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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2020 in Posts

  1. I'll make this as short and sweet as I can but I'm done on Gaminglight and most likely gmod for a while I might come back but we'll never know anyways It's been one hell of the ride with everyone on Gaminglight and I thank everyone for the memories i'll hopefully remember. Cya gamers. P.S: Orange is in charge while i'm gone
    15 points
  2. When 049 uses his ability on D-class it works. but if 049-2 dies and the D-class comes back when 049 tries to "cure" them again console says they are already infected. when they are obviously not.
    1 point
  3. I'll just be quick with this one, most do notes with peoples name and all but that's a lot of typing. It's been fun and all, but it's been so long and I no longer really feel like hopping on the server anymore. Cya guys one day again.
    1 point
  4. Farewell GL, I will remember all the good times we had together. There's too many to list but to everybody i've had the pleasure to interact with, thank you.
    1 point
  5. +Support To people who don't know Lil sixx he can easily come off as disrespectful, but it's just apart of his personality. This is a person I know has worked hard and can be one of the best even in Red Right Hand. I have nothing but good things to say about Sixx and his accomplishments say it for me. Past his personality he is a loyal and dependable person that I would love to work alongside. I've seen him stand up in E-11 as a leader and role model even with a low rank, which im sure such a rank will only grow. Im positive that if he does become RRH, he will put nothing but his best into his work. -OM5
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. If your going to look at D-Class an an actual prisioners they wouldn't have anything but an orange suit lmao they want every branch to have fun at the end these D-Class your talking about are actual players that want to have fun same as you so they want a chance against gensec gensec enjoy killing us all day so we deserve to have some fun too if we are going to follow lore no branch would be fun but this is a game the point is to have fun most scps have rules removed from them to make them fair but if we going by lore m idk how they gonna get recontained and who said it 1 shots enlisted? you realize that a few bullets will take down a D class because they are very weak compared to gensec we are a glass cannon not even a cannon but we try to deal some damage in waves i don't mind removing the shotgun but the fact that you guys don't want us to have a single gun which is good is just annoying tbh especially when you guys have an entire armory with over 20 guns to choose from
    1 point
  8. (Moved to correct section.) -Support I was kinda in the middle of a sit telling some people they could not build in front of spawn which I had even asked you to leave. Even when guns started getting pulled, the only reason I physgunned you away was because you were the first one to instigate combat between the two of you that were involved in that shootout.
    1 point
  9. Ah yes a prisoner having a shotgun that 1 shots all enlisted and 2 shots most NCOs, seems balanced.
    1 point
  10. Great guy I think he would make great support.
    1 point
  11. +support Seriously. All these warns and was STILL copbaiting earlier and claiming he didn't realize it was.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. - 22 rep wow you guys really are evil
    1 point
  14. ACCEPTED! After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided to accept you for staff! Please speak to HoS+ for SCP-RP in TeamSpeak to get started!
    1 point
  15. Application could use some more effort but, +Support
    1 point
  16. You where demoted by Euclid Class Manager Fireman for the following reasons on 10/17. Running out of bunks during defcon 2 and 3 with threat present in LCZ, Player Diss. You are not on any do not train list; Thus are eligible to be retrained.
    1 point
  17. Nearly 300 members of security have been purged this rollcall, one of the highest (if not THE highest) I have ever witnessed. If you are one of the many who was removed, for this week only you can return to security as your previous rank on a 1 strike policy OR go back to OFC. In the event that you did respond to the rollcall and we didn't notice but you still got removed, contact a command member and you will be reinstated to your previous rank with no strikes. On behalf of HCMD, I want to thank the SCMD and LCMD members who assisted us with this. You guys were a huge help.
    0 points
  18. Oh yes a d class got a good weapon Gensec: REMOVE IT NOW WE WANT TO BE THE BES
    0 points
  19. -1 points
  20. Your In-game: SM Bappo 1D98 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95994697 The admin's name in-game: Hanxi The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: Player Diss x2 l NLR Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: The Player diss is true. The NLR part is false because I never left the pd. When I respawned I walked out to the parking lot of pd heard shots fired and saw the man sitting behind a pd vehicle. The man was firing upon a state trooper. So I stayed inside the pd parking lot helping the trooper having to flashbacks to prior life and combat. You can even ask the dispatcher who was online at the time which was Probationary Dispatcher Will. Any extra information: I want Jack Smoke to be warned for a false report on NLR and I want Hanxi to have a formal warning for the false warn .
    -1 points
  21. What are you suggesting? - TO ADD SCP 166 TO THE GAME How would this change better the server? - TO MANY TO NAME Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - NO Who would this change mostly benefit? - everyone
    -6 points
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