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Miniepic Player Report- Accepted


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Your in game name: Kale

The player's in game name: Miniepic

The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:195322115

What did the player do: Mass RDM/NLR x5 or more

Evidence (required): I included the first part to show his name and show he's the Citizen in blue. 


What do you believe should happen to the player: I believe he should be warned and/or banned and punished in staff. 

Any extra information: The clip is very long because I did not want to edit it that much but if you skip to like 4:30 that's where most of the RDMing/NLR starts but there is some before that. Also at the end of the clip I scroll through logs (at 10:30 in the video) and it shows everything. I also say "punished in staff" because he is a JMT member MRDMing/MNLRing with members of the server showing them that its okay and he could have done something about the situation as a JMT instead of joining them joining them/starting it. 

Edited by Kale_
Editing the evidence line because I forgot.

 Retired PRP - FBI Chief of Staff | FTO Training Director | USMS Deputy Marshal | HRT Captain

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- Support

This did like no harm and was just them having fun

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22 minutes ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:


The way I see this no harm no foul nothing was going on and they were just having fun. 


PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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So let me be honest here. During this entire thing no harm was made to any players ingame or staff. This just seems petty to me tbh, but I do understand why you do report this to get a side and try to get a understanding of it. At the time there was nothing happening legit nothing happening I was ingame for about 6 hours and I was not even one that started this entire mess tbh with you. I see no harm in this and I was trying have fun late night. Also to be clear if there was a staff report ingame made againest any of them I would not interfene or try to make a side in that staff sit and would have the staff member deal with it and not try to have a bias opinion. (Talking about this quote here)

Also No one was roleplaying, It was 2AM and no one was roleplaying and I heard no complaints from anyone ingame. If you said to like "Stop" or something I would have. It's also very one sided report as you did nothing to try to stop it all you did was watch and gather evidence when you could have stepped up.

12 hours ago, Kale_ said:

because he is a JMT member MRDMing/MNLRing with members of the server showing them that its okay and he could have done something about the situation as a JMT instead of joining them joining them/starting it. 


Edited by MiniEpic


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5 minutes ago, MiniEpic said:


So let me be honest here. During this entire thing no harm was made to any players ingame or staff. This just seems petty to me tbh, but I do understand why you do report this to get a side and try to get a understanding of it. At the time there was nothing happening legit nothing happening I was ingame for about 6 hours and I was not even one that started this entire mess tbh with you. I see no harm in this and I was trying have fun late night. Also to be clear if there was a staff report ingame made againest any of them I would not interfene or try to make a side in that staff sit and would have the staff member deal with it and not try to have a bias opinion. (Talking about this quote here)




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-he MRDMed and mass NLRed 

-he should know not to do that he is a super admin

-even if he was playing around and having fun still breaking rules Jimmy has said "Even if you are friends the motd rules still apply"

-he ruined peoples rp

-he was cross firing people in spawn and out of spawn.  "During this entire thing no harm was made to any players ingame or staff" there are logs of you hitting me and other people with a knife 

-showing new people that jmt is mass rdming and making the server look bad

-he was clearly breaking rules


i dont care GIF 

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The way I see this no harm no foul nothing was going on and they were just having fun. 

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

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+/- Support
-Although this was harmless, had it been someone brand new to the server this report section would look very different with many people begging for a Blacklist or ban. 
-Mini is someone who is an admin himself and knows the MOTD through and through. Is there a time period that rules are free to be broken? if so please tell me what hours those are.

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+/- support

-It was pretty harmless

-At the end of the day we have rules in place. What makes this any different besides it being on down time. 

-JMT is held to a higher standard and should be setting a standard. Now either way I don't know if this would extend to when we are in "down time".

-With whatever is done, Miniepic should be careful in the future. Just like this, things can change.

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1 hour ago, Slasher said:


-he MRDMed and mass NLRed 

-he should know not to do that he is a super admin

-even if he was playing around and having fun still breaking rules Jimmy has said "Even if you are friends the motd rules still apply"

-he ruined peoples rp

-he was cross firing people in spawn and out of spawn.  "During this entire thing no harm was made to any players ingame or staff" there are logs of you hitting me and other people with a knife 

-showing new people that jmt is mass rdming and making the server look bad

-he was clearly breaking rules


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1 hour ago, Slasher said:


-he MRDMed and mass NLRed 

-he should know not to do that he is a super admin

-even if he was playing around and having fun still breaking rules Jimmy has said "Even if you are friends the motd rules still apply"

-he ruined peoples rp

-he was cross firing people in spawn and out of spawn.  "During this entire thing no harm was made to any players ingame or staff" there are logs of you hitting me and other people with a knife 

-showing new people that jmt is mass rdming and making the server look bad

-he was clearly breaking rules


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+ Support

I am going to share a very unpopular opinion however I feel like this has the truth behind it.


1.) Superadmin rank does not put you above the MOTD. You are still expected to follow the rules, in fact you are the face of the MOTD so the standards are there, thats the hard part about being a Superadmin coming from experience as a Superadmin.

2.) Miniepic would have warned others for the same situation, and he does not like giving out verbal warnings, so I feel like the standard should be applied here.

3.) In retrospect its just GMOD and having fun at the end of the day however I feel like this is only fair for everyone since others will get punished.

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Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in."

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1 hour ago, Calamity said:

+ Support

1.) Superadmin rank does not put you above the MOTD. You are still expected to follow the rules, in fact you are the face of the MOTD so the standards are there

2.) Miniepic would have warned others for the same situation, and he does not like giving out verbal warnings, so I feel like the standard should be applied here.


Edited by Trumpo


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- Support

Why just report Miniepic? Seems a little targeted in my opinion. This was also at like 1 or 2 am and everyone was fine with it. In my opinion there shouldn't been a ban or warn but maybe a talking to would be in order.

PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
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7 hours ago, Slasher said:


-he MRDMed and mass NLRed 

-he should know not to do that he is a super admin

-even if he was playing around and having fun still breaking rules Jimmy has said "Even if you are friends the motd rules still apply"

-he ruined peoples rp

-he was cross firing people in spawn and out of spawn.  "During this entire thing no harm was made to any players ingame or staff" there are logs of you hitting me and other people with a knife 

-showing new people that jmt is mass rdming and making the server look bad

-he was clearly breaking rules

JMT isnt above the rules


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1 hour ago, 00 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 00 said:

- Support

Why just report Miniepic? Seems a little targeted in my opinion. This was also at like 1 or 2 am and everyone was fine with it. In my opinion there shouldn't been a ban or warn but maybe a talking to would be in order.

The reason I reported Mini instead of everyone else is because he is a JMT member and should have taken care of the situation instead of joining. Also don’t see anywhere in the MOTD that says rules don’t apply past a certain time. There is no excuse for what happened. If I or anyone else would have done this they would have been banned by now. 

 Retired PRP - FBI Chief of Staff | FTO Training Director | USMS Deputy Marshal | HRT Captain

PD Sergeant Major

Ex PRP Senior Moderator 


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the only reason i minus support is while yes Mini is a JMT member and should uphold the MOTD at all times. were all human and just want to relax and have fun and like mini had said if someone had said something or reported it he would have stopped 

I dont think mini meant anything foul or ill by this and just wanted to have some fun and relax. its a game not a job. 

Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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8 hours ago, Calamity said:

+ Support

I am going to share a very unpopular opinion however I feel like this has the truth behind it.


1.) Superadmin rank does not put you above the MOTD. You are still expected to follow the rules, in fact you are the face of the MOTD so the standards are there, thats the hard part about being a Superadmin coming from experience as a Superadmin.

2.) Miniepic would have warned others for the same situation, and he does not like giving out verbal warnings, so I feel like the standard should be applied here.

3.) In retrospect its just GMOD and having fun at the end of the day however I feel like this is only fair for everyone since others will get punished.


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ok so yes mini has done wrong just as the other people have, and i totally understand hes held to a higher standard then others but YOU are staff and couldve told them to stop at anytime but instead you stood there and recorded showing you as a staff member dont care what they are doing, whether you are on staff or on as a civ you still have the ability to admin chat or walking up to him and saying stop its not looking good on you, as a staff member i wouldve told them to go mess around some where else instead of near spawn, mini is a fantastic staff member and goes above and beyond in what he does, the report is valid yet it couldve been dealt with in a different way, unfortunately i feel that no FBI member likes mini for whatever reason as ive seen many people say stuff to/about him, personally i dont feel this should go any further then a good talking to as us JMT members like to make things fun and funny for you guys, but when silly reports like this happen we just feel like theres no point in being us and having a laugh with people 
-support from me


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- support 

due to the fact that there should be audio for the clip that clearly has people talking in it as well as the fact that it is very early in the morning only going after mini for the situation  when clearly there is more then just him  having fun with it being in down time (not many people on the server for rp) dose not seem like this report is for the situation more for the player at hand in an normal sit that any staff would take could see this as RDM for all players involved. This sit is only about one person who is conveniently JMT with out context (audio) of the situation it seem that it is kinda one sided. As well for the sit being Mass RDM dose not seem fit as players who could not be part of it (afk people) were not harmed. It makes sense he is messing around with people but it seems no harm no foul

this just seems to outrageous for a little fun.

Currently -- | COL of PD | EMT of EMS | LVL 7 of UMC | Staff | Owner of CC Mar and Sike | Lieutenant STATE | Forums Diplomat | 

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  Things always come and go but its your choice to choose  what you want to continue to see.   -  Mar

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1 hour ago, Tactical said:

ok so yes mini has done wrong just as the other people have, and i totally understand hes held to a higher standard then others but YOU are staff and couldve told them to stop at anytime but instead you stood there and recorded showing you as a staff member dont care what they are doing, whether you are on staff or on as a civ you still have the ability to admin chat or walking up to him and saying stop its not looking good on you, as a staff member i wouldve told them to go mess around some where else instead of near spawn, mini is a fantastic staff member and goes above and beyond in what he does, the report is valid yet it couldve been dealt with in a different way, unfortunately i feel that no FBI member likes mini for whatever reason as ive seen many people say stuff to/about him, personally i dont feel this should go any further then a good talking to as us JMT members like to make things fun and funny for you guys, but when silly reports like this happen we just feel like theres no point in being us and having a laugh with people 
-support from me

Tactical, I would like to take the time to respond to further move my +Support. This is just to extend since you bring up good points I want to address.


"YOU are staff and couldve told them to stop at anytime but instead you stood there and recorded showing you as a staff member don't care what they are doing"

1. ) Actually no, its forbidden in the staff handbook to warn higher ups unless you have a Superadmin+ allow it, so you are advocating for practically nothing to happen.

2. ) Judging by the clip it was around 1-2 CST. I would not expect a higher up to be on to deal with a sit like this

3. ) Taking a sit would only result into a response of "Sorry, you have to take this to the forums." People are allowed to make reports on the forums, normally sits like this time at night the best thing to do is record and post it on the forums. Feeling like this staff member could not have been handled this situation anymore differently.


"personally I don't feel this should go any further then a good talking to as us JMT members like to make things fun and funny for you guys, but when silly reports like this happen we just feel like theres no point in being us and having a laugh with people "

1. ) Are you going to make excuses? I feel like there's millions of players who have done the same thing with saying "sorry, I was just having fun". This is being held as the standard of any normal member of the server, not the "held to a higher standard"  which means if you mass rdm in front of a superadmin, they will warn you.

2. ) I agree this is silly, its gmod, however Superadmins hold everyone to those standards of the MOTD, its their job so thats great, I feel like themselves should be held to those same standards to. I would not bring a argument of "Rules for thee but not for me".

3. ) In terms of the job of JMT. JMT's job is to be a rolemodel for other staff members/handle staff related issues in simple terms. I assume you speak on as an Event team Leader, if that is the case well bringing "fun" to the server does not involve mass rdm. If you think Mass RDM counts as some sort of funny cool thing, there is 10000 other productive things MiniEpic could have done to be more fun if he wanted to provide entertainment for after server hours.


"unfortunately i feel that no FBI member likes mini for whatever reason as ive seen many people say stuff to/about him"

1. ) Thanks for the input and brings more light onto the issue, however I still feel like this report is still valid. Does not change what he did was acceptable or alright in any means.

Edited by Calamity

Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in."

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1 hour ago, Calamity said:

Tactical, I would like to take the time to respond to further move my +Support. This is just to extend since you bring up good points I want to address.


"YOU are staff and couldve told them to stop at anytime but instead you stood there and recorded showing you as a staff member don't care what they are doing"

1. ) Actually no, its forbidden in the staff handbook to warn higher ups unless you have a Superadmin+ allow it, so you are advocating for practically nothing to happen.

2. ) Judging by the clip it was around 1-2 CST. I would not expect a higher up to be on to deal with a sit like this

3. ) Taking a sit would only result into a response of "Sorry, you have to take this to the forums." People are allowed to make reports on the forums, normally sits like this time at night the best thing to do is record and post it on the forums. Feeling like this staff member could not have been handled this situation anymore differently.


"personally I don't feel this should go any further then a good talking to as us JMT members like to make things fun and funny for you guys, but when silly reports like this happen we just feel like theres no point in being us and having a laugh with people "

1. ) Are you going to make excuses? I feel like there's millions of players who have done the same thing with saying "sorry, I was just having fun". This is being held as the standard of any normal member of the server, not the "held to a higher standard"  which means if you mass rdm in front of a superadmin, they will warn you.

2. ) I agree this is silly, its gmod, however Superadmins hold everyone to those standards of the MOTD, its their job so thats great, I feel like themselves should be held to those same standards to. I would not bring a argument of "Rules for thee but not for me".

3. ) In terms of the job of JMT. JMT's job is to be a rolemodel for other staff members/handle staff related issues in simple terms. I assume you speak on as an Event team Leader, if that is the case well bringing "fun" to the server does not involve mass rdm. If you think Mass RDM counts as some sort of funny cool thing, there is 10000 other productive things MiniEpic could have done to be more fun if he wanted to provide entertainment for after server hours.


"unfortunately i feel that no FBI member likes mini for whatever reason as ive seen many people say stuff to/about him"

1. ) Thanks for the input and brings more light onto the issue, however I still feel like this report is still valid. Does not change what he did was acceptable or alright in any means.

1st off, you are correct, he cannot be warned by them BUT theres nothing stating you cannot talk to them about what your doing, therefore they are accountable for not talking to him about it.
i would also add that if you read a lot of the other replys they mention JMT are held to a higher standard

2nd, im not on about events and im not talking from a event team perspective, im talking about communicating and trying to involve everyone within all of our rp scenes and just in general.
im not making excuses but when i am vibing on the server i feel like i cannot act myself round people, why should i change for a game, i wont even do it for a girl lol, 

i see you mentioned "rules for thee not for me" so what about the other 2 that were involved? i dont see a report on them

and i totally understand that just becuase they do not like him doesnt mean he gets away with it, that is not what i meant 
you also mention no one would be on around 1-2 cst but im on all night to help the community from 12pm est to around 4-5am est so a quick dm to me to say minis doing something wouldve been good i can assure you i never got a dm

would like to also add "JMT" mass rdming, not at all this is mini not the entire prp JMT team 

Edited by Tactical


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  Things always come and go but its your choice to choose  what you want to continue to see.   -  Mar

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