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  1. I think it started between the mix of effects of colt getting removed and chief getting manager.
    4 points
  2. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Skull 2. What’s your SteamID STEAM_0:1:212391355 3. What is your Rank? MP 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 0 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 8 7. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (100+ words)? I personally believe i will make a great addition to the team. I am actively on the maintenance jobs. I was recently told by nympha that i should apply for command and elevate even said i have his recommendation if needed. I am levelheaded and have been told im a good judge of character. From the moment i hopped on the server and saw a man picking up trash i knew i wanted to be in maintenance. Whether i become a command member is up to the higher ups. I will be patiently waiting for the response and thank you for your time. 8-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this? If they are refusing to return this could result in them being put on the DNT List 8-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation? I would first issue a verbal warning and if no one listens this could result in harsher punishment. 8-3. A Junior Maintenance is breaking multiple SOP rules such as improperly using tools and disregarding DEFCON rules, what are your next steps? Start with a verbal warning and work my way up the punishment list if the verbal warning doesnt stick.
    1 point
  3. In-Game Name: RMG Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:544236221 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Platinum How long have you been playing on the server?: 6 weeks in game time (8 months real time) Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines: yes How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): Why do you want to join event team? I want to join even team, because of the opportunity you can have while making these events.You can make anything as long as it follows the handbook.It gives you the chance to be creative while also being able to make the people around you have fun with something different each time you host an event! Also during off hours many events are not hosted, so while i am on i would try to make off hours more fun for the people online.Also during my time on the server i have seen great events hosted by these people who are in this team.Another reason i would want to join event team is because, you can get to know more people in the server that just playing by itself.While hosting events you can meet many people on the server.i also want to say that being event team on this server feels like it would be a fun experience simple as that,even when you host events you can have fun as well as the people participating in them. Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?: I think i should be trusted to join event team because, there is no reason why i would need to troll or hurt the server in any way.Also in CI i am a SM and an E4 so i I know how to act around people who try to troll and ruin other people fun and i don't act out.Also with my warns i have been able to learn from my mistake and i genuinely follow and do what people tell me to do. i never try and actively ruin their RP and fun on the server. Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?:No but with experience i would learn how to use it better and better. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): PVP Based Event: I would announce that if you want to join this event that you change your name to FFA (name). Then while given people time to join i can build or use a arena model to make them fight and the prize can be money, when they are ready i will tell them how this event will work and then i will get it started. I let them choose how the rounds can be like 1v1's or 2v2's or a outright free for all. ROLE PLAY BASED EVENT: To start off i would announce for people to change their name if they want to join the event.Once that is done i would brief them on what they can and cant do.They would be unknown scp's that are loose inside of the facility and the purpose MTF/gen sec is to capture on for research or terminate them. The scp's can choose if they want to be hostile to anyone they see or if they are friendly to people, or neutral.This would make gen sec, research and MTF RP bigger cause they have activities to do.Also CI could also join in and try to capture one of the scps for rnd to test on and that would grow the rp for all the branches on the server.
    1 point
  4. We are making sure NOTHING like 912 happens again ^
    1 point
  5. Thank you for Investigating with us ill make sure your leave is updated on the rosters
    1 point
  6. PENDING This application is currently undergoing review by Juggernaut Command. Please wait up to 48 Hours while we process your application.
    1 point
  7. I edited all the question answers so they're atleast not as rushed as they were
    1 point
  8. Ive read threw everything. ive looked threw everything. Personally i gave this a +/- support This iS a reload exploit and that is how you do it as ive seen it happen before +Support We never see him shoot the second shot. tho this is a setup for it. so -Support Its like setting something up but then not doing it.. its very odd.. id like to give him the benefit of the doubt here but ive NEVER seen anybody put away the barret just to go back to it unless they where trying to get past the cooldown.. Thats just my opinion
    1 point
  9. -support *Update this to follow the proper format. At present, it is rambling and hard to follow, which is what the format is designed to prevent. Edit it and I may reconsider. EDIT: -Support *After Reviewing the Edited version, and taking into consideration what others have said, I will be -supporting this. at present there is not a good enough reason to add this to the server.
    1 point
  10. I rather see map edits in Rockford every couple months like a new building or changing an area or something instead of changing maps Rockford is a great base just needs to be changed up a little.
    1 point
  11. Denied Unfortunately, your forums diplomat application has been denied. You may re-apply next time applications are opened.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. this is not exploiting, I was switching back and forth my weapon because the gun isn't coded right and sometimes doesn't actually reload EVEN after cooldown for the shot to reload is over. Rapid firing the barret is not a thing. I was waiting cooldown. Along with waiting for the cooldown with reload, I have about 30 hours of recording if needed I can provide. I didn't inventory anything this entire night, I never died and I never put it away, as I said I have 30 hours of recording which I would be more than glad to provide. Let me break these clips down for you, The first clip is litterally a normal pvp, I had no ammo so I "pistol whipped" you with a negev not even close to exploting I litterally switched guns. second clip you werent even in the room to see the 2 other players who had barrets 2 of us including myself and soul were litterally holding that door, so you heard two seperate barrets fire and reload. your litterally 3rd person peaking which might I add is considered exploiting/failrp thats crazy. third clip litterally shows me shoot pull it out, not anything after, want to know why? that because it had no ammo in it. whethere I switched weapons or didnt cooldown wouldnt have been affected I couldnt shoot the gun regardless. none of the situations you provided show me intentionally breaking the barrets cooldown / exploiting.
    1 point
  14. +suport I know this guy for at least 5 months and he is really trying his best, he always make time for G-mod, he deserve chance !
    1 point
  15. -Support +Warns old at least +App not bad -Despite you being a previous IMPR HCMD, it doesnt mean much here since it means you know rules there, not here. Not to mention you currently have no RP rank at all Still wish you good luck sir!
    1 point
  16. +support great person, very kind and friendly. should be looked at for ET
    1 point
  17. https://tools.gaminglight.com/profile/76561198799388779 Four days ago you received a permanent ban on PRP for reaching 40 warns. This is not appealable.
    1 point
  18. Damn, you too??? You were a great Nu7 CMD overseer, thanks for everything you've done while I was in the branch. Take care and I wish you nothing but luck with whatever's next.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. You were a good member of command Sav, good luck with your future.
    1 point
  21. Didnt get a mention :(. But sad to see you go, thanks for helping me with the brunch stuff O7 -IITRAKTORII
    1 point
  22. MANNNN it's the end of a fucking era, thank you for the kind words, I had an amazing time with you in Nu7 and I hope to god I never forget it. I salute you sir
    1 point
  23. Forum Diplomat Handbook Welcome to the Forum Diplomat Team! Forum Diplomats are staff members of the community that have been entrusted with monitoring and maintaining a safe and friendly community space on the Forums. The main responsibilities of Forum Diplomats are defusing arguments, removing harmful/argumentative content, and enforcing our Forums Guidelines. What we expect of you As you could guess, one of our main expectations of our diplomats is that they are very well versed in our Forums Guidelines. It is expected that you maintain a friendly attitude when posting or commenting on the forums. Do not forget that you are acting as a role model for how someone should behave on the forums! You should not be getting into petty squabbles or arguments with other players. Next, it is expected that you frequent the forums on a day to day basis. At the very least you should be browsing the forums once per day. But remember, being a diplomat is not just about watching what happens on the forums, it is important that you are proactive and comment on posts to interact with the community! It is also expected that you never exhibit any form of bias when using your diplomat tools or dealing with reports. In any case of potential bias (ex: a situation involving a friend of yours, someone reporting your content, moderating comments on your own posts) you are expected to step back and let a different diplomat handle it. Lastly, you are expected to only use your moderation tools only when required. Abuse of said tools will not be tolerated. Violation of any of these expectations will result in disciplinary action ranging from a verbal warning up to a removal from the Forum Diplomat team. Senior Diplomats Senior Diplomats are seasoned members of the diplomat team. Senior Diplomats are responsible for watching over the diplomats on their respective servers, distributing forums warnings, and training of new diplomats. Senior Diplomats may Content Moderate or Suspend users from posting for up to a month. Anything above a month needs to be run by the Head Diplomat. Senior Diplomats may not suspend users from accessing the forums without permission from the Head Diplomat Reported Content Upon receiving a report of misconduct on the forums via the report feature of the forums, a forum diplomat should first claim the case by marking the report as "Under Review". The Diplomat will then investigate the reported content to determine if any forum rules have been broken. Upon determining that a forum rule has been broken, Diplomats will take the following steps if appropriate: 1) Hide the offending post(s). 2) Determine if a forum warning is appropriate. If so, inform a Senior Diplomat or the Head Diplomat who will then issue a warning if appropriate. 3) If a situation is urgent and requires it be addressed immediately and the Head Diplomat is unavailable, inform a SMT member via Discord or TeamSpeak. 4) Log any actions in the #topic-punishments channel in the Staff Discord. Once the above steps have been completed as appropriate, the Diplomat will then enter a comment describing what actions have been taken, including posts being hidden, if a verbal warning is provided, etc. The Diplomat will then mark the case as closed and inform the reporting party the results of the investigation. Forums Diplomat Messages Sometimes when a post is getting heated, it is necessary to give a verbal warning to everyone participating in the post. This is referred to as a "Forums Diplomat Message." The purpose of the message is to let people participating in the post know that any further arguing/rule infractions will be punished. This is an example of the rough structure that a Forums Diplomat Message should have. If you have any questions about how to make one or what to say, please reach out to your Senior Diplomat. Community Blacklist Appeals Players that receive a blacklist from the Gaminglight community are permanently banned from all Gaminglight servers due to their level of misconduct. These bans are not appealable, and Forum Diplomats are expected to assist SMT personnel by denying blacklist appeals. This does not apply to permanent bans that are put in place by a single server, nor permanent bans that are in place over multiple servers unless the ban reason specifically says Community Blacklist. This also does not apply to warning threshold bans. Content Moderated Users Occasionally a player will be placed under content moderation, meaning that any posts they make must be approved by a Forum Diplomat or SMT member before being viewable publicly. When deciding whether a post should be approved, please ensure that it does not break any forum rules and isn't spam. If the post is deemed acceptable, you may approve it, which allows it to be publicly viewable. If the post is deemed unacceptable, please inform a senior diplomat or the Head Forum Diplomat to take appropriate action. Moderation Tools Forum Diplomats are authorized to utilize the Hide, Lock and Move functions. Hide - Hiding a post conceals it from being seen from regular users browsing the forums. Forum posts may only be hidden for violating a forum rule. The Diplomat hiding a post is required to include a reason the post is being hidden. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. Lock - The Lock function prevents users from posting on a specific topic. The lock function may be used on RP/Community applications that have been processed or in situations where a specific topic is resulting in significant arguments. Move - Moving a post moves it from one location on the forums to another. Forum Diplomats are authorized to move posts that are obviously in the incorrect location (i.e. SCP Report in ImperialRP Section) or on behalf of an RP Department Command member that requests topics to be moved. Anytime threads are hidden, locked, or moved such as handling RP applications, LOAs, or other standard affairs, it should be logged in the #topic-punishments channel in the staff discord. If it is a serious offense and you believe a forums warning is warranted, please contact a Senior Diplomat or the Head Diplomat. Disciplinary Actions If you fail to meet the expectations of being a Forums Diplomat, the following disciplinary measures may be taken. Verbal Warning - A verbal warning is an informal warning that the Diplomat's conduct did not adhere to the Diplomat Handbook. Strike - A Strike is a formal warning that the Diplomat's conduct did not adhere to the Diplomat Handbook. Removal - A Diplomat can be removed from the Diplomat team based on the seriousness of the misconduct, lack of activity, or continued misconduct. Removed Diplomats are eligible to reapply at the discretion of the Head Diplomat. Questions or Concerns? If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Forum Diplomat Handbook, please see a Senior Diplomat or the current Head Diplomat Updated 6/14/2023
    1 point
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