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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2018 in all areas

  1. If this like gets 100 comments or 50 likes I will give Felix,Joe mama,Logan,Kilo will receive 400 dollars worth of stuff (1 person)
    3 points
  2. Name: Bryce King SteamID: STEAM_0:0:187707301 Current rank: Sergeant Major How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : 7 weeks Rank Wanted: Lieutenant How many warns do you have? 10 (all inactive) Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/a Why should you be promoted? : I believe that i'd be an amazing asset as a Lieutenant in the police department because of the dedication i show to all government branches. I am an extremely active player, maybe not as active as i used to be due to school starting, but you will still catch me online for a few hours a day at least 6 days a week. When I first starting Gaming Light many people knew me as a minge and I had a horrible reputation from the start and I realized how bad I looked and decided to change for the better, so I began to be more serious when I role play, not be mingy, and to make friends with people so I wouldn’t be known as a minge. Since then I’ve came a long way and has worked my way up in multiple departments and I believe I am ready for this position in the police department. On top of everything, I’m an extremely active player in all departments I am apart of. I role play as a police officer for a few hours a week, I try to be on daily for at least an hour, due to the fact I gotta be active on SWAT, The National Security Agency, Secret service, And on staff, I still try to remain active on PD. I am low command of NSA and as becoming low command of PD I would know my place, and the boundaries for it. I really love to help other officers, or people who would like to be an officer aka Cadets. Often while I role play as the deputy chief of staff of the NSA, I often take police officers (for the most part the Ofcs, and Snrs) as a ride along to enhance their role play experience (yes this is allowed.) I try my hardest to try to keep this department as professional as possible by telling officers what they did wrong, or how it could've been done better, and then tell them what they've been doing an amazing job at. Whenever i run into an officer that isn't doing their job correctly, I follow the chain of command and take it to a low command member. I hope to help improve this department in any way i possibly can, whether its helping out with meetings, or even helping out new members of this department. I am well up to date with the MOTD, as well as the guidelines of being a police officer. I will keep up to date with all guidelines and rules that of this department. I promise to remain active, to show maturity, and to be as professional as possible at all times. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes, by all means.
    1 point
  3. +Support +Active +Mature +Professional +Helps and Trains Officers +Deserves Lieutenant! Overall Bryce has proven that he can handle a rank of LT. You deserve a chance, and good luck! ?
    1 point
  4. +Support -Great man -Active -Respectful -Knows what he is doing Good Luck ~Jeff M
    1 point
  5. @Roleplaygod good work we need to use your video as a training video of how the properly conducted a set! Oh an -support no evidence . Oh and the name I'll tell a Manager about it.
    1 point
  6. FBI tac unit will be a thing we just need to keep spamming suggestions ?
    1 point
  7. Welcome to GamingLight
    1 point
  8. Welcome buddy! My name is Tom, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me :D
    1 point
  9. Howdy, welcome to Gaminglight!
    1 point
  10. -support could of done better on #14 NOT READY FOR STAFF
    1 point
  11. +support Active in TS. Friendly towards others. App is decent. Good staff member. Would make a good support staff. Deserves a chance, best of luck!
    1 point
  12. Patriots Day By far the best movie featuring Mark Wahlberg
    1 point
  13. Just get a hostage. Then they can’t gas you. So -support, and I play a lot of crim so I’m not biased.
    1 point
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