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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2018 in all areas

  1. i just wanna say thank you so much to those who welcomed be back and asked how i was doing it actually means a lot i never really got to fit in anywhere at all and soon as i came back so many people have came up to me and said how they missed me this is honestly amazing community it has helped me with so much mental health problems and other issues in my life , i wanna thank every swat member and every high command of swat for understanding why i had to go for a bit and i will be fully active , if anyone else is feeling depressed sad , or anything you could message me , thank you so much @Fame for being the best little brother ever we may not talk as much as we use to but we need to change that honestly i remember all those good time as being a yuki with asuna and i will never forget those moments or the moment we use to pick each other up with our phis guns @Josh H-Y. thank you so much for being like an older brother to me and actually asking if i am OK or not honestly i feel like you are family , @Zimbros thank you as well for always accepting me, @Chad B honestly i gotta say you are one of my best friends i known you for so long and i am happy you are back , @myandabeast thank you so much for being the commander ever and doing such a good job, @mad dog biggest thank you to you we have been though a lot and we always had each others back no matter what and i love our brotherly bond @tom thank you so much for being so kind to me and buying me gmod when you really didn't have to, there is so much others i wanna thank but idk your forum name so ill write down the names UC lee thank you for the welcome back :3 , @jeff omg we had some fun times remember when you killed one of my family members and i killed you with the chainsaw xD , but that's all and thank you to the kings family remember we might fall at times but we will always get stronger ,
    1 point
  2. Hi SRT Team I want to See everyone in SRT at the meeting this Friday @8: 30 pm. If you can not make the meeting please let me know. After The meeting, there will be training for Sniper and Breacher. Also for SGT+, There will be a meeting just for you guys @8:00 in the supervisor room. If any SGT's can't make it I understand just let me know. This meeting will happen every week in October as a trial. Sincerely, TL Chase Gustavsen
    1 point
  3. What is your in-game name – Keuka What is your steam name – Keuka What is your Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:196577734 Do you have any other experience with staffing – Not on GMOD Servers but in real life at work yes! What date did you start playing on the community – Roughly August 15th What date did you make forums account – September 29th, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank) – VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server – 0 warns Have you donated – Yes, I have donated to this server What rank are you applying for – Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines – I have read it over approximately 10 times prior to applying for this, I read it every other day to check for updates position. Time zone – EST Permission – N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? I believe that I deserve Trial Moderator because I have played on this server for quite a while now and as soon as I joined this server I fell in love with the server mainly because of how friendly the general community and staff were to not only helping me out but making sure I am following the correct rules. Being on this server for a week now I have gone through multiple positives and negatives and for the most part I feel that I have responded to these situations in the correct and mature way. Despite this server having such a wonderful staff I do understand the need for new moderators as at times I can see that there is limited mods/admins on at times where there should be more and that's another reason why I feel that I deserve this position not only to help out the people of the server but to enjoy my time even more with the staff and members of this server. When dealing with a player/server issue I would handle it in the most mature way possible by not losing my temper. I would approach every situation the same and disregard any past experiences with a player as it will be for the most part a new sit every time. I never hold grudges because people can be having an off day, and, in the end, everyone deserves a second chance. I will also make sure that I check over the staff handbook every day as well as the MOTD to make sure that I am treating everyone equally and not misunderstanding any of the rules. If I have any questions regarding a rule I will be contacting other people to make sure I get a correct understanding on the situation. I may not be the most well-known player on this server, but I do think that I am as equally qualified as the other successful candidates due to my love and dedication towards this server. I don't have much experience with being an admin/moderator on other servers, but I do in real life as I have had a few jobs in life where I had to be the bigger person and I’ve had to step up and deal with the hardships that we all have to deal with at some point. Throughout my time on the server not only will I be gaining a ton of experience for this job, but I will also work hard to be a well-respected staff member. I also plan on sending multiple reports to the higher ups on things that I think will help improve the server. Another thing that I pride myself in is constructive criticism, one of the things I really like is receiving it in a respectful manner because I feel that is my best way of improving. Thank you everyone! How would you handle someone that is mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit and all they do is curse at you? I would try to calmly ask them to relax and explain as there is no need for that kind of talk. If that does not work the next step would to warn the player for Disrespect/Staff Diss. If they still do not comply I would proceed with caution and gag them while I ask a higher rank to minge for 600 seconds and we would go from there and work together on what we should do next! Personal notes~ I know my Team Speak and Forums aren't looking the best, but I am just now diving into those 2 things. I would really like to help the Community and I hope I get accepted. Thank you for taking the time to read all of this everybody, it means a lot to me!
    1 point
  4. Please only SSA+ apply (If your a SNR SA you need permission from COS+ to apply) Application: https://goo.gl/forms/kPatjxx1BKO9gWfp2 Apps will be open until the 12th
    1 point
  5. K than anyways Here we go XD +SUPPORT -Active On TS -Friendly -Respectful -Patient -Fit for job
    1 point
  6. You will always be welcome back to Gaminglight Hannah! Just don’t mug me again I don’t like being stabbed.
    1 point
  7. We missed ya your a great friend of mine and I'll always be here for you
    1 point
  8. How about some toes too
    1 point
  9. maybe Hannah will do a facereveal ?
    1 point
  10. -Support Never seen on & never heard of you Q14 can use work (maybe go more into depth on why you want to be staff) EXTREMELY inactive on forums (this is your first post, but you've had the forums account for over a year...) I honestly think you're just returning to the community (i can be wrong) but i think you should get to know a bit more people, and improve activity.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. + active on teamspeak + nice guy +active on forums +support but where is the poll?
    1 point
  13. October Accepted List LCPL Nickalus [ STEAM_0:0:39956041 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/02/18 LCPL Hoskins [ STEAM_0:0:70482191 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/02/18 LCPL Noah [ STEAM_0:0:125805658 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/02/18 LCPL Annie 1C63 [ STEAM_0:0:89813259 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/06/18 LCPL SupremeChow [ STEAM_0:0:77484257 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/06/18 LCPL Squibs [ STEAM_0:1:58160743 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/06/18 LCPL Ersem 1D98 [ STEAM_0:0:34330182 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/11/18 LCPL Ryan 1A77 [ STEAM_0:0:239192594 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/11/18 LCPL Emmu 1A62 [ STEAM_0:1:88078539 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/11/18 MSGT Jimmy Reggs [ STEAM_0:1:206859998 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/12/18 LCPL Ghostly 1A45 [ STEAM_0:0:60269264 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/14/18 CPL Timmemes [ STEAM_0:0:154179583 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/14/18 MSGT Billy 1A54 [STEAM_0:1:197479140] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/20/18 LCPL James Kurgen [ STEAM_0:1:197136217 } Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/22/18 SM Mjay 1A78 [ STEAM_0:0:444867301 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/26/18 SM Sull [ STEAM_0:1:195756612 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/26/18 CPL Umnom [ STEAM_0:1:196777734 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 10/29/18
    0 points
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