acutely aware of peoples timers rather then waiting for reports for someone breaking NLR and this would most definitely cause way more sits and warns. I'm glad this is a tangible thing, it doesn't put down a giant area marker which might clutter staffs screens and it looks like it would be feasible I just don't know how staff feeling about micromanaging people a lot more for NLR breaks (This especially goes for D block GENSEC). +/- support. The suggestion is more for staff management of NLR timers then it is for players but it definately improves player ability to track timers in server it just makes it hell for staff members. But I could see this reliably being implemented as it only does what you need it to.
  8. Matricies


    Hello Jakub, I was about to report this same thing. +Support
  9. Hello Falxen, I would support this pretty nicely. SCPS that know they've been hit with a tranq will immediately bolt off in the opposite direction and in the case of 682 this is frustrating when they run away. Special mention goes to the annoying 939s that move at lightspeed through the foundation. If they are tranq'd and not tracked they will be able to hide and get away easily due to their speed. Its super annoying to deal with when these scps normally wouldn't run away when tranq'd due to not having any idea they have been. +support in decreasing time till the tranq works.
  10. What you want to see? - I would like to see AR's reworked a bit starting with SCAR H. The Scar-H needs to have a fire-rate buff, an accuracy buff, a range buff, and a mobility nerf. Why should we add it? - There are a few Assault rifles that are completely out of tune with how they're supposed to be balanced on our server. I get that nothing will ever be truly balanced but that doesn't mean don't make the attempt try. For example, look at these two assault rifles. SCAR-H- $5,000 (Diamond+ Armory) SG553- $3,000 (Silver+ Armory) These two assault rifles are VIP armory AR's so they normally would be a tad bit more stronger then most AR's you should come across. However, the SG553 I would argue is probably the most average rifle in game. It has moderate fire rate, around average damage for an AR and high accuracy with a scope. It is a Silver+ donor AR. The SCAR-H on the other hand, is a Diamond+ AR and has less accuracy, lower fire rate, lower range AND lower ammo count but increased mobility which is worthless in the close-combat quarters that is the foundation. Why is the Scar-H so nerfed in comparison to the SG553 despite being a higher tier donor item? In addition to this, another donor rifle that is on the CI INFILTRATOR job, the HK416 has 750 insane fire rate compared to the same tier 550 fire rate SCAR-H and can decimate the most heavily armed of individuals. This is kind of what Im talking about with these ARs being out of sync with each other. They should be high accuracy, decent damage, moderate fire rate but impeded mobility weapons. None of them should be firing as fast as an SMG/Negev and I feel like this would combat some of the issues surrounding ARs. They don't need to be all the same but no one rifle should be overwhelmingly powerful. The donor ones especially need a tad tweaking to be more in line with other equivalents so that they are slightly better but not overwhelming deadly. What are the advantages of having this? - Better balancing on SCAR-H to begin Who is it mainly for? - Armory weapon - Everyone.
  11. Hello bet, The original intention of the barricade was actually to serve as a counter to people camping on the other side of the elevator. There is an area behind the walls that you can and have crouched behind before where you can pop out for a second, take a few shots and crouch back down. It is a good idea in theory and when theres a lot of security on, it can prevent a lot of sniping incidents. But the problem is, is that D-class often use it just as well as GENSEC and that results in them being able to better snipe people then the elevator walls alone. Not to mention because you can't kill any D-class until they get past the red line, they often just walk up to it wait until your distracted or just run across it because they can get to you inhalf a second and start the killing. Since D-class have realized this, groups of CC D-class and even regular D-class jobs have been abusing the hell out of it to snipe with the falcon (which I really do not like on D class) or other various pistol weaponry and often just abuse any GENSEC behind the barricade because the red line does not extend FAR enough away from the barricade to give people time to react. I think if the red lines zone was increased, this would serve a better purpose but all it does right now is let D-class get way to close for anyone behind it to defend it properly and split GENSECs numbers in D block. +/- support, its useful but it needs to be implemented in a more useful way. I think increasing the red lines zone of influence would help with this but it otherwise helps D class more then it helps GENSEC in non-peak times.
  12. The DSD job does not have the ability to whitelist or blacklist for anything.
  13. Hello Ritz, I know there was a time where there was a Negev meta and then it got nerfed. But then the PKM meta started because it was an LMG with 100% mobility (For an MTF unit I think) which made it ridiculous in combat because you could close the gap really quickly even though it technically fired slower then the Negev. Right now the Negev does an insane amount of damage in close combat the real issue is just the mobility which needs to be increased. I'm not sure about the Ares Shrike as I don't see it used too much. Most people I fight now a days are using that annoying HK gun but thats a different thread. I would support a mobility buff on the Negev bringing it closer to 80-90% and a slight recoil buff. This would bring it a bit more in line with other weapons. It already does enough damage its just that the better options let you b-hop all the shots easily even when the person is right in your face due to high mobility, high damage, high firerate assault rifles/smg (Which should not be a thing, they should have one or the other). +Support on buffing it a bit.
  14. Hello SMT, Not sure if this is already being looked at but apparently if you drag someone whos cuffed now it does damage to them. Highly pertinent that this is fixed as soon as possible.
  15. Hello SMT, The DoC job cannot whitelist for any of the Omi9 classes despite them being under MTF.
  16. Hello Illager, As Rookieblue has pointed out, there isn't any actual rules preventing units from entering the D-block area. There are only BRANCH rules that are in place preventing it as Bionicle has stated, making it impossible for those units to go down without breaking their SOPs. This suggestion is more a change that should be discussed with the respective HCMD members for GENSEC and MTF, not a server rule suggestion. The only real issue with this, is because D class have no NLR, killing rogue d class at the bottom of D-block results in them instantly spawning and killing any security/mtf units trying to get D class unless they went down there enmass which would basically just turn the whole operations into a FULL LOCKDOWN procedure, which requires SA+ perms.
  17. The power room doors when opened from the inside bug. They open in a way that does not allow you to exit, even if you try to fix them yourself. This is a map edit problem.
  18. The DOC job does not have access to the site lockdown button.
  19. What you want to see? - The D class elevator stuck glitch fixed. Why should we add it? - If you don't jump at the top of the D class elevator as it moves up, apparently you can get stuck on the elevator, meaning you cannot move without using a prop to sit on. Thats a pretty bad glitch, this never happened on the old map so its from the recent edit. What are the advantages of having this? - No more stuck D class because of nigh-unavoidable map bug. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone - Security can get stuck on this too. Links to any content - None
  20. Hello Dogz, It bites to be losing a long time O5 member but it sounds like your making the best decision for yourself after a lot of thought. It'll suck losing you but I really do hope you have luck with whatever you pursue in the future. - Stopp stunsticking meee!
  21. Hello Jack, I'm gonna pitch my end here. It should be pretty obvious at this point that the knives have caused some sort of meta-shift. I see GENSEC/MTF and even CI using them against D-class and eachother instead of their guns at times just because of how strong they can be in the cramped corridors that is the foundation. I don't think these complaints are unfounded either because if its just 1 D class its not an issue, its when 5-10 individuals rush with the knives and pistols that it becomes a problem. I've seen experienced GENSEC/Heavily armed MTF backpedalling/dodging only to still die and some of these players are experienced, so how do you think the new OFC/LCPL who makes up the majority of GENSEC is going to do? Damage for alt fire = 60, back stab = 110 (It is very easy to get behind someone trying to dodge/backpedal you, The only real counter is hallway camping) We have made some changes to try and address the issue, primarily being increasing armor on the GENSEC jobs and some people are getting better at countering the knives but this is the same situation that occurs every time a new weapon comes out and I'd like to look alittle longer before putting any + or - supports here. The biggest issue as always with this, isn't just that GENSEC isn't able to defend D-block but that GENSEC isn't also able to defend the LCZ. When the LCZ is compromised, research and utility cannot do their jobs and if D block is compromised for hours, research cannot do anything and MTF has to come. This is exacerbated by the self-breaching as D-class are rarely available during mass riots that last an hour or 2 which almost always, results in unfair/un-counterable self-breaches that can set the facility into defcon 3/2 for 30+ minutes. For now, I'm going to +/- support, as I'd like to see if we can do anything other then nerfing the knives. Nerfing them is always an last resort unless its overly oppressive to outright overpowered.
  22. The DoURS job no longer has the ability to activate site lockdown nor does it have access to whitelist for any branches anymore. I can't even change defcon levels either. Billys logs saying I can't despite being on job https://gyazo.com/c58c1a55320bff242eb9547b46a1a92e Lockdown button gone in upper corner on job https://gyazo.com/2f82613bcbb5d1ef984e98c18f11ae9b Defcon level not changing https://gyazo.com/6c968abef0090faf0c0a49ce062c0ca9
  23. Hello Rookie, I did ask but it could be unreliable. https://gyazo.com/70c82ae97f522cfb2f980108ad582cdb
  24. Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:82997619 The player's in game name: Kitten? (Thats what they stated) The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_1:1:147793584 What did the player do: Attempting to Player Poach (I'm problely not the only one. ) Came to me in discord asking for a moderator/administrator and attempted to recruit me to a community their trying to build. Evidence (required): https://gyazo.com/efcffd6f359835cf40cccca4f266f96a https://gyazo.com/6d7badd39b5fbb65a91c47ccbee393e7 What do you believe should happen to the player: Unsure with this, Im going to leave this up to staff. I did tell them it wasn't allowed, and they immediately noted they shouldn't do it but I don't know how many more people they are doing this to or have done to. Any extra information: Individual stated they were recently removed from utility but am unsure who it is. Added discord evidence https://gyazo.com/f14bc97c9a14a9dd0c1c025bfecaff53
  25. Hello Cryolast, Ya. Its time for this to go. It impedes on medical and I thought this was already done. +support
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