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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2018 in all areas

  1. Recently, I have witnessed and encountered many occurrences of people being targeted or made fun of due to their age or voice. This is a problem. I am making this post to enlighten and give confidence to the younger players of Gaminglight. On a daily basis whenever handling minor staff situations and so on, I have people asking for my age and how the hell I got into staff, better yet being a Superadmin. I personally have been able to move past it due to it being such a common occurrence but for others it could be different. The thing I love about this community is that it is getting much better. People are starting to accept each other much more. The morale of this post is that your age should NOT limit what you should be able to do within the community. No matter how young or how old. I have encountered so many amazing and unique people within this community, and the very last thing I judge people on is their age.
    4 points
  2. What you want to see? - A increase in salary for staff. If not $500 something more than $80. Why should we add it? - It would give staff a little more incentive to get on(they should be on either way) but it would help us gain money a little as we are staff. What are the advantages of having this? - Happier staff, incentive for players to play good to become staff, staff isnt broke ? Who is it mainly for? - Staff. Players as well as players. Links to any content -
    1 point
  3. What is your in-game name?: tcoops What is your steam name?: tcoops What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:161946636 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I have lots of experience with staffing. Staffed on multiple other gMod servers that had high player count. Also ran a community of my own a while back which got successful but gave to someone else to run because I was too busy with school and other stuff. I've also had experience on different game servers too. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around 2 years ago. What date did you make your forums account? June 25, 2017 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 15. Most of them are over a year old. Have you donated? Yeah. 225 USD. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator. Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Yeah. Timezone: BST Permission (Admin+ need this): Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I believe that I deserve the rank because I would love the opportunity and responsibility of helping other players on the community who want to have the best role playing experience as possible. I believe my previous experience and determination to help other players would be useful and help improve the staff team. Another reason why I believe I deserve the rank is because I am also very active. This means that I can spend a lot of time helping players and getting to know them while improving their role playing experience through staffing as well as through roleplay. I would like to say that I know if not all, the majority of the staff team and a lot of the community. This will allow the players to trust me in helping them and would pass it onto new players. I want to help this community grow and help get rid of the players who minge around and ruin other players' role playing experience. Overall, I want to increase other player's experience on the community by spending lots of my time on staff as well as role playing. I know that my past experiences on different game servers and on the community already, will help me become a better staff member who is there to help others. Altogether, I have a lot of experience in staffing and playing on the community so I've gone through, seen a lot and learnt a lot from other staff members. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? If someone was Mass RDMing on the server, first I would take them to a sit and jail them. I would then strip them of their weapons in case they tried anything else. If all they did was curse at me and/or the other admins there, I would try to explain to them calmly on what's going to happen and how they can help themselves. I f they literally don't care and carry on cursing, I would gag them and explain again. If it was a first time offender, I would minge them for a long time depending on how bad the Mass RDM was and then if they carried on, contact a higher up to minge for longer or ban them. If they learnt there lesson, I would probably feel proud but would still keep an eye on them in case they broke anymore rules. They would then be issued with a 10,000 second minge as said on the staff handbook.
    1 point
  4. +support Agree with all these points I also: Know him well from another server was a great player loved by everyone thanks to his awesome personality loves the community he plays in
    1 point
  5. +/- Support + Increased in-game activity - Inactive on forums - Question 15 needs more explanation and work - Is known to minge at times + Knows the rules - Need to re-read staff hanbook Good luck.
    1 point
  6. We are gaming on roblox bro get good
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. + Support - Long time member - Knows the rules - Friendly - Has previous experience - A great friend to the community
    1 point
  9. + Support Active in game Staff app was accepted previously but had to put up a staff restricted appeal. Knows the rules Friendly ?
    1 point
  10. -Support Inactive in game Inactive on forums You have played on this server before you should know that the staff app demands much more effort than this app here
    1 point
  11. -support -you just got back to the server -inactive in game on the forums -Question 15 can use some more work +is friendly +knows the rules
    1 point
  12. My friend introduced me to PoliceRP and had bad impression the way Valkyri handled things so I didn't feel like playing anymore but it was my friend that made me kept going. I loved it without Valkyri online. Then one day god answered my prayer.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. In the market for a new PC. I want something that’s upgradable in the future. What would you guys get if you had let’s say $700? I’m thinking about waiting for Black Friday.
    1 point
  15. Just a little bonus for staff, I see some staff members on literally all day long. And if we are rp’ing we could be called on duty at anytime. Increasing the salary won’t make us staff millionaires but at least when we want to rp we can have some money to buy things. Custom classes get a $500 salary. $500 was my suggestion but any increase would be great. I understand where you are coming from though!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I don’t haha. I currently play on a laptop with specs: i7-8550u Intel UHD 620 graphics 8gb memory 256SSD
    1 point
  18. This does look like a good deal! I would still need to buy the operating system software and then I would probably get.a faster processor
    1 point
  19. Honestly, for right now just GMOD. But in the future I would like to run GTA 5 and other new games out like Fortnite and so on. As long as the pc can run gta 5 and games like that I’m fine with It. Then I would like to upgrade the graphics card later on.
    1 point
  20. Hey TaiKwondo Nice to meet you! Thank you for your interest in PoliceRP and Gaminglight in general. One tip I would like to give you is be friendly to everyone on the server. Being friendly and helping out community members goes a long way and gives you a lot of respect in the community. Also try and be active on the forums and in Teamspeak. When applying for Trial Moderator and other jobs, Activity on forums and in game is looked at so make sure to be updated on the Forums, MOTD, etc. Thank you for playing Gaminglight and hope you enjoy your time on here! Have a good day!
    1 point
  21. On Thursday, the 26th, I will be hosting a training session for all those currently interested in advancing to Breacher or Sniper. Details: Thursday the 26th 11am EST: Breacher training 12pm EST: Sniper training If you have a chance at making these times, please try to make them. If you can’t, I will host a second session on the 27th after 4:30pm est, preferably attend the first two. CMDR Will Newel
    0 points
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