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Trace's IC Vice Commander Sev Application.[Accepted]


Should I be the next Vice commander Sev?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I fit for this position?

    • Yes [Explain Why]
    • No [Explain Why]

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  • Poll closed on 08/11/2022 at 11:00 PM

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name):

IC CSLD MAJ 0037 Reaper

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Imperial Commando 

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

The reason I would like the position of Vice commander is because of the fondness I have for the Battalion and the people within it. My whole experience within IC from March of this year to now has been nothing but good memories and the comradeship in IC is amazing, I would like to pass my experience and knowledge down the people who will potentially be under me and help them as much as I possibly can. I would like to focus even more on IC with this position and give it all I have to make the experience better for current and future members. I have been apart of the community for almost 3 years now and would like to take my first steps into a vice commander role. I want to offer my assistance to any and all enlisted and NCOs to be the best Commandos they can be so they can to move up the ranks and be successful.  My main goal for IC is to see imperial commando members enjoying their time in the branch and for them to have nothing but good words to say about the Battalion, I would also like the opportunity to oversee Crimson squad as I am currently the squad lead of this squad, The secondary goal of mine is to see squads function and be independent enough to not always rely on someone else so they can operate on their own. The position of Sev would also allow me to test my self in a higher command position which I want to lead to more self improvement which would be beneficial  for Crimson and IC overall.  

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

My current battlemetrics state that I have 4,316 hours on ImperialRP over an almost 3 year period.

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of a Vice Commander is to keep the Branch active and entertained, It is our job to provide and incentive to hop on and spend time with IC to help IC Grow and flourish. Vice commanders are meant to help officers with their leading abilities and give them advice and help them come up with solutions and also help introduce new Ideas they may have for the branch.  As a special forces group we have expectations to uphold and exceed and it is the vice commanders job to make sure those expectations are met and all rules and protocols are followed. Making sure your troopers are not acting out of line and being professional at all times, unprofessional behaviour is a very big deterrent for new players and stops them from considering IC as a life and can hinder the growth of the Battalion.  Battalion engagement and entertainment in my opinion is the key to keeping a branch healthy and active, this is why I would like to do more SIMs and missions with IC and reward them for their activity and contribution to the Battalion. I would like IC to be a welcoming brotherhood of players for everyone to enjoy so they can experience what gaminglight has to offer. Vice Commanders are supposed to help those who are struggling and help the individual grow so then those who work hard and show dedication can also move up and maybe be a future Battalion Vice Commander/Commander. Lastly commanders are branch representatives and reflect the battalion as a whole.  Vice Commanders should be approachable, friendly and easy to communicate with whilst keeping Chain of command in mind.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander?:

I believe I should be trusted for this position because as stated above, I believe I can make the next step up in command and be the role model that IC should have. I also believe I am fit for this role due to my past experience in command/leading positions. I have been in various Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain and Major positions along with being former ARC captain, current IC Maj and Squad lead for Crimson squad along with many Military Police positions on other servers including ImperialRP so I understand the difference between having fun and being mingy and knowing when to flip the switch and be serious when the situation calls for it.  I consider myself a relaxed person who people can come to with their problems and concerns and come up with a solutions to said issues, like I said above being approachable and friendly is key in being a good vice commander. Mutual respect for your peers and subordinates is an important thing to have whilst interacting with your own and other battalions, I show all the people I interact with on the server with the respect they deserve and hopefully that shows. If I make an honest mistake I always own up to them and try my best to improve on that mistake so it doesn't happen again. My battlemetrics show that I can be trusted with position and can remain active for the duration of my time in this position.

7. How often can you be Online?:

I can be active every day for 4 hours minimum and 9 hours maximum.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?):

I currently have 1 warning for ARDM x1.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application, hope you enjoyed [Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors] :}

Edited by -Trace-

Former IC Vice Commander Sev / Ex. Crimson squad lead LTCOL Reaper / Ex. 2x ARC Captain/JTAL/ Ex. Purge Major /  Ex. 2x Shock Captain/EJTAL / Former Naval Gunnery Officer / 3x Inferno NCO / Ex. DT 1st Lieutenant 

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- Been in IC Quite awhile and been dedicated to the Branch

- Has been in multiple Officer positions so I believe he would do well if gotten the position


Edited by BiggieCheez
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Tank Troopa BiggieCheez!
Reserves: DT SB3   Former: Senior Admin | Senior Gamemaster 
Former:  8th DT SNR CMDR SB3|ISB 021 Agent Kallus| IC COL BiggieCheez|Shock Commander D
oofenshmirtz | ARC Trooper ChesterCheetah | Crimson Reaper/Gren/Maroon/Blux2biggie smalls GIF


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  1. Great Officer
  2. Dedicated to his battalion and his men
  3. No nonsense and hard working
  4. Knows when to hold 'em and to fold 'em
  5. Amazing Squad Lead (I am formally his Overseer)
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Former: Vice Commander Sev (x2) IC COL Wraith/Sigma | Purge SSGT Vulkrim Crimson LD 57 2LT Reaper | Tank CPL Wraith TT6924 IC 2LT 6924 Sigma | DT CPL AJ1

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21 hours ago, ZeferGaming said:

+ huge support

as someone who see IC all the time rather it be in My Sims or Event I can say Reaper is Top tier for Vice Commander I've seen him do great things in IC. 



| former Shock 1LT, Shock SGT | | Former IQ CPL | | x3 Former IF Agent| 

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On 7/31/2022 at 3:03 AM, -Trace- said:

I have been apart of the community for almost 3 years now and would like to take my first steps into a vice commander role.

+ Support for this reason alone. 
Trace has been high officer in every battalion for the most part and is extremely hard working. He has refused to apply for Vice Commander in the past due to him not feeling dedicated in other branches so for him to apply for this means he really wants to be IC command. 

Last-Senior Commander Iden Versio (First IF SharpShooter Overseer, Last Commander ID10,Team Chestbox Gang)

Founder of the Gaminglight Christian Alliance Ex-Super Admin SawickM/Forum Diplomat/Supportspacer.png

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14 hours ago, Gosling said:

+ Support
+ Active
+ Dedicated 
+ Great Person
+ Trust Worthy 
+ Lots of Experience 
+ Good Application 

- Welsh

Would make a great Command Member


it's about time trace hit the big leagues.

| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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-Helping Other IC Officer

-Completing the Duty as an Officer (in my eyes)

-Good Application

-Great Guy To Talk To


Now: Naval Captain Wolf|  Mark's Son (<-mom)| Security Directors/Agent Kallus|

Former: Shock VCMDR/Lt Col. IF Moderator X2 | Gamemaster tic 3 and tic 5 | IC Maj Wolf | Naval Lieuenant x2 | Ted's Son| Bon`s favorite | IC Maroon/Volt 

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Massive +Support

Trace is known by many as the IC MAJ Reaper, but to me I will always remember him as my superior in shock when I first started this server. Trace was immediately accepting of me, despite me not even knowing general locations around the ship. He became my friend and showed me the do's and the do not's of shock, as well of the server in general, basically being my first introduction to the server. He has always been friendly and caring while maintaining an amazing sense of humor and knowing when to be serious. I have had the privilege of calling Trace my friend since the beginning of my time on GL, and he has been an amazing ally to have. I have no doubt that Trace will excel in any field he engulfs himself in, and I know he will make a phenomenal IC Vice Commander. 


Retired GL Member "Dark"

                    Previous: Seeker Company Sergeant DT SN04 / S33, DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman) TI-23 Unit Squad Leader F16, DT Vice Commander BR0/TI-23 Overseer UNO, Nova Vice Commander Battle, MOD Dark

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On 7/31/2022 at 7:38 PM, BiggieCheez said:


- Been in IC Quite awhile and been dedicated to the Branch

- Has been in multiple Officer positions so I believe he would do well if gotten the position




                   Shock ERUO Major Banana Jr|DT VCMDR CO2/DT MAJ SC01/DT 2LT SN03/DT 2LT CO2/DT NCO CO2x3|Shadow Guard/Saber Guard/ Senior Honor Guard Cold| IC DME SSGT Cold|Pyke Enforcer SR Cold|ISB:IA Operative Cold

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+ Support 
+ Positive member of the community
+ an avid player and leader amongst IC
Best of luck 🙂 

Current: High General | IMPRP-Lead Admin | Head Gamemaster
Previous: Shock Commander | Pyke Senior Commander

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On 7/31/2022 at 7:38 PM, BiggieCheez said:


- Been in IC Quite awhile and been dedicated to the Branch

- Has been in multiple Officer positions so I believe he would do well if gotten the position



Ex: Seventh Sister and Second Sister

Star Wars Dancing GIF


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get fucked mate

Current: 47th Duelist Euronymous 501st CMDR Pisces
Previous: SHGO Senior Guard Kuiyn | 501st HVYAL CPT Pisces 2223 | AO SubLT Pisces | GM VIII | Shore CQB SSGT Pisces TK2223 | DT SSGT WC1 | SO Lieutenant Nova | Purge BAL MAJ Pisces GB12
Wanna see how I got these warns?"

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